It's A Techie Life: Dressed for success

Posted: February 23, 2012 at 2:07 pm

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What's with the dress code dictums at Technopark?

It is a never-ending debate – whether techies need a dress code or not. The arguments continue as most companies, especially the multi-nationals, at Technopark adhere to strict dress codes, while some new-age ones relax the rules.

Being formally dressed is the accepted norm, with most companies insisting on ‘business formal dressing' from Mondays to Thursdays, for both men and women. For men this, means formal shirts, and trousers, complete with tie, belt, socks, and leather shoes. To be more specific – long-sleeved shirts buttoned at the cuff and neck (half-sleeve shirts, plain or with thin stripes are also allowed) teamed with blazers and trousers of cotton, silk or blended fabric, and belts and shoes that complement each other, socks in a colour lighter than the colour of the trousers and polished shoes!

Some companies, though, relax the rules when it comes to ties. In IBS, for example, ties are not mandatory on Thursdays.

But in companies such as UST Global formal dressing is a must on all working days. Ranjith, an employee with UST Global, says: “Dress code is important for employees whose profile requires personal interaction with the client. It always enhances the personality.”

Some companies advocate ‘business casuals' on Fridays to get the employees in the ‘weekend' mood. “But, the problem is that there isn't a proper definition for the same and this often throws up unpleasant situations. So, we did away with that,” says a senior official with UST Global.

Friday dressing

Says a Human Resources executive of a multinational company, which has laid down some rules on Friday dressing: “It isn't impressive to see an employee walking into the office in sandals, sporting a T-shirt and frayed jeans.” Jeans/casual trousers (not tattered jeans), T-shirts with collars, short kurtas, casual shirts, and sports/formal shoes (not sandals) are sometimes allowed. Shirts with obtrusive colours, floral and loud designs, and trousers in crushed cotton or denim are also discouraged.

Most of the men that MetroPlus contacted complain that women have all the fun, and that's not just on Friday, but throughout the week. “That's because, formal dressing means women can opt for churidhar or salwar kameez, sari or Western formals (formal shirts/blouses with straight skirt/trousers). We don't have a proper definition for Indian formal wear. We can go easy on footwear as well,” says a top woman official with a leading multinational insurance company in Technopark.

But there are certain rules for women too. Open necked T-shirts can be worn only with closed jackets that complement the colour of the trousers/skirt, skirts should be of permissible length, no flowery prints or embroidery on the trousers/skirts, and sari has to be pleated and pinned. Dresses are not allowed in most firms.

Basic personal hygiene is also given a lot of stress. But not every company stops men from growing a stubble, piercing their ear or sporting long hair or women from wearing loud ornaments or accessories.

“Leading firms comply with the dress code because they have a brand tag and so they have to stand by it. There was a time when most management companies were strict on dress code and personal hygiene. But now if you do that the employee might take it as a personal offence. So, instead of giving him/her a dressing down, we just ensure that the employee does a perfect job and doesn't create an unpleasant working atmosphere,” says a senior official with Palnar Transmedia.

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It's A Techie Life: Dressed for success

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Written by admin |

February 23rd, 2012 at 2:07 pm

Posted in Personal Success

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