How Your Body Transforms On A Vegan Diet – YouTube

Posted: July 27, 2018 at 3:44 pm

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Looking at 8 clinical trials and a dozen of other studies on vegans we take a look through time at what changes you can expect and when as well as some hurdles and myths. Part 2: Links and Sources - - @micthevegan

My Whole Food Vegan Video:

Milk and Hormone Manipulation:

Inflammation Response After Egg and Sausage Meal:

Beyonce Diet Gas Article:

Increase Bean Consumption Symptoms Study:

Discomfort Stopped after 24-48 hours study:

Legumes and Survival:

Vegan Gut Type:

Enterotypes and Foods:

Vegan Gut / TMAO Study:

Vegans More Regular Poopers Oxford Study:

3 Week Artery Clearing Dietary Trial:

Vegan Protein Levels Are Higher Study:

12 Weeks Diabetics Gone Vegan Trial:

14 Week Obesity Weight Loss Vegan Study:

16 Week Vegan Migraines Study:https://thejournalofheadacheandpain.s...

16 Week Office Worksite Study:

22 Week Vegan Diabetes Trial:

22 Week Workplace Vegan Trial - Productivity, etc.:

24 Week Vegan Keto Dietary Trial:

Vegans 16% less cancer:

Vegan Less Mortality:

Vegan Diabetes:

Vegans 10% less Hypothyroidism:

Vegan 63% less Hypertension:

Vegan Less Heart Disease:

Originally posted here:

How Your Body Transforms On A Vegan Diet - YouTube

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Written by grays |

July 27th, 2018 at 3:44 pm

Posted in Vegan

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