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EXCLUSIVE: The effects of mental health on well being by Amandeep Thind – PINKVILLA

Posted: July 14, 2021 at 1:51 am

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Depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia, anger, nervous breakdown are often considered personality disorders or diseases and an indicator of issues stemming from the mental health or well-being of an individual. So, what really is mental health and how does it impact us in day-to-day life?

Simply put mental health is our emotional, psychological, and social response to people and life circumstances. Thereby it's very pervasive and impacts or affects the way we think, feel and act. While, positive mental health can help us realize our full potential, cope with stress in life; work productively and meticulously; make a meaningful contribution to the community.

On the other hand, negative mental health can lead to eat and sleep disorders; pulling away from people; having low self-esteem and confidence issues; experiencing extreme mood swings; feeling numb or numbness towards others; unexplained aches and pains; feelings of helplessness or hopelessness; substance abuse; feeling unusually confused; forgetfulness, edginess, frequent loss of temper; being constantly upset, worrying too much; being scared or threatened; fights or brawls with family and friends; hallucinations; thoughts of self-harm or harming others; inability to perform daily tasks like taking care of your kids or getting to work or school and the list can go on and on.

Triggered by the ongoing global pandemic, mental health issues across the world have spiked further, due to loss of jobs, loved ones, lack of social lives, ongoing negativity, and threat to survival. According to the Global Burden of Disease study, anxiety, mood, trauma, and stress-related disorders are fast becoming the prime contributors to mental health illnesses world-over. Covid is continuing to have a severe bearing on the collective mood and sentiment of the human race, it has pulled the confidence levels down, despite the humans will to succeed and overcome the crisis.

With work, school, shopping, exercises and all other activities and pursuits done from home, people from across age groups are left with excessive free time in hand; unable to manage or productively consume this time, which is leading to frustration, dullness, depression, unhealthy and mental illnesses.

While one can choose to invest this time wisely and develop or explore new skill sets and hobbies, people are largely still continuing to spend time on wasteful and passive pursuits like scrolling social media, watching Netflix, playing online games, which though, is helping them in a way from staying-off the negative mood, however, is causing a huge psychological shift.

In such a situation, the idea of success, being purposeful, achieving goals and staying motivated may look quite grim and elusive. But the fact really is that for us to spring back and come out of this situation it is imperative that we adjust our lens and focus back on our dreams and aspirations and start all over again with new enthusiasm.

Now how do we really break away from these patterns of a downward spiral or keep a check on ourselves, when getting sapped into the whirl of negative emotions?

Here is a quick checklist of things you can take up:

Talk it out

One of the simplest ways to keep a check on your mental well-being is to create a support group or structure for yourselves, where you can talk and share your thoughts and feeling. This could be a friend, a group of friends or someone very dear to you from your family. Confide in these people or persons, so there is enough venting of emotions without any judgements. This will help you relieve stress or pent-up emotions, anguish or pain. As when we talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting and less scary.

Dont shy away from seeking professional help

Yes, you heard it right, sometimes it's most difficult to emotionally reach out to those who are your closest and there is nothing wrong with that. So, in situations, where you find yourself totally clueless, confused or stuck and unable to express yourself, it could be a good idea to plan a trip to a phycologist or counsellors clinic. This will not only help break some barriers with your own self, it can literally help you walk out with a new perspective.

Consider these visits as a part of your self-care regime, ultimately you are responsible to take care of your mind as much as your body! So, dont hesitate!

Give yourself positive affirmations and empowering context

It is said your word creates your world, so be watchful of what and how you speak to yourself. The inner voice or continuous conversation that you have with yourself through the day is critical to your well-being. Keep a close check on the quality of your conversations with yourself. Negative and disempowering self-talk will only pull your confidence and energy levels down, resulting in unenthusiasm and a lack of positivity. On the contrary, writing or reminding yourself of some encouraging positive affirmations will set you off on a positive and energizing day ahead. Affirming simple sentences like I am happy, I am grateful, I am successful, I am joyous etc. throughout the day, work like magic!

Calm your stressed nerves with relaxing music, yoga or meditation

These activities are also called transformative and have many health benefits like mood elevation, ease anxiety, sharpens mind and memory, improves sleep, relieves pain, boosts immunity and protects the heart by lowering heart rate, blood pressure, adrenaline and stress-related hormone, cortisol.

Be physically active

Physical activity helps activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier, more relaxed and less anxious. You may also feel better about your appearance and yourself when you exercise regularly, which can boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem.

Take enough deep breaths and get good sleep

Yes, our bodys self-healing mechanism is the strongest ones. So, heal and gain from your inner intelligence by doing these simple things - take frequent deep breaths through the day, either in sitting or lying down posture. Also, catch good sleep and for that, put some relaxing meditation music 10minutes before crashing out! As it helps in easing and evoking the bodys relaxation response.

So, take charge of your life and live it the way you want to, for Sometimes the people around you wont understand your journey. They dont need to, its not for them. Joubert Botha.

