Skillsets of Evolution

Posted: December 11, 2017 at 2:45 pm

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This is another leading edge presentation from spiritual luminary, Tiara Kumara.She comes to ignite your evolutionary advancement into a whole new level of outer service.


Skillsets of Evolution is an advanced training program designed to accelerate the development of your greater abilities to sincerely affect big change on the Earth while reaching the greatest numbers of people possible.

As the sequel to the program of Morphogenesis, this is for those who are dedicated to humanitys evolution. It supports our next level of planetary service as we learn how to more effectively and more efficiently serve as an omnipresent body of God awareness.

This is a grounded and practical how to course to help you self actualize and authentically embody your greater abilities so that you can thrive as a bridger between worlds!

Skillsets of Evolution is a four-month, 16-week training program for the development of your advancing abilities.

You are enrolling into a master class that requires dedication and commitment to go all the way.

It incorporates five main areas:

1. Weekly Classes2. Weekly Activations3. A Course Manual (Book)4. Practical Application5. A Containing, Telepathic Matrix

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16 classes in total are presented one per week in the form of 30-minute video discourses.

These come with live weekly activations. These are sessions of remote energy transference purposed to assist your developmental shifts and vibrational upgrades.

To assist your integration, each weeks focus includes practical exercises and grounded application. This comes with audio meditations and an affirmation program.

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A containing, telepathic matrix will be anchored around you, every day, throughout the entire four months.

This will come in the form of a magnetic current coming to you from Tiara Kumara, the training facilitator.

It will bring telepathic messaging and many reflections from the training to assist your higher sensory development.

This will also give you a live example of divine channeling in action.

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The Training Manual is a timeless classic that everyone who is advancing into unity consciousness can use as a reference manual for acceleration into multidimensional living.


* The powerful Morphogenesis teachings* The Skillsets of Evolution training program* Practical integration* Meditative exercises* Affirmative reprogramming

This comprehensive manual is available to everyone! It comes as an online download to fully enrolled students, or, the beautiful hard copy can be purchased from

Get the book delivered right to your doorstep!

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Here is the original post:
Skillsets of Evolution

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Written by admin |

December 11th, 2017 at 2:45 pm

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