Vegan Diet for Kids: Pros and Cons of Raising Kids Vegan – Parade

Posted: October 28, 2019 at 10:47 pm

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Actress Alicia Silverstonehas said she credits her sons vegan dietfor his good behavior. Ive never had to raise my voice to Bear. I can just say no, thank you and we respect each other and listen to each other When your kid feels good, they act well, she told US Weekly. Sound too good to be true? Possibly, but were certainly hearing more and more about vegan diets in the news these days, so maybe the Clueless star is on to something. We did some research of our own, and talked to a few experts along the way.

Here, well share all the pros and cons of a vegan diet for kids, and include some tips for how to get your family started on the path to a plant-based lifestyle if you choose to do so. When feeding kids a vegan diet, its extremely important to ensure theyre getting all the nutrients they need, since vegan diets are notoriously low in protein and vitamins like B12. But if youve got the time and motivation to do careful weekly meal planning, there are tons of benefits of a vegan diet, too.

Related: Alicia Silverstone on Going Vegan at Age 21

There are many variations, but a true vegan diet consists of zero animal products or by-products. So not only does someone adhering to a vegan diet swear off meat and fish, but also dairy, eggs and even honey and gelatin. We knowsounds impossible, right? Eating a vegan diet definitely takes a ton of planning and forethought, and thats especially the case if youll be including your kids in the lifestyle.

The point to stress the most to parents considering a vegan diet for their children is to educate themselves on the nutrient needs and how to provide a balanced diet for their children. Find a pediatrician or nutritionist who understands the needs of growing children who will provide you with guidance and close care as you and your family adjusts to this lifestyle, says Lisa Richards, author ofThe Candida Diet.

Silverstone is hardly the first parent to notice an uptick in good behavior when their kids diet was improved. Countless studies have shown that there are links between what a child (or anyone, for that matter) eats and how he behaves. And thats just one of the many benefits of a vegan diet for kids. Kids who follow a vegan diet arent introduced to fast foods and convenience foods, which are high in refined carbohydrates and saturated fat, says Richards, adding, These foods, which are commonly consumed by children as part of the standard American diet, lead to increased weight gain and a host of health concerns.

Banish hanger. When you havent eaten for a while, your blood sugar lowers, triggering a cascade of hormones, including cortisol (a stress hormone), which can cause aggression in some people. If you are prone to getting hangry, try eating several small meals throughout the day or carrying an emergency stash of almonds.

As another benefit, consider the fact that vegan children tend to be raised with a greater understanding of and appreciation for the food theyre eating, as well as the food theyre not eating. A vegan diet tends to expose the child somewhat to philosophical considerations when making food choices, says Paul Chek with the C.H.E.K Institute, a holistic fitness program designed for fitness professionals.

And finally, and most compelling, vegan kids are exposed to a much wider variety of foods right from the start. Vegan diets typically include a broader array of plants, textures and raw food (and therefore enzymes) than a standard diet. This exposes the child to nutritional variety (and therefore nutritional density) and encourages their palate to expand so that they eat more broadly as an adult, Chek says.

Related: 54 Cheap Vegan Meals That Dont Skimp on Taste

But of course, theres plenty of criticism surrounding the decision to raise children as vegans, and most of that is centered around whether kids can get the nutrients they need from a vegan diet. Vegan diets need to be very balanced to ensure adequate nutrition and protein they shouldnt just be pasta or rice, says Dr. Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN and founder of Real Nutrition. Chek agrees, recounting a cautionary tale of a client whose vegan child ate nothing but cereal with oatmilk for every meal. This lack of dietary balance can lead to the following nutritional deficiencies:

If planning and effort is not put into providing a balanced vegan diet for kids, consequences can be drastic, and even deadly. Several recent news stories have highlighted cases where young children suffered severe malnutrition and even death as a result of a misguided attempt at veganism.

Does all this mean you cant start babies on a vegan diet? Despite these scary stories, its totally possible to raise kids on a vegan diet from birth. As Shapiro points out, Most babies start solids with pureed fruits and veggies anyway, and they continue to get nutrition from breastmilk or formula for their first year of life. So most, if not all, of their nutrition is supported. Just like for non-vegan babies, breastmilk is preferable, but a soy-based formula is a great secondary option if youre hoping to have your child adhere to a vegan diet. Note, however, this strong warning from the Vegetarian Resource Group about the use of homemade or other plant-based milks for babies:

Soy milk, rice milk, other plant milks, and homemade formulas should not be used to replace breast milk or commercial infant formula during the first year. These foods do not contain the proper ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates, nor do they have enough of many vitamins and minerals to be used as a significant part of the diet in the first year.

By now, you know that youll have your work cut out for you if youre planning on moving your child to a completely plant-based diet. But as long as youre willing and able to do the work, youll be giving your child a lifelong advantage when it comes to his or her health. Below, weve included some helpful tips to remember when it comes to a vegan diet for kids.

Get tips on adopting a plant-based diet from top vegan chefs and bloggers.

Read more from the original source:

Vegan Diet for Kids: Pros and Cons of Raising Kids Vegan - Parade

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October 28th, 2019 at 10:47 pm

Posted in Vegan

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