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Archive for the ‘Self-Improvement’ Category

What is Self-Improvement? – International Life Coaching …

Posted: May 15, 2018 at 10:42 am

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What is Self-Improvement?

The term self-improvement broadly refers to the act of improving yourself, but it can also be applied to a number of different topics. Self-improvement can include personal development in terms of leadership skills, goal setting, visualization skills, organizational skills, time management, and mind power. It helps us defeat negative thoughts that prevent us from believing in ourselves. It teaches us to convert our negative thinking into thoughts that empower and inspire us.

Why we need self-improvement

Self-improvement can help us make positive changes in all aspects of life. Here are some of the most important advantages of self-improvement:

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What is Self-Improvement? - International Life Coaching ...

Written by admin

May 15th, 2018 at 10:42 am

Posted in Self-Improvement

Desperately Seeking Self-Improvement: A Year Inside the …

Posted: May 6, 2018 at 5:41 am

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Praise for Desperately Seeking Self-Improvement

"A comically committed exploration of current life-hacking wisdom in areas ranging from athletic and intellectual prowess to spirituality, creativity, wealth, and pleasure." The New Yorker

"An absurdist masterpiece." The Guardian

"Beautifully observed and incredibly conceived, this account of a self-imposed ordeal has the chilling quality of a true nightmare. It is the dark side of the moon of Tim Ferriss." Tom McCarthy

"Two crazy people try numerous crazy strategies, all so I don't have to. I call that a result!" Lee Child, author

"A good-natured, thoughtful, and often comic joyride." Kirkus Reviews

Praise for The Wellness Syndrome

Carl Cederstrm and Andr Spicers brilliantly sardonic anatomy of this wellness syndrome concentrates on the ways in which the pressure to be well operates as a moralising command and obliterates political engagement... These authors would no doubt agree that there is nothing wrong with being well or wanting to be well. But, as their deeply humane and persuasive book shows, being told to be well is a different matter entirely. A society where wellness is obligatory is a sick one. Steven Poole, The Guardian

"When I read their angry, hilarious book, The Wellness Syndrome, I felt like I was being shaken awake from a dream. Helen Rumbelow, The Times

My underlying scepticism about society's single-minded quest for physical perfection was validated when I came across The Wellness Syndrome. Like me, the authors don't have any gripes about wellness per se but what they are concerned about is how wellness has become an ideology. The more we focus on our own wellness, the book argues, the more we alienate others and the more isolated we become... By spending so much time looking inward, in a relentless pursuit for the ideal body and state of mind, we pay less attention to the wider world and its ills. Gabrielle Monghan, Irish Independent

Short, brilliant and bracing, The Wellness Syndrome is the Brave New World de nos jours, a mordant satire on our contemporary mores... I pray that the authors will put a lot of life coaches (and celebrity chefs and similar fraudsters) out of business. Andy Martin, Literary Review

The books great virtue is its lightness of theoretical touch, which combines Darwin-award style tales of idiocy with punchy commentary to make for the kind of readability conducive to cult status among undergraduates. Gerald Moore, Radical Philosophy

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Desperately Seeking Self-Improvement: A Year Inside the ...

Written by admin

May 6th, 2018 at 5:41 am

Posted in Self-Improvement

5 Outstanding Self Improvement Skills You Should Start …

Posted: March 18, 2018 at 4:41 pm

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Self-improvement or personal development is a conscious effort that is focused towards getting yourself out of the mundane banalities of life. This is when a strong desire prevails that takes you where you want to be, helps you grow into the person that you have been longing for and allows you to elevate your life by bringing positive changes.

Self-improvement, therefore, is the path that leads you to a happy and healthy state of being. It tries to help you develop your personality in such a manner that even makes people around you happy too. Thus, if you want to fulfill the goal of achieving an invigorated self, you must also be ready to undergo various challenging physical and emotional situations.

