
Posted: October 15, 2017 at 5:51 pm

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Imagine rummaging through the attic and coming across an old, wooden chest. Not recognizing it, you pry open the heavy lid. After clouds of dust scatter, you peer into the chest. Youre puzzled by what you see: seeds. Thousands and thousands of seeds of every imaginable type. Some smaller than a grain of sand, Continue reading Thoughts about Our Thoughts and Our Subconscious

Have you ever asked yourself this question: Does my body respond to stress the same way it responds to excitement or to happiness? Heres your chance to learn a bit more about this subject. Lets begin with some facts about stress: There is good stress, otherwise known as eustress ( and there is bad stress, Continue reading Are the Effects of Excitement and Stress Similar?

Its a hunger that needs to be satisfied. Its in all of us. We have a need to make something out of our lives. To be recognized for something positive. And when we dont reach our desired goals, we feel like a failure, cheated, unworthy. We question our own self-worth. It can leave us despondent. Continue reading Its the Little Things that Matter

its what you do with what youve got. (Leroy Van Dyke) What is it that we all want? Isnt it success and happiness? So, its no surprise that a reader in Iran is interested in success. Arash (not his real name) is a 35-year-old married carpenter who wants to become extremely successful. That is, Continue reading The Success Toolbox The first step is to understand what is required for success

The headlines troubled us all. A suicide bomber blows himself up killing 22 individuals at a rock concert in Manchester, England. Many were young children not to mention injuring countless others. And we ask why? We scratch our heads and we struggle to find answers. Just what makes this terrorist and others like him think Continue reading Terror Attacks

Live by Intuition and InspirationAnd Let Your Whole Life Be Revelation.(Eileen Caddy) Todays article is prompted by a 44-year-old Egyptian computer professional (Lead Technical Applications Engineer), working in Qatar, where he is joined by his wife and three children. Our reader asked me to write about intuition. As I havent written about this important subject Continue reading Live by Intuition and Inspiration

Provocative statement? This article is not about the pros and cons of positive thinkingits about correct and logical thinking. If youre interested in learning the pros and cons of the process of thinking, however, youre in the right place. Everyone knows that positive thinking is beneficial for many different reasons. Theres no doubt about that. Continue reading When Negative Thinking Is Positive

I dont mean to be grim or morbid, but todays subject is deadly serious. Imagine being in a graveyard, examining a gravestone. Despite being covered with moss, you can read the inscription. It says, Procrastination is the grave where your dreams, aspirations, and hopes lie. Is that where you want you dreams to end up? Continue reading Dont put off Until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday

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Written by grays |

October 15th, 2017 at 5:51 pm

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