Be an Example for Children in Meditation

Posted: October 10, 2014 at 2:57 am

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If you go to a holy place regularly with your children, they will soon start to feel the special peace that comes from being quiet and reverent. Show by your actions that you feel respectful in holy places and they will follow your lead.

If your children are old enough to stay still in a meditation pose, let them sit with you for a minute. Read them a short uplifting story at the beginning of your co-meditation and ask them to close their eyes and think about the story, while you are both quiet. That is enough technique for your children under 3 or 4.

When they reach kindergarten you can demonstrate how to breathe in and out evenly, so they can use this breathing during their quiet period. Mention that this even breathing can help them settle down when they feel stressed or upset. And no one can see them using this way to calm down so they need not feel embarrassed.

Here is an excerpt from a short story about sitting meditation you can read to your children. It is from my book linked at the end of this article: Meditation and Spiritual Stories for Kids.

Sitting Meditation by the Sea

To begin, it is a Saturday morning and the twins Anneke and Hans are climbing on their bikes, heading out along the 2 mile bike trail rolling through the dunes to the North Sea in Holland.

When they arrive, out of breath, the twins go sit for a few minutes at the foot of a dune facing the sea.

Since they are quiet and unmoving, a seagull comes quite near them at the water's edge. Gentle waves wash in and flow back and still their seagull friend, 'Sammy Seagull' as they call him, stands rooted on the wash of beach.

The twins take this time to sit up straight pretending to be seagulls, and as the waves wash in and out in a regular pattern, their breath quite naturally takes up a regular even pattern of its own.

After a minute, Anneke and Hans feel rested and run down to water's edge in pursuit of their new seagull friend, but only fast enough to catch a glimpse of his white belly as he swoops out over the edge of sea.

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Be an Example for Children in Meditation

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Written by simmons |

October 10th, 2014 at 2:57 am

Posted in Meditation

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