Dare To Live Without Limits Week Of 1/24/2022 – Press Publications Inc.

Posted: January 24, 2022 at 1:53 am

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Do you have a good understanding of who you are?

Being in touch with who you are yields numerous benefits. Youll have more happiness, you will make better decisions, your goals will be more meaningful, you will be more motivated, and more in touch with your emotions. Some people innately know who they are. Others move through life without a clear understanding. If you dont really know who you are, today is a great time to start figuring it out. The more you know about yourself, the more youll be able to follow the path which best suits you. What are your likes and dislikes? This simple understanding is essential to your happiness. Doing more of what you like and less of what you dislike is a simple strategy for greater satisfaction. The quest for financial security often leads to jobs or careers which are less than satisfying. To see where you are currently, answer this question: How would you be spending your time if you were independently wealthy and didnt need to work? If your current job or occupation corresponds to what you would being doing if you didnt need the money, you are in great shape. If its not, getting more in touch with who you are will help you navigate a more desirable route. Who or what inspires you? Knowing your sources of motivation helps you focus on what fits you best. People make a living doing whatever you do for fun, vacations, or as a hobby. You can support yourself doing what you love. What are your best habits? These are the habits to cultivate and focus on. Your good habits assist you in making progress toward your goals. Good habits enable you to be effective and efficient. What are your worst habits? These habits produce negative results and need to be purged. Replace bad habits with good habits. Self-awareness enables you to monitor your actions so that you can eliminate undesirable habits. What are your fears? What are you afraid of? Fear is a major roadblock. Typically, you wont do something you are afraid of. Your fears may be holding you back. Since fears exist in your mind, a change in thinking overcomes fears. What obstacles, problems, and challenges are you facing? In order to overcome obstacles, solve problems, and move past challenges, you must first identify them. Until you do this, they will be a frustrating roadblock. What are your strengths? Everyone has strengths. Having more strengths than you realize is common. Underutilizing one or more of your strengths is a real waste. Use your strengths to overcome challenges. What are your weaknesses? Unfortunately, many people obsess about their weaknesses instead of tapping into their strengths. Weaknesses can be overcome by rectifying any deficiencies. Anything lacking can be enhanced. Take advantage of your strengths while overcoming your weaknesses. Use what you have instead of lamenting that which you feel you dont have. Make the most of all your current assets. What are your values? Its much more satisfying when your life lines up with your values. Acting counter to them leads to endless frustration. You dont have to justify your values; you need to know what they are and live by them. Whats your emotional temperament? How much patience do you have? What upsets you? What type of people do you like to associate with? How social are you? Answering these additional questions provides more insight into who you are. Knowing who you are is a starting point. You are a work in progress. You can make any desired changes. Build on the aspects you like, while adjusting any facets you are unhappy with.

NOW AVAILABLE: "Dare to Live Without Limits," the book. Visit http://www.BryanGolden.com or your bookstore. Bryan is a management consultant, motivational speaker, author, and adjunct professor. E-mail Bryan at bryan@columnist.com or write him c/o this paper. 2021 Bryan Golden

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Dare To Live Without Limits Week Of 1/24/2022 - Press Publications Inc.

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Written by admin |

January 24th, 2022 at 1:53 am

Posted in Self-Awareness

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