6 reasons why your diet isn’t working – including not getting enough sleep and feeling stressed – Mirror.co.uk

Posted: August 6, 2017 at 1:47 pm

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Fifty percent of women are on a diet at any given time, but despite our best efforts, sometimes the numbers on those scales just wont budge. We look at what you can change to boost your weight loss

Excess sugar is the main culprit when it comes to weight gain. When we have too much sugar, our body is programmed to store the excess as fat cells. You might avoid the obvious suspects of chocolate and cookies, but if youre replacing these with honey or dried fruit, your sugar levels could still be too high. The reality is that sugar is sugar, no matter how healthy the form.

TRY: Run a sugar audit for a few days. Keep a log of your diet you may be surprised by just how much youre consuming. Try weaning yourself off gradually, cutting back on sugary treats one at a time.

We drive around, sit at desks and use moving staircases, but the human body was designed to move. If youre exercising a couple of times each week but still not seeing results, take a look at what youre doing the rest of the time. Your workouts should be extra exercise on top of an active lifestyle. Studies have found that 80% of people fail to meet the government target of around 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week.

TRY: Introduce free exercise into your life take the stairs, walk the dog, bike to work if you can, or park your car further away from your destination so you have to walk the last part of your journey. It could be just what you need to kick-start your metabolism.

If you dont make time to eat mindfully, it can impact on your waistline. Breakfast is often eaten on the go, with 60% of people wolfing it down in under five minutes, and its common to eat lunch at our desks too. Plus, Brits eat six out of 10 of their meals in front of the TV meaning were not thinking about eating, and the average person only spends around 23 minutes per day chewing food.

This is bad news for our digestion. Our gut contains hormones that control appetite and tell us when were full, so taking the time to chew food properly helps activate these mechanisms.

Try: Challenge yourself to chew food for longer, aiming to be the last to finish when eating friends - you'll notice that your internal STOP button is more effective.

Youve probably cut down on the obvious fattening foods, but are you paying enough attention to portions of healthy food? We often assume that you cant have too much of a good thing, but a large portion of nuts, seeds or pulses can add up to a hefty calorie intake. While nuts do contain essential fats and are more nutritious than biscuits, theyre also very moreish and a handful of walnuts can contain 500 calories.

TRY: If you think its time to monitor your portions, then try the nifty kitchen gadget Mealkitt (39.99 from Mealkitt.com). With slots to weigh out carbs, oil, protein and veg, its a handy tool for retraining yourself to eat sensibly.

Craving carbs and sugar after a bad nights sleep is common. When youre over-tired, the reward receptors in your brain kick in, encouraging you to look for comfort food. Sleep deprivation also impacts hormone levels that regulate appetite, meaning the hunger hormone increases and the appetite suppressant decreases. A staggering 63% of people say they are unhappy with the amount of sleep they get, with only 8% stating they wake up feeling refreshed.

TRY: To ensure a better sleep, stick to a sleep schedule going to bed and waking up at the same time each day (even at weekends!). Give yourself a bedtime countdown, so you can start winding down an hour or so in advance.

Most of us juggle too many things: jobs, families, shopping, cooking the list seems endless. Stress is supposed to be a short-lived alarm response, but our busy lives can mean its a permanent state, rather than a passing mood. When you feel stressed your body releases the hormone cortisol, which floods your body with a glucose energy supply for that fight or flight moment.

The bad news is that cortisol causes your body to take healthier fat from places like your bum and thighs, and relocates it to the abdomen, where it becomes unhealthy visceral fat that puts pressure on your internal organs.

TRY: Try to include some calming activities in your life, such as crafting or yoga. Factoring me time into your schedule could make a big difference to your weight loss regime. For on-the-spot destressing, eating a banana is good, because the potassium helps to regulate your blood pressure.

Read more here:
6 reasons why your diet isn't working - including not getting enough sleep and feeling stressed - Mirror.co.uk

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Written by simmons |

August 6th, 2017 at 1:47 pm

Posted in Nutrition

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