This is how an attitude of constant personal development helps you:

Want to start walking this path? The following are self-improvement skills that will provide you with abundant long-term benefits:

Time management is the first step towards self-improvement, for it is important that you balance the conflicting demands of time. You have to equally give time to your professional and personal life.

Once you have identified to improve how you manage your time, you can begin to adjust your routines and patterns of behavior. When you start organizing your time in a better way, you increase your efficiency and ability to utilize your time where it really counts.

In order to be productive in terms of managing your time, you need to prioritize your goals and shut down distractions like emails, co-workers, and social media.

When there is stress, your sleep habits are normally getting disturbed as well. Today, many sleep disorders like insomnia are having negative implications for peoples health. Insomnia, in turn, is associated with many life-threatening diseases such as cancer, chronic pain, hypertension, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and depression.

Sleep is also very important for resetting your body and brain functions. There are many animals that go into hibernation in order to reset their bodies. For example, Grizzly bears and polar bears go for six months in hibernation; or snails can hibernate for as many as three years!

Clearly, sleep is important for every living being as much as it is for humans. Maybe we should learn a little bit from nature.

The power of listening is a highly valuable asset that builds strong relationships and requires you to improve your attention span along with disciplining yourself. Whether you are at a partyor at your workplace, you just dont want to be heard, but to be truly listened to as well.

Active listening is such an important habit that it can even help you get ahead in your career. When youre mindful, youre fully concentrated, you engage in and absorb whatever someone else says to you. Hence, it is a great way of earning the trust and respect of your peers and friends.

Pay attention to what people say and it will help you understand issues, come up with better solutions and deal with problems in a more efficient way.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an important step towards self-improvement. When you combine your good nutrition with physical activity and exercise, you basically choose a healthy body as well as a healthy mind.

When you know an action will have a positive impact on your health, you are greatly motivated to perform it. Moreover, while doing so, you will also motivate your family and friends. When you focus on keeping yourself healthy, you are choosing to accumulate more strength in terms of going on a hike, playing your favorite sport and enjoying things and people around you.

In a few words, if you have a healthy lifestyle, youll gain energy, improve your attention span, and even develop a more pleasant mood.

When you are compassionate, you have the motivation and desire to help a suffering person. However, the ultimate aim of being compassionate is to improve your life by helping others improve theirs. Be sure that this will give you peace and inner happiness!

Compassion is the perspective of assuming the best in others. It ensures that you choose to remain happy by making others life happy. When you focus on serving others, you gain a better perspective on your own problems. This way, you can work through your own feelings rather than simply live with them.

Want to help others improve their lives? Become a yoga instructor! Its easier than you might think, there are hundreds of yoga teacher training courses available on the web.

Go here to read the rest:
5 Outstanding Self Improvement Skills You Should Start ...

Written by admin

March 18th, 2018 at 4:41 pm

Posted in Self-Improvement

11 Easy Ways to Finally Overcome Your Fear of Public …

Posted: March 15, 2018 at 12:46 pm

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How successful we are at selling ourselves, our products and our services depends on our ability to stand up and be heard. What often prevents us from telling our story successfully is not our inability to articulate what we do, or how strongly we believe in the value of what we offer. Instead, it is simply the fear of speaking in front of an audience. Being nervous while presenting can put a dint in your credibility and have an adverse effect on achieving your business goals.

To manage the fear of speaking in public, you need to first understand the root cause of the fear. One of the best explanations comes from Scott Berkun, in Confessions of a Public Speaker. "The design of the brain's wiringgiven its long operational history, hundreds of thousands years older than the history of public speaking ... makes it impossible to stop fearing what it knows is the worst tactical position for a person to be in," Berkun says. That "worst tactical position" is standing alone, in an open place, with no place to hide, without a weapon, facing a large group of creatures staring at you. As Berkun puts it, being in this situation "meant the odds were high that you would soon be attacked and eaten alive ... Our ancestors, the ones who survived, developed a fear response to these situations."

