Meditation for Everyone – Meditation On Long Island

Posted: October 18, 2017 at 2:51 am

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Weekend Events

Special events including Half DayWorkshops, Retreats, and Workshops are in EVENTS tab on top navigation.

Sundays are Family Days at Dipamkara Meditation Center in Huntington. Morning meditations begin at 10am with Clarity of Mind followed by Taking and Giving. Our Sunday Main Program:Practical Wisdom & Meditation with Resident Teacher Kadam Holly McGregor is 11:30am 1pm; we also have meditation for Children and Young Teens in the mid size meditation space and Meditation for Teens and Young Adults in the small meditation room. All meet afterwards to enjoy our popular brunch together. A wonderful way to pave the way for a peaceful week at school and work!

Sunday classes are held in Huntington (10:00am 1pm) Massapequa (11:30am 1pm); Port Jefferson (10:30am 12pm); and Sayville (class will resume in September)

Huntington has daily meditation classes every day during the week including Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday (Soup & Serenity) and Thursday.

Susan and Joel Brenner in Huntington on Wednesday 12-1:30pm, Maggie Cooper in Port Jefferson, and Ann and Dennis Kane in Massapequa, nourish both mind and body with this popular lunch time class. Guided meditation followed by lively conversation, good friends, and delicious homemade soup!

Monday evening Meditation & Mindfulness 7pm-7:45pm with Stephany Taylor and Wednesday evening Clarity of Mind 7-8pm with Kevin Potente. In addition, meditation is part of all our general programs including Tuesday evening 7-8:30pm with Bob Rice, Sunday Main Program 11:30 with Kadam Holly McGregor and Friday night Freedom from Addiction at 7:30pm on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month.

Drop In Classes, open to all, take place during all daytime and evening meditation classes. Our Main Center in Huntington has classes throughout the day on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and bi-weekly on Fridays; evening classes are held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Massapequa has evening classes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays; Port Jefferson on Tuesday evenings (Thursday evenings will resume in September). For our complete calendar schedule click here.

Dipamkara Meditation Center believes meditation should be accessible to everyone. Daily classes are open to all and are held in f0ur convenient locations: Huntington, Massapequa, Port Jefferson, and Sayville. (Click here for directions)

The purpose of meditation is to cultivate those states of mind that are conducive to peace and well-being, and to eradicate those that arent.

When we take a close look at our life, we discover that essentially, most of our time and energy is devoted to mundane activities, such as seeking material and emotional security, enjoying sensory pleasures, establishing a good reputation and so forth.

Although these things might make us happy for a short time, we need to ask if they are providing the deep lasting contentment that we long for. Is this as good as it gets? Sooner or later, we find that these moments of temporary happiness turn right back into dissatisfactions and once more we find ourselves engaged in the pursuit of more worldly pleasures.

And so goes the cycle.

This is where a meditation practice can be so extraordinarily helpful.

If true fulfillment cannot be found in the externals, then where can it be found? The answer: within. In our own mind. With meditation we come to understand that happiness is a state of mind. Therefore, the real source of happiness lies there, and not in external circumstances. If our mind is pure and peaceful, the world we experience will be pure and peaceful. Thats the goal.

This is what we do at Dipamkara Meditation Center.

Read the rest here:

Meditation for Everyone - Meditation On Long Island

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Written by grays |

October 18th, 2017 at 2:51 am

Posted in Meditation

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