Evaluating the Personal Work Performance – Lapin yliopisto …

Posted: December 9, 2017 at 1:45 pm

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The personal performance evaluation system comprises the procedures for evaluating the performance of individuals, the associated evaluation factors and the evaluation scale. The impact of personal per-formance on the personal salary element is stipulated in the collective agreement.

The evaluation discussion is an important element in the work of supervisors and staff administration, and in interaction between individual employees and their supervisors. A successful evaluation discus-sion requires careful preparation. Individual employees may prepare for it, for example, by evaluating their own performance in advance. Both parties must set aside time for the discussion away from the distraction of other duties. Personal performance evaluation

The personal performance of an employee is evaluated in the course of an evaluation discussion. The evaluation focuses on the performance of individual employees in the duties assigned in their job de-scriptions and otherwise by the employer, and on the objectives assigned for the employee in the previ-ous performance appraisal or in some other corresponding manner.

The job performance of an individual is evaluated on an overall assessment scale of 1-9 with respect to the three main criteria specified below. Sub-criteria are used for assessing each main criterion, but are not evaluated independently. The individual performance level is determined as the average of the evaluation outcomes for the main criteria.

A supervisor will evaluate the employees performance. The supervisor records the outcome of the evaluation and its grounds, and these are communicated to the employee. The supervisor in question will propose a performance level on the basis of the evaluation. If the outcome of the evaluation does not accord with the employees own view of his or her performance, then the employee will enter his or her own view and the reasons for it in the evaluation summary. The performance evaluation and per-formance level will be confirmed by the employer in the light of such factors as the grounds for the per-formance evaluation, the general evaluation policy and the performance of employees working in duties of equivalent job requirement.

Reasons shall be given in particular for unusual evaluations of job performance that satisfy the job re-quirements. If the performance level is 1 or 2, then measures for supporting improved performance shall be mutually agreed.

The evaluation criteria / factors

The main criteria of personal performance evaluation for other staff are:

1. Vocational competenceSkills, evaluated with reference to such factors as

overall command of the employees duties; knowledge, skills, methods and tools maintenance of vocational skills ability to focus on essentials

Personal development, evaluated with reference to such factors as

how the employee responds to new challenges and ideas, and views new duties and practices an active role in improving the job how the employee improves personal skills

Plurality of skills / special ability, evaluated with reference to such factors as

whether the employee has skills exceeding the employees own basic duties that benefit the workplace, or some special ability or expertise general diversity of the employees skills or some special ability that benefits the work-place

2. Responsibility at work and activity in the workplace

Spontaneity, evaluated with reference to such factors as

how spontaneous the employee is in his/her work how the employee takes the initiative in improving working methods and the work-place

Co-operation skills, evaluated with reference to such factors as how the employee co-operates at the workplace, and with external parties and stake-holders how the employee promotes community and a positive atmosphere how the employee deals with conflict

Commitment to work and colleagues/co-workers, evaluated with reference to such factors as

how the employee participates in improving the workplace how the employee adheres to mutually agreed practices how the employee is committed to duties and to the aims of the employees workplace the extent of the employees involvement in discharging university community functions

Employees working in supervisory capacities will be evaluated for success and improvement in supervisory and leadership work (including participation in supervisory and leadership training) and for supervisory skills in general. The evaluation will consider how the supervisor supports, encourages and motivates employees to achieve their objectives and how the supervisor fosters a positive, effective and productive workplace.

3. Quality and performanceProductivity, evaluated with reference to such factors as

achievement of, for example, quantitative objectives or deadlines imposed on the employee

Quality of work, evaluated with reference to such factors as

quality of work in relation to the demands and goals of duties

Economy, evaluated with reference to such factors as

overall economy in discharging duties careful use of resources

The evaluation scale

The evaluation scale is as follows:

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Evaluating the Personal Work Performance - Lapin yliopisto ...

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Written by simmons |

December 9th, 2017 at 1:45 pm

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