Understanding that our brain can't tell the difference between a real threat (a pack of wolves about to attack you) and an imagined threat (a group of your peers watching you present) is the first step to overcoming the fear. This awareness can help you manage the "false alarm" that happens in the absence of real danger. How so? As you feel your heart racing when you first start your presentation, you can consciously and deliberately interrupt the fear response with a quick deep breath and a rational thought, "This is just a false alarm." The more you get into the habit of interrupting the fear response as soon as you feel it happening, the quicker you'll prevent it from being your default response every time you present in front of a group. You must ingrain in your mind the thought that the fear of public speaking is simply a misfiring of the caveman "fight or flight" fear response, and that you can overcome this.

Here are 11 practical tips to help you manage performance anxiety so you can focus on your key messages:

When you worry before a high-stakes presentation, you may have a tendency to ask yourself negative questions, such as "What will happen if I forget my material?" or "What if I mess up?" This form of self-talk is like throwing gasoline in a room on fire. All it does is heighten your anxiety. Replace these negative questions with positive ones. Take an inspiration from Seymour Signet, a specialist in helping people overcome public speaking anxiety. He advises to ask yourself: "What will happen if I knock it out of the park?" You can view more of Seymour's tips in his video "Ask Yourself Good Questions." Give this a try; it will calm the noise in your head.

When you know your material well, there's a tendency to get sloppy when practicing a speech: You might flip through the slides, mentally thinking about what you are going to say, without actually rehearsing out loud exactly what you plan to say. This results in a presentation that's not as sharp as it could be and might cause you to be nervous once you have 100 pairs of eyes staring at you. You can also forget some important sub-points and key soundbites.

For a high-stakes presentation, do this at least five times, at spaced intervals, to encode your material in long-term memory. It's also crucial that you practice your transitionsthe words that link one idea in your presentation to the next. These are easy to forget if you don't practice them and you end up with a staccato presentation. Transitions are the silken thread that guides your listeners through your story. Some examples: "Now that we have established ..."; "This leads us to ..."; "My next item is particularly crucial ..."

Knowing the sequence of your slides so you can anticipate and announce a slide makes you look in control. Nothing erodes your credibility faster than having to look at a slide to know what you have to say next. Being perceived as credible boosts your confidence and reduces your anxiety and the fear of failing.

One reason people often experience anxiety before a presentation is the fear that they'll be asked questions that might be difficult to answer. Don't get caught off guard. Think carefully of what potential questions might arise and rehearse your best answers. Go one step further by creating slides for some potential questions about complex issues. You can include in your slide important information, numbers, stats or even a pertinent graph or pie chart that would be helpful to the audience. If such a question arises, it's quite okay to say, "I anticipated that you might be asking this question. Let me display a slide that will clearly show ..."

A study at Harvard University showed the value of visualization in developing a skill: Two groups of volunteers were presented with a piece of unfamiliar piano music. One group was given a keyboard and told to practice. The other group was instructed to just read the music and imagine playing it. When their brain activity was examined, both groups showed expansion in the motor cortex, even though the second group had never touched a keyboard. Visualization is a powerful mental rehearsal tool that peak sports performers use regularly. Einstein, who's credited with saying that imagination is more important than knowledge, used visualization throughout his entire life. Take advantage of this tool and visualize yourself successfully delivering your presentation. Concentrate on all the positives of your presentation, and visualize the talk, in detail, from your introduction to your conclusion.

Instead, as Jerry Weissman puts it, "treat every presentation as a series of person-to-person conversations." The more you remind yourself of this, the more you can shift your focus away from the fear-inducing thought that you are required to perform.

This simple advice cannot be emphasized enough. When you're nervous, you breathe rapidly and shallowly. This is telegraphing to the audience that you're not confident. Slow and measured breathing is a sign that you're in control. Before you go to the front of the room, concentrate on taking a few, slow breaths. Repeat this a few times. When you start to speak, remember to pause and breathe after you make a point. Psychiatrist Fritz Perls said it powerfully: "Fear is excitement without the breath."

