Autumn Colors That Boost Energy Levels

Posted: September 11, 2014 at 9:51 am

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Orange Orange is a very sociable color. Orange increases vibrancy and fills the air with energy. The color is thought to stimulate the imagination and the creative process. Therefore, orange is an appropriate color to add to the surroundings or to wear in designer color therapy glasses to increase energy levels and stimulate artistic pursuits.

Yellow Yellow is a color that stimulates intelligence and the learning process. Yellow improves concentration and focus. Therefore, yellow is the perfect color for students. The color is thought to increase intellectual pursuits and improve comprehension concerning challenging subjects.

Green Green is a color associated with renewal, growth, and healing. Some plants and trees maintain their green hues through the Autumn season. Add touches of green to a room or wear green to encourage healing, create successful energy, or ambition. Green is the appropriate color to add to the environment or wear while working on an important project or trying to start a new business venture.

Purple Purple is the color of power and success. Many rulers wear this royal and regal color. This is a very healing color that increases energy levels in surrounding colors. Starting a new management career? Wear this regal color. Purple boost energy levels related to empowerment and leadership.

Red Red is a very high energy color. Red signifies strength, courage, vigor, danger, determination. Red is the perfect color to wear to boost courage or inspire fiery reactions in those around you. ` Gold Gold is connected with the sun. Gold hues are also a color seen in Autumn leaves. Gold has a decidedly strong, masculine energy. This is the color that boost energy levels related to strength and happiness. Gold is also the appropriate color to boost and inspire intellectual pursuits and increase mental energy. Wear gold jewelry or add gold to your home to enjoy the energy.

Silver Silver is the color associated with pure spirituality and feminine energy. Silver is the color of an Autumn moon on a cool crisp night. Wear silver to boost the subconscious mind. Add a few silver rings or necklaces to enhance their energy in your daily life.

Brown Brown is a strong earth element. It is a color that helps root the individual that feels disconnected with their surroundings. Brown is also associated with increased stamina and stability. Brown is a strong color that is part of the Autumn season. Gather fall leaves and make wreaths with a few other Autumn inspired colors. Wear gemstones with flecks of brown to absorb their Autumn energy.

The key to adding color to boost the energy levels is moderation. Remember that too much color is over powering and over stimulates. All it takes is simple touches. Add the color to favorite accessories or one or two items in a room.

Color Therapy Glasses Pro Style Set of 10 Colors [Also Available in Set of 7 or 9]

Online Sources Color Therapy

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Autumn Colors That Boost Energy Levels

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Written by grays |

September 11th, 2014 at 9:51 am

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