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Archive for the ‘Aerobics’ Category

Aerobic Exercises for Your Heart | Cleveland Clinic

Posted: July 14, 2018 at 1:45 pm

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By: Dr. Gordon Blackburn Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Preventive Cardiology and Rehabilitation Program

There is no one best exercise for everyone. The benefits to your heart are similar as long as the type of exercise satisfies some basic requirements and you follow the recommended program goals, as prescribed by your doctor or exercise physiologist.

The type of exercise you choose is a personal decision, but you should take certain factors into consideration to reduce the risk of injury or complications and make exercise more enjoyable.

Let's look at some of the common types of aerobic exercise. See which one is best suited for you.


Walking is one of the simplest and most available aerobic exercises. You can vary the intensity to match your fitness level. Other than walking shoes, it does not require any special equipment. You can walk almost anywhere: outdoors or indoors (malls, indoor tracks, or a treadmill). This makes walking easy to continue throughout the year. Walking is a good choice for starting their first exercise program or find other exercises too hard on their joints.


Cycling is another type of aerobic exercise with wide appeal and value. You can use a stationary or regular bike. Cycling may be ideal for individuals who, due to arthritic or other orthopedic problems, are unable to walk for an extended period of time without pain or difficulty. A program that combines walking and cycling may provide cardiovascular benefits without inducing the limiting pain as quickly. Cycling is also a good choice for people who are greater than 50 pounds overweight. It helps the heart without the mechanical stress on the back, hips, knees and ankles that walking can cause. One drawback - if you cycle outdoors, exclusively, the weather may limit your activity.

Ski Machines, Stair Climbers, Steppers, Ellipticals

These types of machines can provide a good aerobic workout and each has its own unique strengths and drawbacks. First, exercise on these machines may be too strenuous to be enjoyable and provide optimal benefit for the beginner or person of low fitness level, even at the lowest settings. To determine if this type of machine is within your capability, give the machine of your choice a trial run at the store or fitness center.

You should be able to pass the "talk test" while exercising at a moderate pace. People with knee or hip problems should avoid stair climbers and steppers as these machines can put extra stress on these joints. Ski machines require above-average coordination to master. The advantage to the machines is that they are indoor activities that can be pursued regardless of the weather.

These types of machines can provide a good aerobic workout and each has its own unique strengths and drawbacks. First, exercise on these machines may be too strenuous to be enjoyable and provide optimal benefit for the beginner or person of low fitness level, even at the lowest settings. To determine if this type of machine is within your capability, give the machine of your choice a trial run at the store or fitness center.

You should be able to pass the "talk test" while exercising at a moderate pace. People with knee or hip problems should avoid stair climbers and steppers as these machines can put extra stress on these joints. Ski machines require above-average coordination to master. The advantage to the machines is that they are indoor activities that can be pursued regardless of the weather.

These types of machines can provide a good aerobic workout and each has its own unique strengths and drawbacks. First, exercise on these machines may be too strenuous to be enjoyable and provide optimal benefit for the beginner or person of low fitness level, even at the lowest settings. To determine if this type of machine is within your capability, give the machine of your choice a trial run at the store or fitness center.

You should be able to pass the "talk test" while exercising at a moderate pace. People with knee or hip problems should avoid stair climbers and steppers as these machines can put extra stress on these joints. Ski machines require above-average coordination to master. The advantage to the machines is that they are indoor activities that can be pursued regardless of the weather.

Swimming Activities

Swimming is an excellent aerobic exercise, but considerations should be made before starting a program. For the exercise beginner, low-fit, or non-swimmer it might be a difficult activity to maintain the appropriate intensity for the recommended 30 to 60 minutes. Also, because the focus of swimming is on the smaller upper body musculature and swimming is a less efficient activity than cycling or walking, one can easily exceed their target heart rate range with swimming. Therefore, those with heart conditions, should address a swimming program with their physician before starting. Water aerobics and water walking are good alternatives for those with joint pain. The buoyancy provided by the water eases stress on the joints.

