Pain Source Release :: Meditation

Posted: February 5, 2017 at 11:46 pm

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What is meditation?

Meditation is a means of quieting your internal chatter. There are many different ways to achieve this and you might have tried one way, such as sitting crossed legged and trying to think of nothing, listening to relaxing music, concentrating on your breathing, or any type of exercise that you can be involved in. Tai chi and qi gong, yoga, jogging or walking are some ways that people find to relax the mind. Because there are so many ways to slow the mind chatter you have to find the way that suits your lifestyle and personality. Studies have shown changes in brain waves of people who meditate, and each type of meditation could have its own unique set of effects. Many publications still report that there is insufficient evidence to support it, but if it works for you and helps you, that doesn't matter. It is a way to connect the mind/body.

Meditation helps you to reduce your stress level. If you allow your body to do its job of living while you use your mind as the organizer you have more energy, are less depressed, less anxious and less angry. When you are relaxed and alert you are better equipped to deal with everyday life and its problems. Many studies have stated that meditation reduces symptoms of chronic pain, depression, heart disease, cancer, asthma and high blood pressure to name a few. This is probably due to the calming effect that it has on the body.

Pain source release supports your body so that it feels safe and secure. Some people say that they feel like they are disappearing into the table. As your tightness and restrictions start to soften you relax more deeply into your body. Your mind becomes still as your body relaxes. The relaxation helps you integrate the changes that happen during a treatment. Or you may start to understand what must happen next. Changes are sometime so subtle that you may not notice them, but it might be enough to start you on your road to healing. People have found that pain source release helps them get out of their head and into their body, even though they might not feel it on a conscious level.

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Pain Source Release :: Meditation

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Written by grays |

February 5th, 2017 at 11:46 pm

Posted in Meditation

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