Harvard Business School Professor Amy Cuddy discovered that simply holding our body in an expansive pose for as little as two minutes results in a higher level of testosterone in our body. Testosterone is the hormone linked to power in both animals and humans. At the same time, the expansive pose lowers our level of cortisol, the stress hormone. In her TED video presentation, Cuddy shows a number of expansive poses, such as spreading your legs, placing your hands on your hips, or striking the CEO pose: legs resting on desk, and arms behind your head. You can apply this advice before a presentation to lower your stress level and give yourself a boost. Instead of hunching over your notes or BlackBerry, find a spot where you can have some privacy and adopt an expansive pose: Make yourself as big as you can by stretching your arms out and spreading your legs, or stand on your tiptoes with your hands in the air.

In "The Kings Speech," a movie about the true story of King George VI, one of the successful strategies the speech therapist uses to help the king overcome his stuttering is the use of pauses. Pausing helped the king regain his composure whenever he was gripped by anxiety. When you feel anxious while presenting, consider pausing more frequently. A few strategic pauses between points have a calming effect.

Your anxiety level is increased when you misinterpret the audience's facial expression. In normal conversation, we're accustomed to getting feedback from the listenera nod or a smile here and there that signal approval. But when we present, audiences listen differently. They're more likely to give the speaker a blank stare, which doesn't mean they don't like what they hear; more often than not, it simply means they're concentrating on the message. This is especially true of audience members who are introverted.

You can get more tips for managing presentation anxiety in my book, Presenting with Credibility: Practical Tools and Techniques For Effective Presentations. There's a Japanese proverb that says, "Fear is only as deep as the mind allows." Put your mind on developing your key company messages and crafting your story. Replace time expended on worrying with time spent on preparing thoroughly for your presentation, by knowing your material cold, and practicing it beyond the point of pain. Then go out there and win them over.

Read more articles on presenting to a group of people.

Photo: iStockphoto

See the original post here:
11 Easy Ways to Finally Overcome Your Fear of Public ...

Written by admin

March 15th, 2018 at 12:46 pm

Posted in Self-Improvement

What is Self Improvement?

Posted: March 11, 2018 at 12:44 pm

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Self-improvement is a journey. A pleasant, exciting and rewarding journey; and its taking you from the acorn to the oak tree, from the brook to the river, from a blank canvas to a masterpiece: the best YOU.

Because you are here, I guess, you already started your self-improvement journey, or you have a strong desire to do so.

Either way, you have made the first step, and that counts the most because this first step is the moment when you realize how amazing you can be, how beautiful and fulfilled your life can be, how great, rewarding and inspiring can be your contribution to a better world.

When your boss, your friends or whoever else is changing around you, your life is pretty much the same. When you are changing, then, your life is changing.

You grow and become extraordinary in life by accomplishing the most ordinary things.

Be like a river that starts its journey from a shallow brook and ends it into the deep ocean, or an acorn that becomes a majestic oak tree.

Allow yourself to become whoever you want to become.

If there is destiny, know that it has more than one version, and it is up to you which version of your destiny you get to live. Your desire to improve yourself is setting the course and the pathway of your destiny.

Your life belongs to you.

Are you living up to your potential?

Are you living the best version of your destiny?

Are you putting forward the best you?

Life is a gift. A gift that only a small minority of seeds receive.

Self-improvement is about honoring that gift; making the most out of it, building a happy, prosperous life and contributing to the well-being of others along the way.

We are living amazing times; your personal growth can make a change not only in your life but also can be powerful motivation for others.

Join us, so you dont have to walk alone in your journey.

On UpJourney you can find in-depth information and self improvement tips.

For example, well talk about:

Allow us to walk with you on your journey to self-improvement, success and become the best version of yourself.

Originally posted here:
What is Self Improvement?

