Fancy a subzero workout? Try Snowrobics

Posted: October 1, 2014 at 9:52 pm

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Dubai A new fitness fad has taken Dubai by snow storm.

Launched in Ski Dubai in May this year, the high energy regimen of aerobics called Snowrobics claims the subzero temperature workout has unique advantages.

A customised 45-minute session held on the slopes of the indoor ski resort, it entails high intensity circuit training and other functional exercises. Instructor Nathan Carr says: Training in subzero temperatures burns more calories by increasing the rate at which your body breaks down fat combined with the fact that it can improve your athletic performance.

Training in the cold is said to boost hormonal activity that facilitates fat loss. The calorie burn is more because the body spends more energy to stay warm.

As Carr takes participants, all layered up, through a customised 45-minute session, multiple muscle groups are worked upon. The regimen has been devised as a 30-day plan to enable weight loss.

Its fair to note that not all weight loss is the same extreme heat will facilitate water loss as your body sweats to cool you down, this weight loss is shortlived and will be regained once you hydrate. If youre training effectively you can lose body fat at different temperatures. However, training in cold temperatures has recently also been shown to facilitate hormonal responses that can accelerate fat loss, and keep it off.

He said the aim is to provide a structured and fun workout and nutrition plan to help committed participants embrace a healthy and balanced lifestyle and see positive weight loss. If one is prepared to put in the effort, results can come really fast, we have seen reductions of up to 14lbs in four weeks.

Snowrobics runs every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 7.30am and 9am. The cost: Dh90 per session or Dh1,000 for 12 sessions per month. Mats and jackets are provided by Ski Dubai on request.

More here:
Fancy a subzero workout? Try Snowrobics

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Written by simmons |

October 1st, 2014 at 9:52 pm

Posted in Aerobics

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