This Lesser-Known Yoga Practice Is Arguably The Most Accessible –

Posted: February 25, 2020 at 1:42 am

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To practice this style of yoga at home, you'll first need to create a sequence using the over 200 different poses and 14 breathing techniques that exist in Iyengar. While you can mix and match the poses as you choose, Iyengar yoga typically starts with a meditative warm-up, followed by standing postures, and then ending with restorative, supine poses.

Many Iyengar classes also have a "peak pose" that dictates which postures you choose to practice leading up to it. For example, if your peak pose is eagle pose, your sequence may include more one-legged balancing postures to prep your body whereas if your peak pose is king pigeon, you'll want to include more hip-openers and backbends.

Unlike vinyasa styles of yoga, in Iyengar, you won't flow through poses breath to movementinstead, you'll hold them for an extended period of time. This gives you the chance to get into the correct alignment and then move deeper into each pose.

Props are also incredibly common in an Iyengar class, as they make poses more accessible for beginners. You can use blocks, straps, bolsters, and blankets to help you get into proper alignment.

Another pro tip: There are plenty of resources for practicing Iyengar at home. However, if you've never done Iyengar yoga before, it's worth taking a class at a studio first. All Iyengar teachers must undergo rigorous training and they'll be able to give you guidance and adjustments that you won't get in a home practice.

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This Lesser-Known Yoga Practice Is Arguably The Most Accessible -

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Written by admin |

February 25th, 2020 at 1:42 am

Posted in Yoga

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