Written by simmons

March 11th, 2018 at 12:44 pm

Posted in Self-Improvement

Self improvement versus God improvement | Christianity and …

Posted: March 7, 2018 at 12:42 am

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Self improvement is one of the many ways that the PUAs and other lifestyle manosphere sites use to build an attractive man that women want to be around. However, self improvement at its core is obviously about the self. It is inherently selfish and prideful. Therefore, we eschew it because that is not what God has called us to.

The mindset, however, is indeed correct. We must understand as Christians that things we may do and things the world may do may look similar, but we do them for different purposes and intents. This will become more clear as I talk about this further.

One of the big things about self improvement in the manosphere is getting men to exercise and build a muscular physique. On the surface, this seems relatively innocuous, but its looking at things from the wrong lens.

For example, lets examine the most recent missions trip that I went on.

Because I workout and exercise regularly, I was able to help out with some of the more difficult manual labor tasks in regard to construction of a feeding center and school. This is beneficial for the kingdom of God.

Obviously, it would be a lie to say that I would just work out to be able to assist the kingdom of God better wherever I go, and that I dont care about what I look like. But, it is at least a start.

Our motivations for God improvement should therefore come from what we know in Scripture. Matthew 28 is a clear command to all Christians. Therefore, the question I must ask for myself over anything that I do is,

How does doing X,Y,Z make me a better ambassador for Christ?

This is the lens of how we are to examine our actions and motivations.

Like it or not, appearances do matter.

All non-Christians in the US know that gluttony is a sin. Therefore, as a witness to those non-Christians should I eat correctly and exercise? You betcha.

The discipline acquired from regularly scheduling exercise and discipline yourself in eating does extend towards Scripture. The more self control you have the easier it is to exercise self control.

Again, the problem with most Christian nice guys is not actions and words, it is mindset.

Although having a system with examples would be nice.[1]

Parables are not understood by unbelievers because they do not have the correct frame of reference. Even Christians that have been Christians for 40-50 years can find new concepts and teachings within parables because of gaining a greater understanding (mindset) of who God is and how He works through people and relationships.

Is surfing the internet when Im bored making me a better ambassador for Christ? No. What value is there in that?

Is working out and eating correctly making me a better ambassador for Christ? Yes.

1 Timothy 4:8 Forphysical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

Is meditating, reading the Scriptures, praying, fasting, etc. making me a better ambassador for Christ? Yes.

Is learning how to talk with men and women of all ages well without stuttering making me a better ambassador for Christ? Yes. Christianity is all about relationships. How you grow in a relationship with God and with your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Is learning a new hobby and mastering it making me a better ambassador for Christ? Yes, if you can make friends and eventually share the gospel with them, or develop increased fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Everyone knows that public speaking is a learned skill. Almost no one is good at it when they start. Can improvement in public speaking make you a better ambassador for Christ? Absolutely.

Is learning how to converse with others effective going to make you a better ambassador for God? Surely.

Self improvement as a Christian is not wrong because of the improvement but because of the self.

However, the biggest trap that a Christian man may fall into is that he may get too focused on the improvement itself, and neglect to leverage any of the improvement for the gospel or to obey God.

This is the difference between me telling my brothers in Christ to eat right and workout because it will make them more attractive to women, but to eat right and workout because God hates gluttony and slothfulness. Intentions matters. The fact that it may make women more attracted is just a nice side effect of obeying Gods commands.

As I talked about in the Foundations of Christian Masculinity, it is the heart for God or the heart for self that matters.

Therefore, strip off the old habits which are fruitless. Those of laziness, watching TV, surfing the Internet, being fearful of men and women, and the like. And put on new habits to embrace the calling of an ambassador for Christ.

Set your heart on God, and grow in a way that will nurture or as the PUAs say bring value to His kingdom.

Even if you only give a part of your self improvement to God, He will take what you give Him and use it for his glory. Then you will know what it means to know that He first called you, and be willing to give him your most important resource that you own: time.

Know this, God can redeem self improvement for Himself. So it is not a sunk cost.

In conclusion, it is therefore important to know what gifts God has called you to as well as your mission/occupation in life apart from the gospel so as to be excellent in all that you do and to know what you may need to work on to grow as a new creation in Christ.

