Here’s A Calming Meditation Ideal For Overwhelmed Water Signs –

Posted: March 6, 2020 at 3:45 am

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Empathy is a great trait to have, but it's equally important to be able to protect your energy. When external energy starts to encroach, Herstik recommends a protective meditation. And as water signs are some of the more imaginative signs in the zodiac, that imagination can be used to your advantage in this meditation.

"Imagine a sphere of protective light around you," she says. "It can be any color you wantbut I like to imagine it's mirrored." Visualize your sphere, along with the intention: "Only that which is serving my highest good and helping me evolve can move through my barrier. All negative energy is deflected."

Herstik says this is a powerful visualization to help foster feelings of protection and control over emotional states, especially in emotionally strained environments. Some other practices to incorporate in your day-to-day for extra emotional support include journaling, breathwork, and burning sacred herbs.

Whether you're actually a Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio, or you just feel more emotional than usual, these tips can help get you out of an emotional tailspin and back on solid ground. It's always important to honor what we're feeling, but when it gets overwhelming, having go-to practices on hand never hurts.

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Here's A Calming Meditation Ideal For Overwhelmed Water Signs -

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Written by admin |

March 6th, 2020 at 3:45 am

Posted in Meditation

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