Learn How to Heal Your Beauty From the Inside Out With New Self-Help Book – Yahoo Finance

Posted: January 29, 2020 at 5:44 pm

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Author Jenna Lisa Lobos provides 52 tips to help readers change physically, emotionally and spiritually in 'Love Your Body Love Your Life'

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., Jan. 28, 2020 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ --Former radio host and author Jenna Lisa Lobos recently published her book: "Love Your Body Love Your Life: 52 Tips That Will Radically Improve Your Health." This expansive self-help book establishes a road map for readers to find confidence in their own skin. With tips to take care of their inner body (physically, emotionally and spiritually), this book helps transform readers from the inside to change how they face the world outwardly.

Developed as a guide that doubles as a memoir, "Love Your Body Love Your Life" includes Lobos' own transformative journey of letting go of negativity in her life and developing a deeper, more intimate connection with herself. With a focus not only on physical changes but also on emotional and spiritual changes, this book helps to foster monumental, authentic growth into the lives of those who read it.

"'Love Your Body Love Your Life' started as a blog and newsletter that I developed as I was growing my organic skincare line," Lobos said. "I wanted to help readers change their lives from the inside with health and wellness tips that were easy to follow and encouraged their inner beauty to rise to the surface."

Along with the 52 tips that Lobos includes in "Love Your Body Love Your Life," she also has her own beauty ritual which is a daily practice that readers can easily follow. It is broken down into "morning," "during the day" and "evening" practices. There are also bonus tips for beautiful skin and a recipe for a green smoothie for readers to continue to focus on their physical health.

"Love Your Body Love Your Life: 52 Tips That Will Radically Improve Your Health" By Jenna Lisa Lobos ISBN: 978-1-4525-1664-6 (softcover); 978-1-4525-1665-3 (electronic) Available at the Balboa Press Online Bookstore, Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

About the author Jenna Lisa Lobos is a certified health practitioner and the founder of BeautyMarkOrganics. She is the former host of Love Your Body Love Your Life Radio Show featured on iHeartRadio. She recently launched her podcast: Jenna Lisa. Her goal is to help women heal themselves from the inside to the outside. She works primarily from the teachings of B.E.S.T. (Bio-Energetic Synchronization Techniques). Also, she is certified under Touchstone for Life. To learn more, please visit her website: http://www.jennalobos.com/.

For Interview Requests & Review Copies, Please Contact: LAVIDGE Phoenix Krista Tillman 480-648-7560 ktillman@lavidge.com


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Learn How to Heal Your Beauty From the Inside Out With New Self-Help Book - Yahoo Finance

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January 29th, 2020 at 5:44 pm

Posted in Self-Help

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