Test Chamber Zen Studios’ Star Wars Rebels Table

Posted: March 31, 2015 at 2:49 pm

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Zen Studios is releasing a new table based on the popular Star Wars Rebels TV series. Join Jeff Marchiafava, Reiner, and me as we play a few rounds and talk Star Wars.

As JeffM points out, Zen looked to the series' younger audience when designing this table. Players have adequate time to read through each mode's goals before diving in, and most shots don't require surgical precision. That's not to say it's a gimme, though, as you can see in our games. If you like tables such as Ms. Splosion Man, which have a nice sense of flow, you might want to check this one out even if you're not necessarily into Star Wars.

JeffM and I haven't seen Rebels yet, so we enlisted Reiner's help to walk us through the cast of characters and explain what the heck is going on. It's not like you need to be a loremaster to appreciate something like a pinball table, but knowing a bit of background does help. He also did a great job refreshing my memory for things that happened in the series' original trilogy. How embarrassing!

The table is coming out sometime this year, but I'd put my money on sooner rather than later. Also, as a side note, I nearly doubled JeffM's score the instant we stopped recording. Oh well.

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Test Chamber Zen Studios' Star Wars Rebels Table

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Written by simmons |

March 31st, 2015 at 2:49 pm

Posted in Zen

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