Jogging, Aerobic Dance

These can be safe and beneficial exercise for the highly fit person. Both can be done indoors, which makes them year-round activities. Anyone with orthopedic problems or who experiences symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath should not engage in these activities.

Remember to check with your doctor or cardiac rehabilitation instructor before starting any exercise program.

Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Policy

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Aerobic Exercises for Your Heart | Cleveland Clinic

Written by admin

July 14th, 2018 at 1:45 pm

Posted in Aerobics

What is Aerobic Training –

Posted: May 3, 2018 at 10:44 am

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Simply put, the word aerobics means "with oxygen". While this definition may sound quite vague, once you have a better understanding of what aerobics actually is, it will make more sense.

Aerobic training can be considered any physical activity that has the ability to elevate your heart rate to it's target heart rate and maintain that level for a minimum of 20 consecutive minutes.

Achieving an "aerobic effect" can be defined as participating in a physical activity that elevates your heart rate to your target heart rate and maintains that level for a minimum of 20 consecutive minutes.

For example, an individual that performs a running routine that elevates their heart rate to their target heart rate for 20, or more, consecutive minutes will achieve an aerobic effect.

With this basic understanding of aerobic training and achieving an aerobic effect it is easy to define the types of physical activities that are aerobic in nature. Below is a list of several physical activities that fall under the category of aerobic training and are designed to promote achieving an aerobic effect:

Briskly walking



Cycling or mountain biking


Exercising on a treadmill

Exercising on an elliptical machine

Exercising on a rowing machine

Performing numerous types of aerobic classes

Jumping rope

Climbing stairs or exercising on a stair climber

The previous list of aerobic activities is only a partial list of physical activities that promote an aerobic effect; as there are countless activities that will achieve the same result. For example, swinging a pick ax to prepare the soil for a garden is an aerobic activity that can produce an aerobic effect. As is evident, the types of aerobic activities that can be performed are limitless.

Many types of aerobic activities include strength training, stretching, and promote improvements on coordination and balance. In addition, all aerobic activities will promote safe and effective weight loss. Elevating your heart rate is the primary focus of all aerobic activities and reaching your target heart rate, and maintaining that level for at least 20 consecutive minutes, is confirmation that you have received an effective workout. When you perform an aerobic activity your entire cardiovascular system, heart and lungs, work together to ensure that your entire body receives enough oxygen to continuously perform the activity.

There are unique health and fitness benefits associated with regularly performing both aerobic and anaerobic exercise activities. For this reason, it is our believe at that all fitness exercise routines should include regularly performing both aerobic and anaerobic activities.

This being said, it is important to understand the differences between aerobic and anaerobic exercise activities, the specific health and fitness benefits associated with each, and what types of physical activities are considered aerobic and what types of activities are considered anaerobic. Once this understanding is obtained it will be simple to construct a fitness routine that includes both.

The word anaerobic is defined as "in the absence of oxygen". When performing an anaerobic activity the body is required to produce energy to perform the activity without using oxygen as it's primary means of energy production.

In general, aerobic activities are performed for a longer period of time and at a moderate level of intensity. Anaerobic activities are most often performed for a significantly shorter period of time and at a high level of intensity.

All aerobic activities should be performed for a minimum of 20 consecutive minutes, or longer. This duration of aerobic activity will allow the individual to elevate to their heart rate to their target heart rate. Once the individual has elevated their heart rate to their target heart rate level they will want to maintain that level for a minimum of 20 consecutive minutes. By doing so, the individual will achieve an aerobic effect.

In contrast, anaerobic exercises are typically performed at a very high level of intensity and for 2 consecutive minutes or less. However, through proper training, longer periods of anaerobic training can be achieved.

The word aerobics is defined as "with oxygen". When an individual is performing an aerobic activity their body uses oxygen to produce the energy required to actually perform the exercise.

