Online Sales Training Programs and Resources – Rapid Learning …

Posted: March 8, 2019 at 11:49 pm

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Business Development: The Activity Fallacy

Every sales manager faces periods when results just aren't what you need them to be. A big customer leaves. Your market hits a slump. A new competitor shows up. Suddenly youre scrambling to make your numbers. And if you dont make the right moves, you could find yourself making a bad situation worse. In this Quick Take you will learn why increased sales activity isn't always a good thing, the impact of increased activity on the size and profitability of sales, and metrics that will help your reps stay focused on their best opportunities in good times and bad.

Sales Leadership Credibility Part 1: The Confidence Base

What does it take to be a credible sales leader? Is it charisma? Raw intelligence? Some intangible trait that some people are born with and others are not? The fact is, credibility often boils down to one key factor. In this program youll discover what that is and learn: Why 'leadership skill' is NOT what gets people promoted into management, the number one source of credibility for sales leaders, the key to increasing, and sustaining, your credibility as a leader and just how fragile credibility can be.

Why Praise Can Backfire And How to Do It Right

Experts tell us that we should deliver praise to our employees as often as possible. Recognition is one of the most powerful tools available to improve productivity, moral and loyalty. But giving praise isnt as simply as it seems. Delivering it the wrong way at the wrong time can actually serve to de-motivate workers. In this Quick Take you will learn: 1) Examples of situations where 'praise' isnt about praising at all, 2) An especially dangerous misuse of praise that could erode your credibility as a manager and, 3) The secret to ensuring that praise delivers the motivational message you intend it to.

The ABC Method: Handling a Bad Attitude

In every organization you have a few people with really BAD attitudes. The guy who has trouble dealing with authority the woman who shows up late all the time or the average performers who put in minimal effort but continually complain about their mediocre pay and lack of advancement. You could just terminate these employees. But lets assume theyve got skills you need and you decide theyre worth saving. This training module will show how to confront 'bad-attitude' employees the right way, and maximize the odds that theyll change themselves and become better team players.

Coaching Reps Through a Slump the Power of Explanatory Styles

Salespeople have at least one thing in common with pro baseball players. Slumps. All major leaguers even .300 hitters go through extended periods where they cant get a hit. Pressure builds. Confidence erodes. As a sales manager, your job is to coach reps out of their slumps. But the problem is deeply psychological and youre no psychologist. So how do you do it? In this Quick Take, you will learn why failing reps literally talk themselves into failing, how managers can use the theory of explanatory styles to turn failure into success and the L.E.A.D. Model for helping reps bust out of a slump.

How to Conduct Effective Exit Interviews: A Technique for Finding the REAL Reason Employees Leave

Reflect back on some exit interviews youve conducted. When the person walked out of the room, were you ever thinking: I still dont have a clue why the person REALLY left and that was a complete waste of time. Clearly, thats not your goal. Youd like your exit interviews to reveal useful information you can use to improve your company and your retention rates. In this Quick Take, youll learn: The one type of employee that will give you the most useful info. The #1 obstacle to getting meaningful input. And, a simple questioning technique that will transform the way you conduct exit interviews and get far superior results.

Handling Online Leads: The Five-Minute Window

Its inevitable: For most companies, more and more business will be coming from online leads. And yet many companies are struggling to make these leads pay. The question is, what can you do as a sales leader to maximize the value of this increasingly important lead source? In this Quick Take, you will learn the results of a study that show why online leads are so different from other leads, three techniques for managing online leads that can vastly increase their value, the 'Taco Stand' rule a key concept that will help your sales force connect with more online leads and how to align your sales force to succeed with online leads.

Salary Talk: How to Discuss Pay So Employees Feel Theyre Treated Fairly

Most managers hate discussing salary with employees because money is such an emotional topic. When the manager and the employee have different ideas about whats fair, salary review meetings can quickly go south. Fortunately, theres a way to talk about money without the drama, tension or destructive emotions. The secrets to mastering salary discussions are covered in this program.

A Four-Point Model for Leading High-Performance Teams

There is one thing all successful leaders get that failed leaders dont. They know they cant achieve breakthrough organizational results by themselves. That wisdom is often hard-earned because most leaders started their careers as individual high performers who moved mountains all alone. But they figured out at some point that the key to their success as a leader was their team. But not just any team. They needed an A-Team. This program will give you a proven 4-point model for building and maintaining a high-performance team that consistently delivers extraordinary results.

The Power of Predictability

The #1 job of the human brain is to predict what will happen, so that we can be prepared. But managers can unintentionally create a work environment where unpredictability reigns. When that happens, employees feel stressed, anxious and demotivated. In this Quick Take you will learn how the brain creates 'predictive models' that are designed to tell us whats going to happen, why we feel good when our predictions are right and bad when theyre wrong and how you can use the principle of predictability to create a more productive and positive work environment for your people.

The Triangle: How to evaluate the success of sales contests

Sales contests can be a great way to motivate your sales team. But when you considered all of the effort and cost, are contests really worth it? Maybe. Maybe not. The only way to tell is to conduct a proper ROI analysis. And that's where so many sales managers fall short. In this Quick Take you will learn: Why the most common metric for sales contests often underestimates true ROI, the importance of 'The Triangle' that can make or break a contests effectiveness, and the best way to accurately measure a contests success or failure.