ALSO READ: EXCLUSIVE: Underbite: All you need to know about the jaw misalignment & how to get over it

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EXCLUSIVE: The effects of mental health on well being by Amandeep Thind - PINKVILLA

Written by admin

July 14th, 2021 at 1:51 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

Now Vaccinated, People Are Dancing Together Again This Memorial Day In Auburn Gresham – CBS Chicago

Posted: June 2, 2021 at 1:57 am

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CHICAGO (CBS) Thanks to the coronavirus vaccine, one block in the Auburn Gresham community is looking a lot different this year than it did last Memorial Day.

As CBS 2s Jim Williams reported, fellowship resumed up close in the 8700 block of South Elizabeth Street on Monday. Burgers were back on the grill for all to enjoy, and people were dancing again together.

It is so good to be out here today, said DJ Quenton Lee. A year later, we got our friends and our families here.

Lee supplied the music for his family and for his neighbors who watched him grow up in the area.

The neighbors are like moms and dads to us, Lee said.

One year ago on Memorial Day, CBS 2 was at the same site when Quenton hand-delivered invitations.

You are welcome to sit on your porch and enjoy some relaxing music, they read.

The invitation stood even if COVID-19 kept them on the front porch.

I thought it would be a great idea because our seniors have been in the house for so long, Lee said last year.

A year later, up and down the block, residents been vaccinated. Lees dad, Elton, got his shot in February and has persuaded others to get the vaccine.

I have talked to several, many, and encouraged them to do, said Elton Lee. Got to do it. Got to do. Theres no getting around it.

Michelle Lewis-McCanns social circle is much larger today.

Now having my shot, Im able to enjoy, family, friends, and neighbors wasnt able to do that last year at all, she said.

By Memorial Day last year, nearly 100,000 Americans had died of COVID. More than 400,000 Americans would die after Memorial Day.

Eula Hartney survived the coronavirus last year, but she was very sick.

Yes, I was actually hospitalized for about three days, and I was on oxygen, Hartney said.

Today, shes vaccinated and enjoying her neighbors and Quenton Lees dance party.

Its so great to be back out here doing what I love to do making people happy making people laugh, Lee said.

And he is doing just that off the porch and in the street.

Neighbors said theyre especially grateful that they havent lost anyone on the block to COVID.

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Now Vaccinated, People Are Dancing Together Again This Memorial Day In Auburn Gresham - CBS Chicago

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June 2nd, 2021 at 1:57 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

Review: Superblue Miami Gets the Immersive Art Experience Right – Miami New Times

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In 2021, art is no longer confined to a blank wall surrounded by motion detectors and ominous guards. At Superblue, art exists in the form of flowers hanging from the ceiling, clouds sticking to clothes, and mirrored, climbable staircases that resemble lungs. Here, visitors are encouraged to touch and stand inside various massive installations that allow art and visitors to coexist and create a symbiotic meaning.

As Superblue likes to say to visitors, You complete the art. It truly is an immersive experience in every sense of the word, resulting in something memorable, individualized, and powerful.

Rather than display a multitude of artists, Superblue focuses on only three, attesting to the company's care and desire to celebrate artists. The former can be seen in Superblue's decision to pay featured artists a percentage of ticket revenue a move that's unheard of in a traditional museum or gallery setting.

Appropriately for an inaugural program, "Every Wall Is a Door" highlights the foundation, future, and experimental aspects of the experiential art movement. The program debuts a new immersive environment by Es Devlin, a transcendent digital experience by TeamLab, and an enveloping light-based Ganzfeld work by James Turrell.

As president and CEO of Pace Gallery, Marc Glimcher has worked with experiential artists for years and created Superblue as a response to his experience in the industry. Traditionally, galleries and museums have a restricted space that confines experiential artists and limits their ability to truly bring their ideas to life. The 50,000-square-foot industrial building in Allapattah, then, is an ideal choice for Superblues mission of creating an immersive art experience.

TeamLabs "Massless Clouds Between Sculpture and Life"

Photo courtesy of Pace Gallery

Before entering the installations of Superblue Miami, visitors are met by Amsterdam-based Studio Drift's kinetic installation, "Meadow." Looking almost supernatural, the upturnedflowers hang from the ceiling while opening and closing, giving visitors a brief introduction of the ingenuity to come. Visitors are then asked to don shoe covers as a way to protect the art; those who paid extra for TeamLabs "Massless Clouds Between Sculpture and Life" are also provided with a rain jacket and goggles.

The real magic begins asvisitors enter the first experiential space. The walls and floors display images of flowers that reflect the seasons, shifting through each season in the span of an hour. In response to human touch, the flowers wilt and fall, suggesting humanitys impact on nature.

With the idea of nature and environment in mind, visitors are invited into the clouds with TeamLab. Relaxing music fills the cube-shaped area as masses of soap-made clouds envelop the room. The unsettling feeling forces the viewer to consider their existence in the space.

The ominous fear is exciting and a part of what the experiences are about, notes Shantelle Rodriguez, Superblue's director of experiential art centers.

TeamLab's "Universe of Water Particles, Transcending Boundaries"

Photo courtesy of Pace Gallery

Afterward, visitors enter James Turrell's light-based Ganzfeld work. This six-minute experience is intended as a moment of reflection and meditation. As the viewer stares into the light that reflects off the back wall, dimensions are blurred and minutes feel like seconds.

