Initiation through 52 Codes of Conscious Evolution

Posted: December 28, 2017 at 2:46 pm

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A Process of Metamorphosis to Realize Our Full Potential SelfThe purpose of the 52 Codes is to awaken us to the guidanceof our own Universal Self, the highest frequency of our being,so we can integrate these higher frequencies within ourselvesto become Whole Beings, Universal Humans ready for theevolutionary event or birth the actual emergence andgreater fulfillment of ourselves as members of a planetarycocreative society. ~ Barbara Marx Hubbard January, 2011

The key is to yearn with all the passion of your being for your own evolution, beyond the separated state. You must put this purpose first. This does not mean that there is nothing else in your life or that you become a hermit in isolation from others. No! It means you keep your attention on the highest frequency of your being and, to whatever degree possible, bring your Whole Being into harmony with that frequency. The purpose is to be able to live your daily life in such a way that you both lift yourself and others. You become a beneficent presence. Your own experiential evolution is the energy that evolves others and flows through your work with the fire of the force of life itself. The same force that brought atom-to-atom and cell-to-cell is now integrating you and radiating out to others.

Be compassionate with yourself. You are taking a monumental leap here and are evolving our species! This is neither a self- help course nor an effort to be better at what you already do. This is self-induced conscious evolution toward a new human and a new humanity, for which there is no full model yet. Through this process, you are modeling the Whole Being within your own imaginal realm and with two or more sharing this purpose with you.

This is not a linear process. Just like a toddler, you may return to the infantile state in a moment of pain or reactivity. Remember, we are all very young as Universal Humans. Yet, gradually, you will feel the metamorphosis taking place. When you look back on your former state of being, you will notice that there have been phase changes that are definitive and irreversible.

As you evolve beyond the human-creature, you naturally let go of your worldly self image and your need to have position and status in the existing world.

The existing world does not give status to you as a young Universal Human just learning how to be your Full Potential Self.

However, when the world community encounters a great being like Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Lao Tse, Confucius or Gandhi they will transform whole cultures in their name.

Eventually, Universal Humans will cocreate a Universal Humanity, a culture in which all people are free to do their best and be their own Universal Self-incarnate.

Evolution creates greater consciousness and freedom through more complex and harmonious order. You are evolving toward higher consciousness and greater freedom in a world that is increasingly becoming more complex. Your flashes of freedom are actually awareness of your coming state of being as a new norm.

Surrender your illusion of separation and join whole-heartedly with the creative intent as it expresses itself personally through your yearning to cocreate and participate in the evolution of self and the world.

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Initiation through 52 Codes of Conscious Evolution

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Written by simmons |

December 28th, 2017 at 2:46 pm

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