Resources | Magazine Articles | Mental Attitude and Cancer …

Posted: April 5, 2019 at 11:44 am

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It is easy to write about the need for a positive mental attitude in coping with severe illness. It is easy to philosophize and to write abstract ideas about attitudes. The main point to consider, however, is: How do people act who do have a positive mental attitude in the face of a serious illness? What do they do? If we in the healing arts are to help people, then we must provide guidelines pertaining to mental attitude.

In my experience I have noticed certain characteristics or qualities in those people who in fact do have good mental attitudes. These characteristics are:

"Drainage is the term applied to the physiological processes by which all waste and toxic matters are eliminated from the cells and the tissues and, in turn, eliminated from the body. It is the means by which internal cleanliness is maintained. It is believed by the greatest authorities that defective drainage is responsible for almost every disease known to man, except the infectious diseases and accidents." By William F. Haack

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Resources | Magazine Articles | Mental Attitude and Cancer ...

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Written by admin |

April 5th, 2019 at 11:44 am

Posted in Mental Attitude

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