Finally, Es Devlins "Forest of Us" uses the immersive art movement as a call to action. The artist invites viewers to consider humanitys impact on the environment and how human bodies, particularly the lungs, resemble nature. At the end, a glowing red wall serves as a reminder of climate change and invites the viewer to take action.

Superblue opened in Miami on May 20 as the flagship location for the brands first experiential art center, a new term employed to avoid the stigma associated with the word "museum."

"We that think in the future, itll be museums, galleries, and experiential art centers,"Rodriguez says.

Unlike some other immersive art experiences in Miami right now, Superblue intends to stay, with plans to showcase more than 25 different artists in coming years.

Superblue. 1101 NW 23rd St., Miami; Tickets cost $32 to $36 via through Wednesday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Thursday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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Review: Superblue Miami Gets the Immersive Art Experience Right - Miami New Times

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June 2nd, 2021 at 1:57 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

These Cooling Face Masks Are What You Need To Beat The Heat – NDTV Swirlster

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Face masks are always a favourite. Just the thought of an ice-cold glass of lemonade on a scorching summer's day is enough to cool you down a bit. Now, imagine these cool face masks with the infusion of soothing ingredients like aloe vera, cucumber, green tea and other refreshing combinations that will give your summer skin an absolute chill time. The scorching summer is knocking at the door! Our skin needs extra care during summer and cooling face masks are the best way to keep our skin healthy, hydrated and beautiful in difficult summer weather. The best part about these face masks is that they are easy to use and bring refreshment to your face. No matter your skin type or concern, there are plenty of cooling mask options to try to make your "at home" sessions cool and chill.

Celebrate life with the Berry Bang face mask as it will leave you with skin that embodies all the qualities this natural face mask boasts of. Formulated with berries and other fruit extracts that work best with one another to provide an all-around beauty treatment. This mask tackles dullness, sensitive skin, combats congestion and revives youthfulness.

This is a coffee clay face pack that delivers a spa-like experience in the comfort of your home, to the tune of your own schedule. Put on some relaxing music, feel the world slip away, and wake up with the hydrating skin of your dreams. Harnessing the phenomenal powers of cocoa the mask hydrates and brightens for a more hydrated, clarified and radiant look.

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This is a gentle face mask made of a combination of gentle clay having pink, red and rhassoul clay that leaves the skin gently exfoliated, bright and clear. This face mask will leave your complexion brighter and visibly nourished. Since it is a gentle cleanser, it makes sure that your skin's natural oils are not stripped away.

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Continued here:

These Cooling Face Masks Are What You Need To Beat The Heat - NDTV Swirlster

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June 2nd, 2021 at 1:57 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

What Is Reiki And How Does It Work? – Forbes

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Reiki may sound new age to some, but its anything but new. In fact, its a form of energy healing with roots in ancient cultures. Reiki uses whats known as universal life force energyki or qito improve peoples lives and ailments.

The term reiki comes from the Japanese words rei, meaning universal, and ki, which means vital life force energy that flows through all living things. Some practitioners describe reiki as acupuncture without the needles.

Reiki is a complementary health approach in which practitioners place their hands on or just above different areas of the body. Its based on an Eastern medicine belief that living beings have energy fields that support their health and vitality.

Energy blocks, on the other hand, impede innate flow of energy, causing not only health problems, but also negative life circumstances like financial troubles or relationship problems, according to belief. Energy blocks of any living being can be treated, according to belief, which is why some practitioners also work on animals and plants. Reiki practitioners focus on sensing energy blocks and moving the energy for the greatest good of the client.

There are at least 30 slightly different branches of reiki, but Usui is by far the most popular form. Usui is the method practiced and taught in Japan as early as the 1900s by Makao Usui, who is credited as the founder of modern reiki.

Usui reiki came to the West via Hawaii in the 1930s thanks to a Japanese-American woman named Hawayo Takata. She traveled back to her native Japan to seek healing for her own physical and mental ailments, including a lung condition, asthma and a nervous breakdown after the death of her husband. One of Makao Usuis students, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, taught reiki to Takata. Her healing experience was so profound that Takata returned to Hawaii and became the first person to teach reiki in the West.

However, due to the abundance of anti-Japanese and anti-Asian sentiments in the United States around World War II, Takata shied away from using the name reiki and instead referred to her establishment on the island of Kauai as a healing studio, according to researcher Nat Newton, Ph.D., a Usui reiki master in Orange County, California.

Takata modified some of the teachings for her English-speaking students and ended up training 22 students in reiki as we know it today, says Newton. Today, thousands of people worldwide are trained in Usui and similar reiki methods.

While reiki can easily be done in just about any setting, a typical reiki session takes place in a relaxing environment or treatment room, akin to massage therapy. Newton holds some of her reiki sessions in well-ventilated outdoor spaces. Meanwhile, many reiki practitioners do remote healing where they arent even in the same building as the client.

In a typical treatment room setting with a reiki practitioner and a client, the client begins face up and fully clothed. They might briefly discuss their ailment or situation they hope to heal. The session might begin with a brief meditation, and then the practitioner uses various hand movements to lightly touch or hover over various parts of the clients body while they are face up and face down. Throughout the session, the practitioner focuses specifically on their intent for healing.