One of the main physiological differences between aerobic and anaerobic exercise is how the metabolic process occurs. While both aerobic and anaerobic activities produce energy through glycolysis (i.e. the conversion of glucose into pyruvate), the substance that is used to break down the glucose is different. When performing an aerobic activity oxygen is the catalyst used for breaking down the glucose. However, when performing an anaerobic activity the body utilizes a molecule that is stored in the muscle tissue called phosphocreatine (also known as creatine phosphate) to break down the glucose.

When performing an aerobic exercise an increase in your heart rate and your level of respiration will occur. Respiration is the transportation of oxygen from the outside air to the cellular tissue within the body, and the transportation of carbon dioxide (waste) in the opposite direction. The energy required by the body to perform an aerobic activity are derived from carbohydrates and fats. However, when performing an anaerobic activity the sources of energy required to perform the activity are derived from adenosine-5 triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate.

While both aerobic and anaerobic exercise improve an individual's level of health and fitness, the benefits differ when comparing the two. Aerobic type exercises focus on moderately strengthening the actual muscles required to perform the activity and greatly improve the condition of the muscles involved in respiration (i.e. the heart). Regularly performing an aerobic activity will improve the circulation of blood throughout the entire body, improve the transportation of oxygen throughout the entire body, decrease blood pressure, increase energy levels and stamina, and promote effective weight loss through an increased level of caloric expenditure.

Regularly performing an anaerobic activity will promote gains in muscular strength, increases in lean muscle mass, stronger joints (due to larger muscles and ligaments connecting to them) and stronger, more dense, bones. Anaerobic activities are also excellent for increasing levels, improving short burst explosiveness, speed, agility, and overall sports performance. In addition, anaerobic activities increase an individual's resting metabolic rate as well. This is due to the fact anaerobic exercises produce increases in lean muscle mass. Since lean muscle mass is more dense, by volume, than fat, a greater level of caloric expenditure is required to support the muscle tissue. This increase in resting metabolism occurs even when the body is at rest.

Common aerobic exercise types include walking briskly, jogging, running, rowing, cycling, swimming, skiing, and aerobic type classes. Anaerobic type exercises include high intensity activities like jumping, weightlifting, interval training, sprinting, agility drills, and the like.

There are countless forms of aerobic exercises that you can perform to improve your overall health and fitness. It will be up to you to determine which type(s) of aerobic activities will work best for you.

Below are a few items to consider prior to determining which aerobic activity type you are going to regularly perform:

Do you enjoy actually performing the aerobic activity

Does the aerobic activity support your personal fitness goals?

Do you enjoy exercising in a group environment or do you perform exercising alone?

Do you the finances to regularly perform the aerobic activity?

Does performing the aerobic activity fit your personal schedule?

Is the aerobic activity convenient to perform?

Will you be performing the aerobic activity in the morning, afternoon, or evenings?

Can you perform the aerobic activity on the weekends?

Do you have any physical limitations to consider when choosing an aerobic activity to regularly perform?

It is important to spend time determining which aerobic activity, or activities, are best suited for you. One main reason for this is that it is important that you begin, and stick with, your exercise routine. By doing so, you will begin to move towards achieving your personal fitness goals, and as you continue, grow more confident that you can actually achieve them. In addition, if you begin an aerobic fitness program, and make it a part of your daily lifestyle, you will enjoy improvements in your overall health, fitness, and mwntal well-being.

There are several health benefits associated with regularly participating in an aerobic activity. Below is a list of several of the health and fitness benefits derived from performing an aerobic activity with regularity:

Promote safe and effective weight loss

Improve your cardiovascular endurance and stamina

Strengthen your immune system

Reduce health risks associated with obesity, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and certain types of cancer.

Manage and reduce symptoms associated with several chronic conditions. For example, aerobics will facilitate lowering high blood pressure and stabilize blood sugar levels which will reduce the probability of a subsequent heart attack

Aerobics will strengthen your heart, decrease your resting heart rate, improve the efficiency in which blood is pumped from your heart, and increase blood flow throughout the entire body.

Maintain clear arteries by increasing the production of high density lipoprotein (HDL), the good cholesterol, and lower the level of low density lipoprotein (LDL), the bad cholesterol.

Improve your overall mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a sense of calmness.