Sales Leadership Credibility Part II: The Fallibility Paradox

Leadership credibility takes a long time to build but can be destroyed in seconds. The question is, how and why does it happen? What should sales managers do and never do to maintain a strong reputation as a trustworthy, reliable leader? In this Quick Take, you will learn: One of the most common, and most preventable, mistakes sales leaders make that destroys their hard-earned credibility, what we mean by the Fallibility Paradox and why its the key to maintaining credibility over the long-term, and what caused one leadership success story to end in abject failure.

Sales and the 80-20 Rule

In this Quick Take you will learn the truth about the 80-20 rule in sales and what it means for sales managers, where youre most likely to get big performance increases from your salespeople and how to structure incentives to get the biggest bang for your buck.

Six Managerial Styles You Need to Lead Effectively

Some managers limit themselves to a single management style because theyre comfortable with it and because it worked in the past. But relying on just one style can limit your ability to get things done through people. In this Quick Take youll learn that great managers master a repertoire of six managerial styles, and know how to deploy the RIGHT style depending on the situation. Youll also understand why mastering these styles is the key to earning top management respect, achieving results, and no small thing getting the promotions that one-trick ponies only dream about.

New Manager Pitfalls: How to Avoid Them and Succeed in a Leadership Role

So you just got promoted. You probably got singled out for management because you were a strong performer, a producer who achieved excellent results. Now youre in charge of a team, and your job is to get OTHER people to be strong performers. But thats easier said than done. Its so difficult, in fact, that most people want nothing to do with it. Of those who take the challenge, many underestimate the complexities of management, and fail. In this Quick Take you will learn the steps you must take to get started in the right direction.

Lead Follow-Up: How Much Is Enough?

Following up on leads can pose a real dilemma for salespeople. On the one hand, you want to be sure you exhaust every opportunity to convert those prospects into new business. On the other, you dont want to waste valuable time chasing leads who have no real intention of buying. In this Quick Take, you will learn what a massive research study reveals about how much follow-up it takes to find real buyers, the follow-up 'sweet spot' the number of calls that yielded the best return on time and effort for most salespeople, how much effort salespeople really devote to follow-up, versus how much effort they think they put in, and how to create an optimal follow-up strategy for your sales team.

The C.A.R.E.E.R. Model: The Ultimate Retention Strategy for Managers

Every experienced manager knows the feeling. A valued employee walks into your office and says, 'I found a new job. Im leaving.' Youre stung. You feel betrayed. And youre asking yourself, 'Did I do something wrong?' The bad news: You probably did. The good news: In this Quick Take youll learn how to keep your good employees on board, energized and loyal.

Hiring Salespeople: How to Smoke Out Impostors Who Will Get Mediocre Results

The cost of a bad sales hire is huge. Most obvious are the hard losses the ads, the interviews, the training, the lost sales, etc. Not so obvious is the damage you do to your credibility as a leader when you repeatedly make hiring mistakes. This Quick Take will show you how to 'smoke out' the impostors who look good on paper and know how to interview, but wont get the job done. Youll learn the most dangerous attitude a sales manager can bring to an interview with a job candidate, the preparation oversight that gives Impostors an opening and how to ask questions that will expose Impostors every time.

Why 80% of Sales Training Doesnt Stick

This Quick Take will show you the number one reason why star sales managers get extraordinary results from their sales reps. If you often feel that youre constantly drilling your reps on time-tested selling techniques, but that your message just isnt sinking in, the reason is that youre not following the simple practice outlined in this program. Less than seven minutes from now, youll know the secret, and it will transform the way you train your sales force.

Handling Disruptive Star Performers: How to Tame a Tiger

Every sales team has its superstars. They are often the most valuable members of your team and often times they know it. You love the results they deliver but their 'prima donna' attitude can be a serious disruption to everyone around them. Fortunately there is a way to keep them in check. In this Quick take you will learn a common response to a disruptive star performer which fails miserably every time, an often-overlooked fact about stars that gives you far more power than you might think, and the S.T.O.P. Model for getting disruptive tigers to change bad behavior without driving them away or turning them into pussycats.

Performance Talk: Conversations That Get Your People to Goal

Too many managers and supervisors fail to deliver performance talks to their workers as often or as effectively as they should. Why? They either see such talks as low priority or they avoid them because giving performance feedback can be uncomfortable. The good news is, managers and supervisors can develop the skills and confidence needed to deliver on-target performance talks that get results. This training program will show them how to get it done.

Sales Compensation: Get and Keep Top Talent Without Breaking the Bank

Its always a challenge to strike just the right balance in your sales compensation plan. You want to attract top performers but theres only so much money to go around. So how do you spend it wisely? How do you know whether youre paying reps too much, too little, or just enough? In this Quick Take, youll learn: A technique to optimize your commission structure to get the results you need, how to head off the greatest pitfall of changing your comp plan, and the key trap that promotes mediocre sales results.

How to Get More Reps Selling Like Your Top Reps

In this Quick Take, you will learn why its so hard for experts to explain what they do to non-experts, why its better to focus on teaching behaviors rather than knowledge or insights, and a new way to use role plays in sales training and why it works better than the way youre probably using now.

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Online Sales Training Programs and Resources - Rapid Learning ...

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March 8th, 2019 at 11:49 pm

Posted in Sales Training

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