We usually think about activating whatever is in the highest good for the client, says Newton. Sometimes well visualize the client as healed. But always well set a positive intention for whatever they need at the moment that would serve their highest good. We dont know what that is and dont presume to know. We let reiki do what it needs to do.

A typical session lasts 30 minutes to an hour, and a client-practitioner discussion uses a good amount of that time, according to Newton. After the session, I always spend time talking to my clients about what came up for them and perhaps also what I intuited, she says.

The most well-documented benefits of reiki revolve around the relaxation response, which practitioners say invokes the bodys natural healing process.

Dr. Rachel Lampert, M.D., a professor of medicine at Yale School of Medicine, and her colleagues studied 37 patients after having a heart attack. The patients were randomized into three groups: patients who simply rested, those who received a single session of reiki treatment from a nurse trained in reiki and those who listened to relaxing music. The researchers measured activity of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which regulates heart rate, breathing, blood pressure and digestion.

Lamperts team zoomed in on heart rate variability (HRV), a measure of the pattern of heartbeats thats controlled by the ANS. The higher the HRV after a heart attack, the better the outlook for the patient, explains Lampert.

In the Yale study, patients who received reiki had a higher HRV and improved emotional state. Our study was a very nice demonstration that doing things that are relaxing has benefits, says Lampert. We showed increased activity of the healthy arm of the nervous system.

Researchers at Harvard Medical School followed 99 patients at multiple sites to determine the effects of a single reiki session. The studya single arm effectiveness study published in 2019 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicinefound statistically significant improvements in anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as pain and nausea.

Additional research suggests reiki helps with depression and insomnia. A 2012 study in the Indian Journal of Positive Psychology looked at 40 women who suffered from depression and anxiety. Half of the group received a reiki treatment twice a week for 10 weeks and the other half received no treatment. The women who received reiki saw significant improvements in both their depression symptoms and sleep quality.

A range of studies address reikis role in pain alleviation after knee surgery, the restoration of range of motion in injured shoulders, post-cesarean section recovery, hypertension management and the improvement of quality of life for patients with rheumatoid arthritis or patients undergoing various cancer treatments.

Portuguese researcher Zilda Alarcao and her colleagues looked at the impact of reiki treatment versus sham or fake reiki in two groups of patients with blood cancer. Each group contained 58 patients who received an hour-long treatment once a week for four weekseither someone trained to administer reiki worked on them or someone pretending to do reiki (sham reiki) spent an hour with them.

The researchers found the patients who received real reiki showed significantly more improvements than the other group in general, physical, environmental and social dimensions of quality of life using the Portuguese version of the World Health Organizations Quality of Life survey (WHOQoL-Bref), a well-regarded research tool that measures pain and other quality of life issues after undergoing an intervention. They published their results in 2016 in the European Journal of Integrative Medicine.

Multiple studies report no adverse effects of reiki, likely because its a noninvasive treatment. Practitioners note clients usually report feeling relaxed after a session, but some feel energized. Depending on the nature of the problem, Newton says some clients also may feel more emotional or have other intense feelings in the days or weeks following a session.

While there is a professional code of ethics that governs reiki practitioners, there are no licensing boards like there are for doctors, nurses or even hair stylists. Reiki master is the highest level of training, but theres a wide range of training and expertise among practitioners. To ensure the best result, practitioners advise clients to do their homeworkask a practitioner about their training and credentials, but also find someone you connect with and trust.

One potential risk is that clients can misunderstand the role reiki should play in a treatment plan. The code of ethics of the Reiki Alliance, a professional reiki association, clearly states that reiki practitioners work as a complementnot a replacementto the medical care a patient receives. Reiki is also not a practice intended to instill doubt in other medical treatments and interventions. Clients are strongly discouraged from viewing reiki as a substitute for medical doctors, surgery, therapy or prescribed medications.

Clients should also be aware that while reikilike yoga or meditationmay have roots in spiritual practices from long ago, modern reiki is not a religion. Practitioners and clients come from all walks of life and belief systems. Receiving reiki is not intended to interfere with or change a clients spiritual or religious beliefs.

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, reiki has been studied for a variety of conditions, including pain, anxiety, and depression, but most of the research has not been of high quality, and the results have been inconsistent.

Naturally, scientists who study reiki beg to differ with that assessment. They say institutions simply need to catch up with the rapidly evolving science. At this point, there are probably 60 or more published studies that I can point to that show reikis benefit, and yet theres still this persistent myth that no credible science backs reiki, says neuroscientist Natalie Dyer, Ph.D, president of the Center for Reiki Research, a nonprofit that aims to advance the scientific knowledge and study of reiki.

Dyer acknowledges, however, that some studies have lacked rigor and some have not found statistically significant benefits with reiki. She calls for more high-quality research to understand the practice, how it works and its limitations.

In the Yale study of reiki following a heart attack, researchers note that its unknown whether the beneficial effects of reiki treatment over music stem from the presence of another person, the presence of a person with healing intention, the light touch technique, or a combination of factors.

Like any intervention, reiki practitioners warn it isnt a cure-all and shouldnt be viewed as such. But its deemed safe and potentially effective enough that a considerable number15% and growingof U.S. hospitals offer reiki healing specifically. Leading institutes like Yale, Harvard, the University of Minnesota, the University of Arizona, UCLA and others offer reiki as a complement to medical interventions.

