This week we tried: MiraDry laser to stop underarm sweating –

Posted: July 9, 2017 at 8:42 am

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Last updated05:00, July 9 2017


Even superstars like Tom Cruise get sweaty - but now they don't have to.

WE WENT TO TheSkin Specialist Centre in Auckland.

WHAT IT'S FOR Stopping or significantly minimising underarm sweating.

PREP FACTOR An initial consultation appointment is required first. Before your laser appointment, you will get the prescription medicine and start taking anti inflammatory pills two days beforehand. You also need to shave your armpits three days before treatment.

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OUR EXPERIENCE This procedure is not for the faint hearted.

The MiraDry laser itself wasn't that bad or painful. It took about two hours (take headphones to listen to some relaxing music).

The first part of the treatment was undertaken by a doctor who injected local anaesthetic into my armpits. After this he inserted cannulas to put more local anaesthetic and saline solution into each armpit (this lifts the sweat glands away from the nerves and allows them to use the highest setting on the laser to blast the sweat glands).

The next part of the treatment was undertaken by the nurse, who lasered each armpit. This took about 20-30 minutes for each one.

The next 20 minutes was spent with an ice pack under each arm.

I was fine to drive home after. I had to put ice packs on for 15 minutes every hour for the next 24 to 48 hours, except when sleeping (they provide sleeping pills for seven nights, but I only took them for three). I also had to take prednisone and other anti inflammatory medication post treatment.

PAIN FACTORWhile not really painful, the swelling of the armpits was quite uncomfortable and I also had quite a lot of bruising (I would recommend this as a winter treatment as armpits look pretty horrendous afterwards).

After the treatment, it wasn't that painful but it felt very strange and uncomfortable, and made me a bit grumpy. I had my arms out at 30 degrees for about the first four days.

OUR VERDICT I immediately noticed less sweating. Side effect is apparently reduced hair growth, which should also be a bonus.

I'm looking forward to being able to purchase clothes that are tight under the armpits, which I wouldn't normally. Also looking forward to a reduced dry cleaning bill and not having my lovely silk/cashmere tops ruined by sweat and deodorant

It took three weeks for armpits to return to normal but the sweating had stopped completely by then.

BOOK IT IN IFYou want to save your clothes from sweat and deodorant, you have the money and you can deal with the discomfort afterwards for a a few days.

BUT KEEP IN MINDIt was not for the faint-hearted. I didn't realise how lovely my armpits were (the doctor did mention that) until they became all swollen and bruised. I am looking forward to them returning to normal. They suggest swelling can last for two weeks. It has only been six days so far.

EXPECT TO PAY$2800 per treatment. They suggest two treatments. When compared to Botox at approx $1000 per treatment and it only lasts sixmonths, it is relatively cost effective.If you have a second treatment he advises waiting threemonths to do it.

YOU CAN VISIT:TheSkin Specialist Centrein Auckland

Watch below to learn more about the procedure:

-Sunday Magazine

See original here:

This week we tried: MiraDry laser to stop underarm sweating -

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Written by grays |

July 9th, 2017 at 8:42 am

Posted in Relaxing Music

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