Majority Of Moms Feel Unsupported, But We Can Change That – Moms

Posted: April 23, 2020 at 11:51 am

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Studies show that 85 percent of moms feel unsupported, but life coach and writer Beth Berry says that we can work towards changing the narrative.

Motherhood can be one of the most fulfilling parts of our lives, albeit a little stressful at times. As we know, though, moms now juggle more than ever before as they balance full-time careers, child-rearing, housework, and maintaining a meaningful relationship withour spouses. All of these demands leave many of us looking for support in our parenting endeavors.

Howevera recent survey conducted by Motherlyfound that85% of mothers believe that modern society does not adequately support mothers. This startling statistic, combined with rising stress due to the Coronavirus pandemic, leaves us wondering how we reached this point and what we can do to change the narrative for mothers going forward.

They say that it takes avillage to raise a child, but as mothers most of us now find ourselves relatively alone. Just like our mothers before us, we are expected todo all of the cooking, cleaning, and care taking for our homes. However, we are now also expected to build successful careers, stay fit, and single-handedly maintain our spousal relationships.

If that's not enough, don't forget all of the additional parenting duties that come with modern society: tutoring, advocating, playdate planning, chauffeuring, and coaching or club leading. The days of children roaming the neighborhood with friends are long gone, as are disciplining children through spanking or other corporal methods.

Most mothers feel like they don't receive adequate support in nearly any aspect of their lives. There's a lack of support from busy spouses who also work long hours to provide and parents who, instead of retiring and helping raise their grandparents, are often still working because they can't afford to live off of social security alone. Then, when it comes to employer support, most working moms feel that they receive unfair wages and inadequate maternity leave or time off to tend to their children's needs.

And, of course, mom shaming is a common problem in our modern society that's filled with "picture perfect parenting" all over Pinterest and Instagram.

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As I mentioned, parenting doesn't at all look the same as it did for our own mothers. In fact, life coach and author Beth Berry says that "becoming a mother these days is uniquely burdensome. Id even go so far as to say that were navigating not only a whole new set of stressors as mothers but also oppressors, the likes of which our foremothersnever could have imagined." Because of these unique challenges, mothers need even more support than ever before - yet we're receiving less and less.

With a lack of support, most moms stretch themselves too thin. As they work from the early hours of the morning until late into the night, most mothers end up with virtually no time to themselves to rest and recharge. While this isn't the entire story, it does explain in large part why nearly 12 million women in the United States battle clinical depression and why it most commonly occurs in women aged 25 to 44.

Until we start recognizing these statistics and changing the narrative, though, nothing will improve for any of us.

In hernon-fiction book "Motherwhelmed" (available on Amazon May 1), Beth Berry hopes to challenge the societal norms around motherhood and bring the conversation into the homes of mothers everywhere. Berry hopes that motherswill band together and"challenge cultural norms, examine the personal, familial, and cultural stories that are keeping them feeling stuck and playing small, and begin to see themselves as worthy of a more empowering, joy-filled existence." She also hopes that mothers will start connecting with one another to make this change happen by following thesesteps:

Most mothers are shouldering more than their fair share of the load these days with virtually no support from the outside world. However, if we all arm ourselves with information and band together, we can start creating the change we want to see. There's no rule that says we have to do it all alone, so why are we? It's time to start changing the narrative and changing our lives for the better.

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Megan Glosson is a freelance writer and editor based Nashville, Tennessee. She enjoys writing on a variety of topics, including parenting, mental health, and life. You can find more of her work on Unwritten, The Mighty, Focused on Kids, Food Delivery Guru, and

Majority Of Moms Feel Unsupported, But We Can Change That - Moms

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Written by admin |

April 23rd, 2020 at 11:51 am

Posted in Life Coaching

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