Costs for reiki sessions vary nationwide, but expect to pay about what youd pay for a massage. In a major metropolitan area, you might pay $80 to $150 for a one-hour reiki session.

Professional associations are a great way to locate reiki practitioners and teachers who take the practices and training seriously. The Reiki Alliance, the International Reiki Association and the International Association of Reiki Practitioners all offer online tools for locating a practitioner in your area.

Friedman R, Burg M, Miles P, Forrester L, Lampert R. Effects of Reiki on Autonomic Activity Early After Acute Coronary Syndrome. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010;56(12):995-6.

Baldwin AL, Vitale A, Brownell E. The touchstone process: An ongoing critical evaluation of Reiki in the scientific literature. Holist Nurs Pract. 2010;24:260276.

Dyer NL, Baldwin AL, Rand WL. A Large-Scale Effectiveness Trial of Reiki for Physical and Psychological Health. 2019:1156-1162.

Assefi N, Bogart A, Goldberg J, Buchwald D. Reiki for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2008;14(9):1115-1122.

Salles LF, Vannucci L, Salles A, Silva MJPD. The effect of Reiki on blood hypertension. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem. 2014;27(5):479-484.

Alarco Z, Fonseca JR. The effect of Reiki therapy on quality of life of patients with blood cancer: results from a randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 2016;8(3):239-249.

Bondi A, Morgan T, Fowler SB. Effects of Reiki on Pain and Anxiety in Women Hospitalized for Obstetrical- and Gynecological-Related Conditions. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 2020.

Shirani N, Abdollahimohammad A, Firouzkouhi M, Masinaeinezhad N, Shahraki-Vahed A. The Effect of Reiki energy therapy on the severity of pain and quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A Randomized clinical Trial Study. Med Sci. 2014;23(96):205-210.

Buyukbayram Z, Saritas SC. The effect of Reiki and guided imagery intervention on pain and fatigue in oncology patients: A non-randomized controlled study. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. 2021;31:1-5.

Baldwin AL, Fullmer K, Schwartz GE. Comparison of physical therapy with energy healing for improving range of motion in subjects with restricted shoulder mobility. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013.

Fleisher KA, Mackenzie ER, Frankel ES, Seluzicki C, Casarett D, Mao JJ. Integrative Reiki for Cancer Patients: A Program Evaluation. Integrative Cancer Therapies. 2014;62-67.

Original post:

What Is Reiki And How Does It Work? - Forbes

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June 2nd, 2021 at 1:57 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

Town full of pride, wonder and not at all sh*t – The Islander

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Voice of Real Australia is a regular newsletter from ACM, which has journalists in every state and territory. Sign up here to get it by email, or here to forward it to a friend.

Clockwise from top left: It's not even a competition that these are best chips; the bridge to nowhere; Mark Bickley; the beautiful Flinders Ranges. Photo - Shutterstock.

Mr Rissole intimated the title could be a 'good tourism opportunity' for Port Pirie as many of the Facebook page followers have vowed to visit the town.

Although after visiting Port Pirie or even living here, you'll begin to realise how great this small tight-knit community is.

One of the greatest things about this place is that everything you need is less than a five-minute drive away - unless its peak hour or the Christmas season then its less than a seven-minute drive.

Seriously, we have one traffic light.

There are so many beautiful hikes in the Flinders where you can find yourself adventuring through for hours.

After spending a day in the wilderness you can fill your stomach up on the world-famous Happy Birds chips. This takeaway is unique to our town and no one else has chips quite like it.

Get yourself some of the best chips or a Port Pirie cheeseburger (yes, we're the only place that has a squash dog as a cheeseburger) and head on over the Bridge to 'no-where' and enjoy the tranquillity.

That's right, we have a bridge that leads to nothing of any importance, and its amazing.

Head over the bridge at night, park the car, put on some relaxing music and look up at the thousands of stars you can see.

Did you know AC/DC played in Pirie before they were huge?

There are so many individuals to be proud of in this town that when you see them you think, "hey, they're from Port Pirie."

Our very own Mark Bickley captained the Adelaide Crows to two consecutive premierships.

C'mon we can't be the s***test town if we're raising sporting icons like him.

We are proud to have raised Keith Michell, who won a primetime Emmy award for his role as King Henry VIII in the movie, Six Wives of Henry VIIII.

He's that good we even named our theatre after him.

Actor, John Noble who played Denethor in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, was born in Port Pirie so Mr Rissole wasn't completely wrong when he labelled us the 'Bogan Eye of Sauron'.

But overall, it's the friendly community who makes us proud to be from Port Pirie.

Continued here:

Town full of pride, wonder and not at all sh*t - The Islander

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June 2nd, 2021 at 1:57 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

Downtown Palm Beach Gardens reinvents itself with latest makeover of stores, grounds – Palm Beach Post

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The retail and restaurant complex is trying to position itself for success amid the coronavirus pandemic and the rise of online shopping.

Bill DiPaolo | Special to The Palm Beach Post

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Discover The Palm Beaches marketing video aims to attract tourists

The president ofDiscover The Palm Beaches said the county is reaping the reward from marketing campaigns that were mindful of health and safety worries.

