Collective Evolutionary Consciousness | Vistar

Posted: June 1, 2016 at 2:41 pm

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VISTAR METHOD 2.0 Home Study Guide: Coming Soon!

With visionary pioneers in the field of Collective Consciousness Victoria and Ron Friedman

Are you ready to become a conscious catalyst in the most important aspect of our experience together on this planet?



What Youll Receive:


8 (90-minute) MP3s recordings of each of the 8 week Training Sessions: Including participant practice sections.

8 PDF Transcripts of Teaching Sections from the weekly Recordings: Step by step evolutionary guidance on leading, Supporting and participating in any gathering

8 Word Documents with QUICK LOOK at the content in each session

3 PDFs of the 3 Parts of the Method The 4 GuideRules; The 3 Roles; The 3 Sections

THIS TRAINING IS FOR Individuals already leading/facilitating/guiding circles, groups or meetings of any type. Individuals wanting to start circles, groups or meetings.

At what stage is your gathering? Do people come and go in your meetings? We have been through it all and will share our knowledge and experience with you to move your group or meeting to another level and grow it through its evolutionary stages.

THIS TRAINING IS FOR Individuals who lead or participate in business meetings.

Do you lead or participate in business meetings at your workplace? We will show you how you can take a traditional business meeting and move it through a Vistar Method technology into a co-creative unified experience. The Method can also be used with clients/customers to establish a rapport and share creative input.

THIS TRAINING IS FOR Solo practitioners, solo-preneurs, coaches, therapists or anyone working with individual clients/participants.

Do you have knowledge and experience as a coach or a specific teaching or a wellness practice? Add a Vistar Method modality to your offerings and monetize your gifts. Not only can you work onetoone, you can expand your services by adding a group experience for your clientele with your content using the Vistar Method. We will be sharing exactly how you can do this, including how to monetize your initiative.

THIS TRAINING IS FOR Co-Creators, workshop leaders, seminar planners, musicians, theatrical producers and arts organization.

Working together in co-creation can be challenging, but also very rewarding. If you love it as much as we do, consider adding The Vistar Method for Co-Creation to your other ways of working together. Voicepoint, Vistars theatrical ensemble, developed entire performances using the Vistar Method. We can show you how it can be a great addition to your creative process.

THIS TRAINING IS FOR Explorers of cutting edge Field technology to access the intelligence and creativity of aligned collective intention

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Continued here:
Collective Evolutionary Consciousness | Vistar

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Written by admin |

June 1st, 2016 at 2:41 pm

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