His impact is much like what the Beatles did to rock and roll

Posted: January 16, 2015 at 11:43 am

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POPE Francis is a breath of fresh air to me! I absolutely adore his humility and how he puts PEOPLE first.Im glad hes coming to the Philippines. However, what will happen after hes gone? Will people simply go back to the way they were before the Christmas season?

Another thing that bothers me is that the politicians are using his visit to showboat their causes. I cant believe the Church and government are spending all this time and money, yet its all the exact opposite of what Pope Francis represents.

Im sure there are a lot of people who will benefit from his visit, but Ill revisit my comment: What will happen after he leaves?Bennii Obaa

To me, Pope Francis is the leader the Catholic Church needs in this day and age, when we all need to embrace a culture of tolerance and compassion. I am hoping that his visit will teach us the importance of these two values and renew our spirituality, and that people will fully grasp what it means to be disciples of Christ.Annelle Tayao-Juego

I think hes a man capable of bringing about change despite representing an organization known for being so archaic, bureaucratic, behind the times and closed.

His messages to the world are positivehe reminds us to reach out to those who need it most. He has spoken on the divide between the wealthy and the poor, he has talked about climate change.

There are messages we need to hear from the leadership downabout accountability and social justice. I am curious about what his messages to the Filipino nation will be and if this visit will inspire positive change. For all our excitement and eagerness to see him, will we really listen?Karen Kunawicz

Im actually a secular humanist, but I recognize Pope Francis importance to a lot of Catholic Filipinos. Ive also read some news about how Pope Francis accepts evolution and the Big Bang Theory. Note that in science, theory means a tested idea supported with a lot of evidence, as opposed to whats taught in Philippine schools (i.e., evolution is just a theory, never explaining what scientific theory means.). I think the Pope is broad-minded in that area. How do I feel about his visit? Its a five-day holiday, and the government has already decided about that. There will be effect on the economy due to lack of production and, most important, it shows how the government prefers Catholicism.

For a country claiming to be secular, thats an ironic move. One wonders if there will be any long holiday if leaders of other religions, notable humanists and scientists visit Philippines, too. That might seem so negative but, in a real secular country, the government wont give preference to any religion, as it should be.

Nevertheless Im hoping people can learn a thing or two from the Pope and actually heed his advice with regards to morality.

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His impact is much like what the Beatles did to rock and roll

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Written by grays |

January 16th, 2015 at 11:43 am

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