Discover The Palm Beaches, Palm Beach Post

PALM BEACH GARDENS DowntownPalm Beach Gardens,the outdoor shopping mall known for its spinning carousel and weekend entertainment, expects to complete its latest renovation this summer.

As we navigate through this pandemic, we continue to look for ways to make the property more inviting, relaxing and safe for ourshoppers, Nina Rogers, vice president of leasing and specialty centers for ShopCore Properties, its parent company.

Improvements include:

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With the economy rebounding and northern Palm Beach County growing,Downtownis a valuable asset to continued expansion, said Noel Martinez, president and chief executiveof the Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce.

"We need more dining options. We need more jobs.Downtownwill be a partner is all this,Martinez said.

But challenges remain for the mall, which was built in 2006 with about 50 stores on 49 acres off Kyoto Gardens Drive.

Shopping malls, with the pandemic and customers opting out of in-person shopping, have seen their sales consistently drop since their heyday in the 1980s. Back then, more than half of retail sales took place in shopping malls.

Retail experts figure about one-fourth of shopping malls open today will close in the next five years. To survive, todays malls must reinvent themselves.

Downtownalso faces competition.

The Gardens Mall, Legacy Place, PGA Commons and the Outlet Mall in West Palm Beach are just a short ride away.

The renovations should helpDowntownsurvive the completion, said Erin Devlin, regional marketing manager forShopCore Properties. The Chicago-based company leases and manages more than 50 shopping centers with a total of more than 21 million square feet in 15 states.

Now more than ever, customers are preferring to shop, dine and socialize in outdoor shopping centers and tenants are prioritizing open-air locations when looking to expand or launch a brand, he said via email.

For the 450,000-square-footDowntown, this is the second major renovation. By comparison, The Gardens Mall is 1.4 million square feet.

When Berman Enterprises boughtDowntownthrough foreclosurein 2009, company leaders told The Palm Beach Post their mission was to turn the slumbering shopper into a lifestyle center. About a third of the stores were vacant.

The new owners spent about $1.8 million in improvements.

Outdoor teak tables with red and yellow umbrellas, twin outdoor escalators, lush landscaping, bubbling fountains and music lilting from outdoor speakers were installed.

The exclamation point for the new mall was a $600,000 carousel featuring 27 handmade wooden animals such as horses, manatees, seahorses, panthers and flamingos that visitors could ride on the 32-foot-wide attraction.

The carousel is considered the public art that the city requires for all major commercial projects.

The carousel was taken apart in August for refurbishing. The animal menagerie is scheduled to return this summer at a new location on the lake on the east side of property.

Downtowns CMX movie theater, restaurants such as Yardhouse and stores such as West Elm Furniture remain open during the construction. This years summer Friday night concert series is planned to start June 4 and run through August.

Several visitors toDowntownon a recent rainy afternoon said they missed the outdoor weekend activities on the site's outdoor plaza.

Others want changes.

We used to come all the time for the concerts. If you got here early enough, you could snag a table and enjoy the show. We made lots of new friends, said Jupiter resident Karen Morrison, 27, seated with a dish of coconut storm in one of the green plastic chairs at Sloans Ice Cream.

The new parking garage is a smart idea, said Royal Palm Beach resident Jack Lombardi.

We had to park far away. That was no fun in this rain, said Lombardi, 56, as he stood in line at CMX with his two young sons to see "Godzilla vs. King Kong."

Others want more signs to tell them where and what stores are open.

Those concerns are being addressed, said Devlin.

Our tenant visibility is a primary focus to ensure the community can easily navigate the center, he said.

New Tenants

Continued here:

Downtown Palm Beach Gardens reinvents itself with latest makeover of stores, grounds - Palm Beach Post

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June 2nd, 2021 at 1:57 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

How Lofi Hip-Hop Will Inspire New Music In 2021 – Forbes

Posted: December 28, 2020 at 1:52 pm

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PALM SPRINGS, CA - JANUARY 03: Will Smith attends Variety's Creative Impact Awards and 10 Directors ... [+] To Watch Brunch at the Parker Palm Springs on January 3, 2016 in Palm Springs, California. (Photo by Jerod Harris/Getty Images,)

Lofi hip-hop is here to stay. The instrumental blend of traditional hip-hop and jazz has notably made its mark on Spotify, where the Lofi Fruits playlist by indie record label Strange Fruits Music alone attracts almost four million followers seeking mellow beats to help them focus, study, relax and sleep.

The music genrerepresented by bands likeChilledCow, ChilledBeats, Chillhop Music and College Musichas also inspired a tight-knit community including the likes of Will Smith, who this past summer released his second quarantine mixLo-Fi Summertime Beats to Social Distance Toon YouTube.

As lofi hip-hops relaxing soundscapes continue to grow in popularity, they are debunking the unwritten rules of hip-hop and leading the music industry into unchartedterritory where new forms of musicare likely tocome about in 2021.

My focus wasnt necessarily on producing music myself and putting it out, says Ryan Celsius, an established YouTube and lofi artist who, as a music fan, began following emerging artists by creating hip-hop playlists on YouTube before lofi began taking form in 2017. It was really around this whole community, this idea that there is an entire ecosystem of music and artist interconnectivity that people werent aware of.

