Vishwa Nirmala Prem Ashram (NGO),A Home for Destitute …

Posted: January 13, 2015 at 9:48 am

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NEWS 2014:

October 2014: On 02-Oct, we remembered our father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri, the 2nd Prime Minister. On 03-Oct, was the Dusshera Festival. We went in the afternoon with 24 big girls to a Dusshera Mela were the girls enjoyed a long ride on an big wheel and did some shopping. In the evening in the Health Center, we had a got together for small Puja were everyone could offer flowers. After we burnt, in the middle of our garden, a very huge Ravanna with many heads, painted from our girls. His body was full of crackers and one explosion followed the other and everyone enjoyed this surprise. On 04-Oct, we had after meditation a huge Birthday-party for 7 girls and one H.C. guest. On 22-Oct, we went with all bigger girls and some Health Centre guests by Bus to Jaipur to celebrate the DIWALI Festival. On the first day we have done a little sight seeing, we went to the Man Sagar Lake, the Jal Mahal and the Vrindavan garden, where we had lunch at the restaurant. On Thursday evening our girls had the chance to sing 9 Bhajans in the Puja tent and on Friday by the evening program they have given a classical dance performance to the Aarti melody. On Sunday were the beautiful Sahaj marriages and our Health Centre Manager Khushboo got also married. It was a wonderful breathtaking event. The bridegrooms came for the Bharaath procession on white horses with colorful stitched saddles escorted from camels and musicians in traditional dresses. All young people and our girls in their new beautiful dresses were dancing in the procession and attended after the marriage ceremony. To the Puja on Sunday during the Swagatam Shri Matajis Photo was brought on a chariot with white horses escorted from two big elephants and four camels and dancers. After we had a very strong Puja full of vibrations and all our famous Sahaja Yoga singers were singing. It was an unforgettable weekend. Our small girls and the staff, which could not go to Jaipur, attended the Diwali Puja in Nirmal Dham and felt also very strong vibrations there.

September 2014: On 7-Sep, all girls together had organized a joyful performance with singing, dances and poems for the Birthday for their Oma (Director of Ashram and H.C.) The whole year over we have a lots of Birthday Parties for our children, for our guests, for our staff and also for many outsiders, they like to celebrate their or their children Birthday with us. So we have the whole year over a lots of cakes and gifts. We got 3 abandoned girls from the Children Welfare Committee and one Lady which was found from rescue workers in Shrinagar during the horrible flood. The girl Prabha started working by Cox &Kings Travel Agency near the Radisson Hotel, were she has done her Hotel Management training in the second year. She will study one more year to get her degree. On 24-Sep, we started with NAVARATI to celebrate the nine nights of the Devi. We and the Health Centre guests combined the Morning Meditation with the Greater Noida Collective in the Basement every morning at 6:00 am. On 27-Sep, we had a Havan and on 28. Navarati Puja all together.

Auguest 2014: The girl Raddha had an arranged Marriage arranged by her relatives. We wish her all the best for her future. On 10-Aug, we celebrated together with the Greater Noida Collective and S.Y. Health Centre guests the Krishna Puja and the Rakshabandhan. On 15-Aug, we had a ceremony with flag hoisting in front of our Ashram. On 31-Aug, we performed all together the Ganesha Puja.

July 2014: The girl Manju completed her course for Tailoring with a diploma and took now a new course for embroidery. The girl Shalini started working by MC Donalds . The girl Prabha completed her 2. year Hotel Management. On 13-Jul, we celebrated the Guru Puja together with the Greater Noida Collective.

June 2014: On 5-Jun, we attended the S.Y. North Indian Seminar in Raiwala near Haridwar for 5 days. The girl Nisha got her diploma for Beauty Pallor and started working. The school holidays were over and the girls came back and started with the school again.

May 2014: On 4-May, we had the Sahansrara Puja in our Sahaja Yoga Health & Research Centre. Our guests went to Nirmal Dham. On 11-May, the Ashram, the Health Centre and the Greater Noida Collective attended the Buddha Puja in front of our Health Centre. In middle of May the school holidays started. This year many girls got the chance to see their relatives during holidays. The bigger girls went daily to a training course for cooking and house keeping in the RADISSON HOTEL, they enjoyed it a lot. On 30-May, we went for some days with few big girls, staff and Doctors to the River Ganga, near Devprayag. It was nice to take bath in the holy Ganga in a lonely place in the woods.

April 2014: All our girls passed the last school year with good results and the new School year started. Shalini finished class XII and want to study business and commerce (BCOM) now. We recorded a new CD with our Singing Group called LOVING HANDS III. They sing many Bhajans every day at the evening meditation. The CD includes a selection of 10 of them. We shifted many girls to the Merry Angles Public School to have them more together and have also the same holidays. All girls got new school uniforms, shoes and school bags.

March 2014: On 16-Mar, evening we had a huge Holika fire, the air was full of colors. On 17-Mar, we celebrated Holi together with the Greater Noida Collective in our garden with so much colors, like we never had before. The guests and our children enjoyed it a lot. On 21-Mar, we, the Ashram residents and the Health Centre guests, went all to Nirmal Dham to be near by our Holy Mother on her Birthday. We had a huge celebration of our 11. ANNIVERSARY: On 29-Mar, we had a Havan in front of the Health Centre. On 30-Mar, we had the Gudi Padwa Puja. On 31-Mar, we had a huge beautiful dance program with our girls and their teachers. Around 1000 Yogis filled up the garden on this days. We served them also food and tea.

February 2014: Our Ashram girls participated by the Flower Show in the City Park in Greater Noida with a Sufi dance in beautiful white/silver dresses and they received huge applause for the performance. Also, some girls performed dances together with their school class.

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Vishwa Nirmala Prem Ashram (NGO),A Home for Destitute ...

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Written by simmons |

January 13th, 2015 at 9:48 am

Posted in Ashram

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