Improve balance, coordination, and flexibility as you age.

Improve cognitive functionality and mental sharpness.

It has been proven through countless medical studies that both aerobic and anaerobic training produce a sense of mental well being. Regularly performing an aerobic and/or anaerobic activity produces a greater level of serotonin (runners high). Serotonin is an organic compound that is derived from tryptophan and is located in the brain, platelets, digestive tract, and pineal gland. Recent studies show that serotonin plays an important role in the biochemistry of depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety. In addition, serotonin is involved in the following bodily functions:

Control of appetite


Memory and learning

Temperature regulation



Cardiovascular function

Muscle contraction

Endocrine regulation


Aerobics activities can be performed virtually anywhere; from the comfort of your home to a fitness center, a swimming pool, and even the sidewalk in your neighborhood. For individuals that prefer to perform their aerobic exercise routines at home, there are literally thousands of home-based aerobic DVD/VHS classes that can be purchased.

In addition, you can purchase weight equipment, stationary bikes, elliptical machines, treadmills, exercise balls, and the like for home use as well. Aerobic activities outside of the home include brisk walking, pushing a baby stroller, jogging, swimming, biking, hiking, and becoming a member of a fitness center.

Regularly performing an aerobic activity, and incorporating it into your daily lifestyle, will produce a life that is filled with good health and fitness. The benefits are numerous and far outweigh the effort required to perform the actual exercise.

In addition, as you begin to actually see and feel the benefits associated with regularly performing an aerobic activity you will begin to not only enjoy the times when you exercise, but encouraging others to begin an aerobic exercise routine as well.

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What is Aerobic Training -

Written by simmons

May 3rd, 2018 at 10:44 am

Posted in Aerobics

aerobics Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

Posted: January 3, 2018 at 2:42 am

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She had earlier sung and danced on the streets for spare change, taught aerobics, and served quesadillas at a food stand.

Before she began teaching aerobics, she was considerably overweight because she struggled with depression, which she managed to conquer by exercising.

Sometimes depicted as prissy and bossy around the flat, she was occasionally seen as a proponent of health-food, and she at one time ran an aerobics class.

At this time the county had just three health and fitness programs: blood pressure screenings performed by public health nurses, a tennis tournament and some aerobics classes.

There are no outdoor fields or gym, but physical education classes take place in a dance/aerobics room and well-equipped weight room.

Testosterone levels remained high only at the end of the training session with aerobic training followed by strength training, a phenomenon not seen with weight training done before aerobics.

While the playful balance and aerobics minigames have generally been praised as simple fun, criticism for the game is aimed at its limitations in offering a serious workout regime.

Athletic facilities include several dance studios, a wrestling gym, weight room, aerobics facility and large gymnasium, which can be separated into three smaller gyms.

Later, in the 1980s, the club added more facilities, such as an aerobics studio, volleyball and basketball courts, and additional exercise equipment.

Later she taught aerobics and cross training for seven years, and gradually made weight training a bigger part of her fitness regimen.

On the beach during the summer it offers various leisure activities and services, from toy library, health care, street market, free umbrellas, lifeguards, aerobics, etc.

Aerobics focus on activities that require more vigorous movement, and are divided into three distinct types: hula hooping, step aerobics, and jogging.

Over time water aerobics can lead to a reduction of blood pressure and resting heart rate, which will improve health overall.

The association also offers year round structured programs and activities including swimming lessons, aerobics classes, dances, dinners, and other group events.

The school also hosts aerobics and zumba classes, and is home to a public library and information center, both of which are open weekdays to the public.