Celsius, who was recently hired by the indie record label and digital music distribution service Amuse to build the companys lofi division, says that many lofi artists likeSnw, Monty Datta, smartface, M!NT and Homieunculusare now creating their own playlists, labels and merch. They are also hosting live events and leveraging social media platforms to engage with the genres steadily growing fanbase.

The low barrier to entry and high accessibility and replay value of lofi hip-hop makes it a welcoming space for budding artists. Canadian singer and songwriterIsaiah Faber, known asPowfu, broke into lofi with his hit Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head) on TikTok where it totaled more than 4.1 billion plays during March and has been featured in more than 5.5 million videos this year.

Lofi hip-hop labels like Puebla Vista, Chill Children and Promoting Sounds are also expected to expand in the next year. Music producers are also exploring the space since discovering that, unlike traditional hip-hop music, lofi does not require collaborations with prominentand expensiverappers.

Our engagement inloficulture is a testament to the idea upon which Amuse was foundedto use music consumption data to find emerging independent artists, says Diego Farias, co-founder and CEO of Amuse. Over the past several years, our streaming data has shownlofihip-hop artists resonating with audiences, even at a very early stage in their careernowlofi is exploding in popularity and creating new models for the music industry."

As lofi hip-hop continues to debunk the unwritten rules of the music industry, Celsius explains that the age of the superstar will soon give way to new genres and ways of producing music. The industry is leaning towards a world in which music consumers are more concerned with the actual sound and accessibility of a beat rather than the method by which it was produced.

As new sonic standards takeover traditional music business rules, Celsius adds, new waves of artists and gatekeepers will come about. A more diverse creative space will actively flip the industry and provide new monetization opportunities and growth initiatives for most players. Major record labels will adapt successfully, he says, especially considering the opportunity to tap millions of loyal lofi listeners supplying streams.

ZOD1AC, an instrumental hip-hop artist based in Akron, OH who draws influences from a diverse mix of genres, including jazz, boom bap, ambient, shoegaze, downtempo and classical in addition to contemporary production styles, has found support in the lofi hip-hop community. His ties to other lofi artists grew stronger this year after lockdown abruptly put a pause on his prolific streak of new releases and live performances including opening forhip-hop record producer Blockhead.

The pandemic caused me to focus more on reconnecting with the beat community on a deeper level,ZOD1ACsaid. I have since forged a close bond with many more musicians (beatmakers, MCs and instrumentalists), and I look forward to continuing to build upon the success we've found so far, as well as helping my colleagues in the scene to navigate the ever-evolving online ecosystems that come with the territory of being an artist.

Celsius manages his own lofi channel, Ryan Celsius Sounds, with 507,000 subscribers on YouTube and 170,507 monthly listeners on Spotify. This year his streams jumped from 2.5k per day before lockdown to a daily average of 10k in July and 31k by November. This year he also worked with Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smiths Westbrook Inc. media venture this year to curate and mix thelofihip-hop playlist featuring more than 36 artists to accompany Wills summertime concept.

Originally posted here:

How Lofi Hip-Hop Will Inspire New Music In 2021 - Forbes

Written by admin

December 28th, 2020 at 1:52 pm

Posted in Relaxing Music

10 Ways to De-stress During the Holidays – American Salon

Posted: at 1:52 pm

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This story originally appeared on

For salon owners, the time between Thanksgiving and the new yearare often about everyone else: long days pampering your guests followed by gift wrapping and trying to squeeze in quality time withfamily.Winding down from a stressful season (and an even more stressful year)doesnt happen overnight, soIts important to give yourself a few days of rest and relaxation to gain back control of your life and find your much-needed zen. So take a few tips from the below list and allow the madness to settle. And, it wouldnt hurt to cultivate a few of these habits to take with you into the New Year...

1. Clear the books.Take a few days to slow down before the next rush hits.Its OK to say no to plans and prior commitments. Take a staycation and enjoy a few days taking care of numero uno.

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2. Catch some zzzs.Turn off that dreaded alarm and get a few extra hours of sleep at night. Maybe even treat yourself to a nap! When youre working 12-hour days and entertaining nonstop during the holidays, its nearly impossible to get a full nights sleep. So take a few lazy vacation days when you can and allow your body to recover.

3. Power down.Were willing to bet, if you haven't already, you'll bespendingmuch of the holidays showcasing all your beautiful work on social media and connecting with clients, friends, and family with nonstop texts, calls, Facetimesand Zooms. Shut down your devices for a couple of days, or even just a few hours,to reconnect to yourself. Too much screen time can take its toll! With the right systems in place, likeSolaGenius, you can keep booking appointments while youdisconnect.

4. Get outside.Take in a bit of nature with a brisk hike or spend a few minutes making snow angels. Fresh air and a few minutes with Mother Nature is a surefire way to lower your stress levels.

5. Utilize essential oils.Essential oils are a natural stress reliever and do wonders for calming your mind. Create an essential oil roller with jojoba oil and a few drops of lavender, lemongrass, tulsi and ylang ylang. Roll it onto your wrists and temples to totally shift your head and heart space. Inhale, exhale, and enjoy.

