Heritage and arts initiative in Mearns – Mearns Leader

Posted: November 8, 2019 at 4:43 pm

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A new initiative has been launched between Mearns Heritage Services and the Royal Society of Arts.

It got under way at an inaugural business breakfast held last Thursday and hosted by Lathallan School.

The project is being promoted by Richard Toley, head of Lathallan, Neil McLennan, of the University of Aberdeen, and Dave Ramsay, director of Mearns Heritage Services.

A series of monthly breakfasts are planned as a joint working initiative between Aberdeenshire Council and Angus Council, supported by the RSA, and reflecting the broad agendas of the RSA, covering the arts, culture, heritage, business, education and social change.

Neil McLennan was the speaker at the inaugural breakfast on the subject of Creating the Modern Enlightenment.

He said: The RSA owes its history to the enlightenment era.

Angus and the Mearns historically and today has some of the most creative minds and inspiring innovations.

This network will aim to bring those ideas together and ensure they impact positively on our communities.

Fourteen invited guests with a variety of professional, organisational and specialist areas of expertise and knowledge, set the scene for a busy programme of forthcoming events, to promote Angus and the Mearns.

The event was also attended by Aberdeenshire Provost Bill Howatson.

The range of topics will ensure a broad network of local interests, information and activities.

Dave Ramsay is responsible for the programming, planning and arranging of events, and chairing each session to provide continuity.

He said: This new initiative will include topics and inputs decided by Lathallan, in conjunction with input from the fellowship who attend the network gatherings.

Here is the original post:
Heritage and arts initiative in Mearns - Mearns Leader

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Written by admin |

November 8th, 2019 at 4:43 pm

Posted in Enlightenment

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