Retrain our farmers to support veganism – The Wahkiakum County Eagle

Posted: March 17, 2024 at 2:36 am

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To The Eagle:

I am new to Wahkiakum County and, like many here, appreciate the natural beauty of the area. In September, when I first arrived last year, the trees, birds in flight and peaceful cows all contributed to a scene which, at first, seemed retirement-worthy. Within a few weeks, though, the sounds of gunfire shattered the peace. I was told that October was hunting season and that it would calm down soon. And yet, even during the holiday season, that gunfire continued. I would support making Puget Island a safe zone for non-hunters throughout the year.

Then, last week I came to town for an interview. A group of men, all smiles and waving, were standing in a tent in front of the market and people were happily walking out of the store with huge, plastic-wrapped packages of what were, perhaps, the remains of the peaceful cows that graced my neighborhood until, they mysteriously disappeared. My dog, who was very happy when we first arrived, has become serious lately. Perhaps concerned for the welfare of her new friends.

For a short period of time, as a child, my sister and I lived on a farm with animals. In response to that experience, we both converted to veganism as adults who make our own decisions about what we put on our tables and into our bodies. I know there are other vegan people in our community because I see some certified vegan products in our market. Veganism is a healthy alternative, when done properly, which can bring greater health and immunity to people and many studies have shown this to be true.

We no longer need animal products to live and thrive. Furthermore, animal farming has a larger carbon footprint than botanical farming, and governments are concerned about greenhouse gases. What would it take to retrain our farmers, and our creamery, to convert to vegan farming and products? Are there government retraining programs and grants that could be put into practice? Im told that potatoes are one of the newer vegan dairy alternatives and, as deadly nightshades, are deer resistant.


E. S. Simpson

Puget Island

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Retrain our farmers to support veganism - The Wahkiakum County Eagle

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Written by admin |

March 17th, 2024 at 2:36 am

Posted in Vegan

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