More here:

aerobics Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

Written by simmons

January 3rd, 2018 at 2:42 am

Posted in Aerobics

Denise Austin: Retro Aerobics Cardio Workout – YouTube

Posted: at 2:42 am

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Denise Austin: Retro Aerobics Cardio Workout is an upbeat, fat-burning cardio aerobics workout that is designed to kick start the metabolism and ignite your calorie-burning potential through a unique combination of 80's retro aerobic moves, and modern dance-inspired exercises that will take inches off of your waist and leave a smile on your face. Enjoy the classic flare in this quintessential workout with Iconic Fitness Expert, Denise Austin as she takes you through a series of fast-paced exercises that will burn fat, challenge the core, and tone the arms, legs, abs, butt, chest, shoulders, and obliques in this 10-minute segment from her "Burn Fat Fast Cardio Blast" Fitness DVD. Sculpt lean muscle and re-shape your body with one of this legendary trainer, right from your own living room. Denise's fun and inspiring instruction keeps you motivated all of the way to the end. You will need a towel and a bottle of water to complete this workout that is great for any skill level. Look and feel your best with BeFiT! For more target-toning workouts from Denise Austin, Click here:

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Denise Austin: Retro Aerobics Cardio Workout - YouTube

Written by simmons

January 3rd, 2018 at 2:42 am

Posted in Aerobics

Headset Microphone Systems for Fitness & Aerobics Instructor

Posted: December 12, 2017 at 5:42 pm

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Welcome to Fitnessmics!

Fitnessmics is the premier provider of headset microphones for fitness instructors. Any instructor will tell you being heard is one of the most important parts of the instruction and our aerobic microphones make sure you are heard.

We have been providing exceptional fitness headsets since 1992. We have put the time into research and development and engineering so that our products always exceed expectations. Our professional fitness instructor microphone line ensures that your students can hear you loud and crystal clear. Our aerobics headset microphone system ensures that your voice is protected from strain. With our mics, you do not have to scream or shout to be heard. Your voice is amplified perfectly. We provide great audio options for fitness instructors that:

Saving money is always important and with Fitnessmics you can save money without having to sacrifice quality. We have designed highly effective mics that you do not have to pay a fortune for.

Our mics stand out for the level of comfort they provide and for the level of confidence you will have using them. The sound is clear and will reach even the students in the back of the room without any distortion.

These are not flimsy headsets they are engineered to be durable and to last. You can expect the same great quality session after session. We believe that value is the most important criteria when you are making your selection for your next fitness headset. Value means that you get the reliable audio system you can depend on and that is affordable. Contact us to learn more about our mics and how they can help to improve your fitness instruction!

Go here to read the rest:

Headset Microphone Systems for Fitness & Aerobics Instructor

Written by simmons

December 12th, 2017 at 5:42 pm

Posted in Aerobics

Step Aerobics Educational Videos | WatchKnowLearn

Posted: at 5:42 pm

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There are 11 videos in this category and 0 videos in 0 subcategories.

Category VideosCategory VideosFeatured Videos

Ages: 9 - 16


Just Dance Kids - Kung Fu Fighting (Wii ISO Rip) (02:12)

January 27, 2013 at 04:49 PM

Ages: 11 - 18


Learn how to do the repeater step aerobic exercise in this aerobic fitness video with expert Casey Neuwirth. Instructor slowly demonstrates the process so you can follow along. 1:01 min.

August 13, 2009 at 04:58 AM

Ages: 10 - 18


Learn how to do the turn step aerobic exercise in this aerobic fitness video. Instructor slowly demonstrates show you can follow along. 48 sec.

August 13, 2009 at 05:00 AM

Ages: 3 - 18


April 27, 2011 at 12:10 AM

Ages: 9 - 18


Learn the aerobics exercise step called the L Step with a demonstration from an aerobics expert. Instructor slowly explains as she does the step, so it is easy to follow along. 1:54 min.

August 13, 2009 at 05:04 AM

Ages: 9 - 18


Learn how to do a basic corner-to-corner step aerobic exercise in this aerobic fitness video. Instructor slowly demonstrates as she explains, so it is easy to follow along. (00:38)

August 13, 2009 at 05:07 AM

Ages: 9 - 18


Learn how to do the grapevine step aerobic exercise in this aerobic fitness video. 41 sec.

August 13, 2009 at 04:48 AM

Ages: 9 - 18


Learn how to do a basic split step aerobic exercise in this aerobic fitness video. Instructor slowly demonstrates so you can follow along. Grades K-12. 58 sec.

