Self Help Books & Self Improvement eBooks for Personal …

Posted: September 14, 2015 at 5:00 am

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"There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." "Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself,to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant and interesting." AldousHuxley

Terms such as self-help, self-improvement, personal development, self growth, and personal improvement are often used interchangeably to describe self-guided improvement economically, intellectually, or emotionally usually with a substantial psychological or spiritual basis. Philosophies traditionally start with a metaphysics: a theory of the essence of things, of the fundamental principles that organize the universe. These are generally referred to as universal laws, and the law of attraction, i.e. that like attracts like, is the fundmental law of the universe upon which other universal laws are based. Metaphysical books therefore deal with causation mainly rather than with effects, and applied metaphysics (known as New Thought) is the practical application of metaphysical knowledge to real life desires and needs.

Our classic self-help books focus onsubjects that have become very popular in recent years such as: the law of attraction, subconscious mind power, positive mental attitude, self-healing, creative visualization, attracting and manifesting wealth, overcoming addictions, conquering anxiety, stress & depression, self hypnosis,autosuggestion, mind power techniques, overcoming negative thinking, affirmations, mental and spiritual healing, personal magnetism, thought-power, memory improvement,mind reading, self-mastery, scientific prayer, meditation, human emotions andrelationships, public speaking, etc., many of which have in the past gone under the headings of new thought, mental science, or new-age thinking, but are generally known as self-help, self-improvement and personal development books. If you visit your local book store you are sure to find lots of shelf space devoted to self help, personal development, self-improvement books, as the personal growth industry is a rapidly expanding one.

These self help books are not about mind tricks andwishful thinking, they are aboutreprogramming the subconscious mind using well established techniques such as autosuggestion, visualization and positive affirmation in order to establish healthy new thought patterns and a prosperity consciousness which will attract an abundance of all good things into one's life. Positive thinking and a positive mental attitudecoupled with deep desire and initiative open the floodgates to greater good. These self-help books and self-improvement audio lectures and self- development audio books teachpractical psychology and positive philosophy for everyday living based on sound, time tested principles. The world is changing for the better, despite all appearances to the contrary, and it is through adopting the various formulas for success explained and outlined in the type of self-help books, self-improvement ebooks, and personal development audio books and lectures found on our web site that an individual can in time rise above and overcome life's problems and challenges as he or she travels the path of self-discovery, self realization and self mastery which we all eventually must travel.

These wonderful self-help books, self-improvement books, ebooks and personal development audio books and lectures contain priceless gems of wisdom that can transform an individual's thinking and attitude completely, and help them to build the life of their dreams. No matter what your current situation in life may be, you too will benefit greatly by reading and listening to theseself help books, ebooks and audios. If you are truly seeking answers to life's perplexing problems, you are sure to find them within the many great new thought self-help books, personal improvement audio books, self-improvement ebooks and self-help articles featured on this web site.

The best self help books, self-improvement ebooks, and personal development audio books and lectures on the internet are just one mouse click away, so enjoy your time here, explore all we have to offer, and visit us often as our web site is continually being updated with new life-changing material. Sign-up for ourfree 21-day "Pathway to Prosperity" eCourse and you will automatically receive regular newsletters from us via email with information about new thought self-help books, ebooks and audio books as they are published.

Most of the self-help eBooks featured on this site are in Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf) format, which is by far the most popular format for electronic books. Most modern computers, both PC's and Mac's, come with Adobe Acrobat Reader pre-installed, but if it is not already installed it can be downloaded free from

We have provided descriptions and excerpts from most of the featured self help books. We have also provided direct links to if the self-help books or self-improvement and personal development audio books are available from them.

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Do You Want More Energy, Radiant Life, Health, Wealth and Happiness? By: A. C. R.

Rise at five o'clock in the Summer and at six o'clock in the Winter months.

Now for five minutes rub your body from head to foot briskly with a dry flesh brush. Then have a quick shower, or better still, a sponge bath, and finish off with cold water and a brisk rub.

Now when you are physically pepped up, and all aglow with each cell of your outer skin radiating above the average amount of radiant life, contacting more abundant life, make yourself comfortable in a straight-backed chair.

Now for ten minutes go over the many good and unexpected things God has given to you in the past.

Fill your mind with the Positive, Constructive Sunshine of Your Thoughts, praising the Kingdom, Power and Glory of the Source of all Life. The Father Principle of all Love and Life, and all Understanding, within each one of us, that we call God.

Will that this Divine Source of all Knowledge shall direct your Thoughts and Words and Deeds.

Realize that your every Thought and Word and Deed is really a Prayer to the Divine Source of all Life, and is always establishing your exact position in the Universe, and showing your relation and unfoldment to Divine Guidance.

And now when you have raised your mental and physical and Spiritual rates of Vibrating, Radiant Life, and by willing that you shall be guided by your Inner Voice have put yourself in tune with the InfiniteNow put your Mental Thoughts in order for the Day by going over every detail of the work you are to do and are now planning out in a positive, constructive way.

Plan out your work directed by Divine Understanding from within, ever conscious of that "Wee, Small Voice""The Oracle of God"that will guide your daily work in harmony with Nature's Laws of Life, when you are "In Tune with the Infinite."

This Divine Power within is unlimited in Love, Wisdom and Understanding, and is always anxious to give you everything you are willing to trust this Power to give.

Be confidential with God within, put all Fear, Worry and Doubt out of your heart.

Make the mental picture of your day's work as you wish it to be, and realize what you give to life, life will in turn give back to you; for life attracts like throughout the Universe.

Now go to your breakfast and daily work, doing each task in hand a little better than you did the day before.

Eat your breakfast and live your working day in this wonderful constructive Radiant Understanding of the abundant supply of Life that is all around you, and is a part of you, all guided by Divine Unfoldment.

Be Natural, Be Sincere, but do not become a religious fanatic.

Live each hour with a strong desire to be Kind to your horses and cattle that you feed and care for.

To the wonderful perfect grain that Sunshine, Rain and Divine Understanding has given you from the productive Soil of your Western Ranch.

Scatter Sunshine and Love as you go, to mankind, to your family, and to all life, with which you come in contact.

See and Feel the constructive love that all Life gives to you.

How your Cattle and Horses trust you and want to be where you are.

How your Saddle Horse will follow you about, ever anxious to do your bidding.

Truly you have Dominion over all Life with which you are in contact.

Then are you living a constructive life that will produce Health, Wealth and Happiness for you.

And now before you go to sleep at night, make a positive, constructive Demand to your Inner Self, to the Source of all life within you.

"I desire to do God's will, to be directed by Divine Guidance, to Radiate more sunshine, and love, each day. To do my work better and more in harmony with Nature's Laws, and to be a Man amongst Men, loved by all with whom I come in contact, by the Animals I serve and care for."

"I realize that God's Kingdom within me is the source of all my supply of Health, Wealth and Happiness."

Try this and see how wonderful is the reward of living a constructive, Spiritual Life in tune with the Infinite.

Continued here:
Self Help Books & Self Improvement eBooks for Personal ...

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Written by admin |

September 14th, 2015 at 5:00 am

Posted in Self-Improvement

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