6. Take a coffee break.How many cups (ahem, carafes) of coffee do you consume during the week, let alone when the holiday rush hits? Its proven that warm beverages soothe the body, so try a relaxing cup of tea. Sipping some tea is a great way torelieve stress while boosting energy, immunityand digestion naturally. With a bit of honey, youll get an extra antioxidant boost to improve your immunity.

7. Soak it up.A hot bath is a perfect ritual to relax and unwind at the end of the day. Toss in a bath bomb and remember to breathe deeply while you soothe your tired muscles and detox your mind.

8. Get a massage.Plenty of research shows that massage therapy is an ideal stress relief tool. Book an appointment with your favorite Sola massage therapist or order one up at home with the Soothe app. Either way, you deserve to treat yourself before all the pampering you'll be doing for others this holiday season!

9. Create a calming environment.Your physical environment plays a major role in your overall mood. Take a break from bright lights with a few candles and by using dimmers in the evening. Add to the peaceful ambiance by turning on some relaxing music.

10. Practice gratitude.Its pretty simple: Being grateful can actually reduce stress. Create a gratitude list for everything you are thankful for and say "thank you"to those who make your life amazing. Refocusing your thoughts on what you have instead of what you dont have will cause a noticeable change in your overall mentality and mood.

Once youve allowed yourself to recoverand youve found that much-needed zen, youll be ready to set your intentions for asuccessful holiday season and new yearno matter what curveballs are thrownyour way.

See the original post:

10 Ways to De-stress During the Holidays - American Salon

Written by admin

December 28th, 2020 at 1:52 pm

Posted in Relaxing Music

Best Games To Play If You Want To Immerse Yourself In Escapism From Your Depressing Reality – TheGamer

Posted: at 1:52 pm

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With COVID-19 and election season, game recommendations for total escapism are sorely needed.

Its probably safe to say that 2020 has not been a good year for most of us. Between the never-ending isolation and political debates that have gone along with COVID-19 and the always-infuriating election process, stress has been unbelievably high for months. Though this dumpster-fire of a year is coming to a close, and the election is finally over, it is still likely that things wont get back to normal for quite a while yet.

Escaping into video games is not a new concept. Tons of us have been doing this for years on end, regardless of whats been going on in the world around us. Because lets be honestthe worlds inside our video games have always been more entertaining (and usually more aesthetically pleasing) than the real world. But with 2020 being dramatically terrible, finding the best games to play that are immersive enough to keep your mind in another world for hours on end seems invaluable right now.

Cyberpunk 2077

Given its current popularity, it seems almost silly to even mention this one. But then again, not mentioning Cyberpunk 2077 on a list of immersive games that are perfect for escapism would be doing the game a disservice. And yes, there are tons of bugs, especially on the console version of this game. That being said, the bugs will hopefully be gone in the near future. Tons of people have loved the feel of the game at least, with it being an open-world, action-adventure story set in Night City. The people in this place are obsessed with power, glamor, and body modification. As you play, the choices you make affect how the story goes, so it truly feels like youre living a different life.

Related:10 Best Cyberpunk Games, Ranked

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Speaking of living a different life, that is the primary focus of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I was so skeptical when I picked up the game, as it looked like the equivalent of something a five-year-old would be into. But lo and behold, playing the game felt like taking a nice vacation, aside from the part where you spend most of the time in debt to a capitalist raccoon. But with relaxing music playing in the background, you get to build your own island however you want toand customizeyour house. Living on a beautiful island where everyone is (usually) happy and making it whatever way you desire is as good as it sounds.

Stardew Valley

Speaking of living a different life, Stardew Valley is one of the best games for pretending you live in an alternate reality. You inherit your grandfathers old farm plot, and now its up to you what you want to do with it. Not only can you customize your farm, but you can also learn to live off the land, join in your local community, find someone to start a family with, explore caves, customize your own house, and more. Bewareonce you get started with this game, you will not be able to stop, so make sure youre ready for a new addiction.

Octopath Traveler

Octopath Traveler is a retro, turn-based RPG. Eight different heroes are all on their own journeythough they travel togetherand you can choose which characters to focus on and which places you want to go. The world isnt as huge as Skyrim, but there are tons of different places to explore or visit, and many battles to fight, including secret bosses. Most importantly, the art and music of the game give it a relaxing, fully immersive feel, which is what so many of us need right now, in light of the world around us.


Skyrim absolutely needs a mention on this list. Though many have already played this game, the music and atmosphere are debatably superior to any other game if youre looking to escape reality. This open-world, fantasy RPG is built to immerse you in a world full of magic, dragons, other creatures, and of coursealmost endless quests for you to complete. You can decide what race and build you want and then set out to explore the world while returning to visit your husband or wife at home every so often. Luckily, even if youve played this game before, its one of the most replayable games out there. And if youre looking to give this beloved game a new twist, you could always try it with a little bit of Mary Jane.

Next:Reasons Why Ill Do A New Build This Time Rarely Happens With Skyrim Replays

One Cyberpunk 2077 Player Has An, Erm, Creative Solution For Photo Mode Lighting

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Best Games To Play If You Want To Immerse Yourself In Escapism From Your Depressing Reality - TheGamer

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December 28th, 2020 at 1:52 pm

Posted in Relaxing Music

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