August 13, 2009 at 04:52 AM

Ages: 10 - 18


Learn how to do the K Step aerobic exercise in this aerobic fitness video. Instructor slowly demonstrates so you can follow along. Grades K-12. (01:07)

August 13, 2009 at 04:53 AM

Ages: 9 - 18


Learn how to do a basic right to left step aerobic exercise in this aerobic fitness video. Video shows expert demonstrating slowly so you can follow along.

August 13, 2009 at 04:50 AM

See the original post:

Step Aerobics Educational Videos | WatchKnowLearn

Written by simmons

December 12th, 2017 at 5:42 pm

Posted in Aerobics

The Dance Aerobics Company

Posted: at 5:42 pm

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We offer dance 2B fit classes for women of all ages and instructor training/franchises throughout Switzerland.

If you are looking for a fun way to get in shape and stay that way, then you have come to the right place! Our wonderfully choreographed routines accompanied to the latest cool music are updated every season so you will never get bored and exercising will be a joy. We hope you enjoy browsing the site to learn more about our methods, find a class near you and start dancing your way 2 fitness!

Our specially adapted methods and exercises have placed the dance2Bfit routines #1 on the hit-parade of ladies fitness in Switzerland and has earned us the Qualitop label. The Qualitop group partially reimburses our participants expenses.

If you are a fitness professional already and wish to benefit from our routines and support, or if you enjoy fitness and working with people and aspire to becoming an instructor and running your own business, please visit the become an instructor page to find out more.


The Dance Aerobics Company

Written by grays

December 12th, 2017 at 5:42 pm

Posted in Aerobics

How to Select the Right Footwear for Step Aerobics (with …

Posted: September 30, 2017 at 8:47 am

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Expert Reviewed

Three Parts:Determining Your Footwear NeedsChoosing Aerobics-Specific DetailsShopping for Aerobic ShoesCommunity Q&A

Step aerobics is a high-intensity and low-impact cardiovascular exercise. Its essential to wear proper shoes during aerobic exercise to provide support and prevent injury. Not all athletic shoes are equal to the task of supporting your movement, so do not attempt step aerobics in street or running shoes. Determine your footwear needs by identifying if you have foot problems or variations. Then, choose shoes specially designed for aerobics that fit correctly and have non-marking soles.

Part 1





Part 2




Part 3











Read reviews of a shoe before you buy it. Go to Amazon or Zappos and cull the reviews to look for people who use them for step aerobics. This will give you a better idea of the support and durability of the shoe.

Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 46,433 times.


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How to Select the Right Footwear for Step Aerobics (with ...

Written by admin

September 30th, 2017 at 8:47 am

Posted in Aerobics

The Aerobics Beyond the Y – Alleynews

Posted: September 7, 2017 at 5:44 pm

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By Peter Molenaar

Visits to the Lake Street YWCA have become familiar to me, in the aftermath of thirty-five years hard labor at Smith Foundry. However, when worn ankles dictate, treadmills and elipticals wont do. It is from the vantage of a stationary bike that I am allowed to discreetly observe.

As for aerobics, evidently there are many women who have surpassed what I once was. One wonders why a world-wide movement of women has not been mobilized to fight ISIS. Sending our young men to war tends to make matters worse.

Recently, en route to burning 100 calories at 95rpm, the caption line on the big screen flashed BREAKING NEWS: NORTH KOREA THREATENS GUAM WITH MISSILE ATTACK. Amazingly, the elipticals and treadmills kept churning.

I happen to garden with the Koreans who founded the Community Peace Garden, at the junction of Highway 94 and Cedar Avenue. From them I received a copy of the spring issue of the Korean Quarterly with the front page caption: WAR PROVOCATION. The sum of Christine Hongs The Long, Dirty History was most impressive.

