Local woman gets wet and wild and fit

Posted: September 12, 2014 at 9:54 am

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Mention water aerobics to someone and they probably think about a stereotypical middle-aged women doing stretching exercises in the pool. Nancy Brouillette, owner of Wet Yet? Water Fitness, refutes those stereotypes.

Brouillette said the biggest benefit of aqua fitness classes she wont call them water aerobics classes because of the stereotypes the term implies is that they are low-impact or zero-impact workouts.

Almost all water classes are beneficial because youre moving through this substance that increases resistance, Brouillette said. It gives you muscular strength and improves cardiovascular resistance.

The fitness instructor also emphasized that her classes can be for all people of any age and any fitness level. Brouillette said her youngest participant (in adult classes) is about 20 and her oldest is 99.

Brouillette first started teaching water fitness classes in 1990. Her company has grown to 30 instructors who teach at locations throughout Montgomery County, though most of their classes are at Quince Orchard Swim and Tennis Club.

Brouillette said she believes that water fitness is a great lifestyle activity.

This is something you can continue throughout your whole life, she said. I think this is something that can help you live longer.

Members of Brouillettes classes agree with the sentiment.

This group has saved my life, said Linda Boris, 74, a participant in Brouillettes Aqua Challenge class for senior citizens at the Asbury Methodist Village Rosborough Wellness Center in Gaithersburg. My rheumatologist says I no longer have osteogenesis. The bone has thickened and Im a new person.

Participants of a more intense water fitness class that has roots in the high intensity interval training called Tabata said they have also seen benefits. Many said that it helped with their arthritis and helped keep them mobile.

Local woman gets wet and wild and fit

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Written by simmons |

September 12th, 2014 at 9:54 am

Posted in Aerobics

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