10 Ways to Achieve Self-Empowerment – Operation Meditation

Posted: August 5, 2018 at 11:41 am

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Self-empowerment means that you take charge of your own life. This involves recognizing that within each of us is the ability to live from our natural being state. Another way to put it is to say that a self-empowered individual does not let go of the power as the expert of self. The main characteristic of self-empowerment is peace. This sounds so obvious, yet most of us dont achieve inner peace. To explore this concept further, lets look at it this way could you be self-empowered if you had the knowledge and tools necessary for the task? Find out how many people are transforming their life from dull and stressful to happy and stress-free.

Be Aware

Awareness involves recognizing your environment, yourself, and your power. To fully be aware, you must acknowledge that you can disengage from stressful things. Awareness is about defining why you disempower self from environment in the first place. Be aware of the power you possess inside to take back your life as your own.

Let Go of the Past

To achieve inner peace, you must live in the present moment or the now. Holding grudges leaves you laced with inner anger that interferes with this peace. When you judge, criticize, or regret, there is an inner self laced with guilt. That person will experience depression and anxiety related to the past. Let the past go and recognize it for what it is over. Forgiveness is part of the achievement of inner peace, a valuable part.

Develop a New Mindset

When you have willingness to expand and grow as a human being, you cultivate a new mindset. Think about your current dominant thoughts, habits, and beliefs. Are they serving you in a positive manner or negative one? Cultivate a new mindset so you can acknowledge that you have control of your mind, not the other way around.

Dont Worry About the Future

There is a fine line between the future and self-empowerment. Accept the truth regarding what the future holds for you. Surrender to what is going to be yours and what you have right in front of you. Accept each challenge regarding tomorrow as an empowering event, one you can constructively utilize in your journey toward inner peace.

Trust Others and Yourself

Trust is the quality that propels you forward toward being a better decision maker. Make your choices and stick with them. Trust your own judgment and ability to decide. Having trust involves having faith in the self-empowerment process, as well as in the process of life. Trusting others allows you to let go of worry, doubt, and dread.

Recognized What You Got

To see who you are, you must see what you got. Recognition is about the what, who, when, and where you give your power. Once you recognized your own abilities in this disempowering process, you can achieve self-empowerment. Identify and embrace the gifts and talents you possess. Dont wait on the world to acknowledge these attributes; you may be in for a wait.


Take time out from your daily life to relax. Meditation is an excellent way to free your body of stress. Take a few minutes each day to seek out and enjoy silence. Because meditation boosts serotonin (the brain chemical associated with mood), your attitude improves and your nights are more restful. Furthermore, meditation decreases the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Be Responsible

To be more empowered, you must know exactly what you are responsible for in your life. Knowing this allows you to be guilt-free from life circumstances. Take responsibility for you and your life to be empowered and independent.

Share Your Greatness

Now that you know you are on your way to self-empowerment or empowered, share what you know with others. Allow people to see how great youve become because of your new found independence and peace.

Be Truthful

When you lie, you feel guilty. Guilt leads to shame. Shame leads to feelings of worthlessness. Honesty is really the best policy when it comes to self-empowerment. Dont treat yourself any differently than you treat others. Be truthful with yourself.

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10 Ways to Achieve Self-Empowerment - Operation Meditation

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Written by grays |

August 5th, 2018 at 11:41 am

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