Unsurprisingly, few media outlets have reported on North Koreas overtures to the U.S., even as these, if pursued, might result in meaningful de-escalation on both sides. To be clear: peaceful alternatives are at hand. Far from being an intractable foe, North Korea has repeatedly asked the U.S. to sign a peace treaty that would bring the unresolved Korean War to a long-overdue end

Clearly, it is we who threaten them not they who threaten us. JUST SAY NO TO NUCLEAR WAR. Please. Yet, even I will return to the marvelous machines of the YWCA, as I intend to breathe for another thirty years.

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The Aerobics Beyond the Y - Alleynews

Written by grays

September 7th, 2017 at 5:44 pm

Posted in Aerobics

Prayer Workouts go beyond aerobics room – The Aquinas

Posted: at 5:44 pm

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Sara MyersFaith Editor

Submitted Photo: Victoria Gazzillo

Seniors Victoria Gazzillo (left) and Mary Kate Halligan (right) co-founded prayer workouts as first-year students.

Seniors Mary Kate Halligan and Victoria Gazzillo began hosting Prayer Workouts two and a half years ago, during the Spring 2015 semester. Today the workout class has morphed into something Halligan said is much different than what they expected.

Prayer workouts are like many other workout classes, but also have a prayer component. Halligan this component said makes it unique from anything she had experienced before. She explained that during each class, they offer up the workout for a special intention.

The burn that you get from the workout the out of breathness, the feeling of wanting to give up thats something that we can offer up, so you can see the positive in the pain and use it as a prayer, Halligan said.

She stressed that aside from the prayer aspect, they are typical high intensity interval training workouts using body weight. They involve exercise such as push-ups, squats and burpees. The instructor counts of their set of repetitions, while the participants do whatever they can in that same amount of time. She said completing the intervals for time rather than repetitions makes the class more accessible to different fitness levels.

Thats why its good for any fitness level you could do 2 push-ups or you could do 25, and no matter what, everyones getting to a point where they are pushing themselves and its giving them something to offer up throughout, Halligan said.

Prayer workouts began after Gazzillo approached Halligan with an idea inspired by Hard As Nails Ministry, whose primary way to minister to people is through this type of workout. Having met in a faith context and knowing that Halligan was interested in fitness, Gazzillo reached out and the prayer workout classes began.

When the class first started, Halligan said it was primarily the two leaders and their friends. After printing posters and quarter sheets to reach out to a larger base, they have had people from faculty members to first year students participate in the workouts. She said the diversity contributes to a different dynamic each time.

As different offices around campus became more interested in the Prayer Workouts, they began to offer sponsorships and donations. Since the classes require no equipment and have no expenses, Halligan and Gazzillo have taken to using the sponsor money to provide fresh produce for local food pantries.

The produce is donated to the St. Francis of Assisi Food Pantry in downtown Scranton and the Leahy Clinic in Leahy Hall. The reasoning behind this unconventional use of donations, Halligan said, came from the very nature of the classes.

Because it is a class focused on thinking outside yourself, not focusing on what you want to do but looking outward, thats kind of what we did, she explained. We looked outward, and we thought we might as well see if theyll still be willing to give money to do something like that.

Prayer Workouts are held every Monday at 7 p.m. and every Friday at 6 p.m. in the Byron Center Aerobics Room.

Meet Mary Kate Halligan

Mary Kate Halligan will begin the Doctoral of Physical Therapy program at The University next fall. Unlike most students who will enter that program and are currently exercise science majors, Halligan is a biology major. Growing up playing sports and greatly enjoying science, Halligan said she chose Physical Therapy because it marries those two field. She said she is particularly excited for the opportunity to get to know her patients, whom she will see three times a week for a couple of months, an opportunity which she explained not many other fields in the health care profession have.

Outside of academics and prayer workouts, Halligan enjoys participating in intramural club sports including volleyball, field hockey, softball, and baseball. She also particularly enjoys the retreats which are held at the Chapman Lake Retreat Center. Halligan said that her trip to the Mexico border with the International Service Program was probably the coolest thing she had done at The University thus far. She also is starting to interpret at the Leahy Clinic this semester.

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Prayer Workouts go beyond aerobics room - The Aquinas

Written by admin

September 7th, 2017 at 5:44 pm

Posted in Aerobics

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