Aerobics Vs Zumba! This workout will burn more calories – Businessinsider India

Posted: May 2, 2017 at 1:40 pm

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Aerobics and Zumba, both are popular choices among people who want to stay fit and lose weight.

Even though both can be dubbed as high intensity work outs, there has been a debate over which exercise form helps in losing weight and shedding calories faster.

While some feel aerobics involves lot of movements and helps in getting rid of the stubborn fat, many people vouch for zumba as it also strengthens the core.

Traditional workouts can get a bit mundane and repetitive, and there hasn't really been an alternative that is both fun as well as a big calorie-burner. That's where zumba comes in. The Latin-dance inspired group workout has been embraced by 12 million people in 125 countries and has been taken very well by Indians. It keeps you active and burns calories quite effectively as compared to other forms of workouts, said Gurgaon-based fitness expert Shalini Gulati.

However, fitness experts say aerobics gives more strength and has lots of cardio involved. The music is more of a fast beats which does not involve a high low beat its steady fast beat.

Read more from the original source:

Aerobics Vs Zumba! This workout will burn more calories - Businessinsider India

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Written by grays |

May 2nd, 2017 at 1:40 pm

Posted in Aerobics

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