As was stated earlier, improvement that the PUAs may do such as workout, eat healthy, read a lot, etc. may look similar to what we should be doing as Christians. These habits are not bad because they are focused on the self and how to leverage it for sleeping with women. First and foremost, intention matters to God.

A Christian man leveraging improvement to get a wife is not seeking God first but focusing on the self.

Colossians 3:2 Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.

[1] I will be posting more examples later on, and perhaps with a collaboration we will make it into a book/system.

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Self improvement versus God improvement | Christianity and ...

Written by simmons

March 7th, 2018 at 12:42 am

Posted in Self-Improvement

Self-Improvement – Free Books at EBD – E-Books Directory

Posted: March 1, 2018 at 12:44 am

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Self-Improvement - Free Books at EBDBreak The Rules: 50 Smashing Ways To Be More Creativeby James Hegarty - Smashwords , 2015Hegarty's detailed analysis provides a foundation for the development of individual creativity. Break The Rules is a loud and effective call to anyone to be more creative. The book gives anyone the tools and confidence to be more creative right away.(550 views)Your Life: The Popular Guide to Desirable Livingby Wilfred Funk - The Kingsway press, inc. , 1937Your greatest asset in the world is your personality. The rich man is unhappy because of the lack of it; the poor man is convinced he would make good if he possessed it. Women realize its golden value, for it more than compensates for any handicap.(1264 views)Productivity for Creative Peopleby Mark McGuinness - Smashwords , 2016If you're excited by the opportunities of the creative age, but worried about the effect of all those interruptions and digital distractions on your creative work, 'Productivity for Creative People' has been written for you.(1018 views)Mind Hackingby John Hargrave - , 2015Have you ever wished you could reprogram your brain, just as a hacker would a computer? In this 3-step guide to improving your mental habits, learn to take charge of your mind and banish negative thoughts, habits, and anxiety -- in just 21 days.(3190 views)How to Overcome Procrastinationby Paul Newton - Bookboon , 2014This book provides practical and usable tactics that control and overcome one's tendency to procrastinate. It helps you to identify which of the seven triggers cause you to put off important tasks. You can also pass on these tactics to help others.(1793 views)The Creative Edge: The Art of Making Ideas Workby James Hegarty - Smashwords , 2014How to discover extraordinary ideas and bring them into reality. This book explains creativity as a practical process - the methods and abilities - that applies to any discovery and development situation. It's practical, hip, and entirely real-world.(5054 views)The 25-Hour Dayby Jenna Meyerson - Bookboon , 2013This manual gives practical tips and instructions to help you understand time management. You will discover how to utilise the technology available to you, how to make the most of your own productive cycles, and how to make your life more efficient.(2858 views)Emotional Intelligenceby MTD Training - BookBoon , 2010This textbook introduces readers to what Emotional Intelligence is and how they can improve their own. Being 'bright' is not enough in today's modern society. You need to understand how to manage your emotions and those of others to get on.(5856 views)How to Analyze People on Sightby E. L. Benedict, R. P. Benedict - Roycrofters , 1921The fundamental traits of every individual are stamped in the shape of his body, head, face and hands. From this book you will learn which type of car you are and the main reasons why you have not been getting the maximum of service out of yourself.(8640 views)The Science of Getting Richby Wallace Delois Wattles , 1910The book is about getting rich - not only in terms of money but in every possible way, including relationships and health. The book is quite short and the language is simple. The author doesn't get into philosophies or theories.(20021 views)How to Make a Complete Map of Every Thought you Thinkby Lion Kimbro , 2003This book is about how to make a complete map of everything you think for as long as you like. Keeping a map of all your thoughts has a freezing effect on the mind. It takes a lot of (albeit pleasurable) work, but produces nothing but SIGHT.(11670 views)Interesting pagesMore sites like thisFollow us 2008 - 2018 by E-Books Directory

Originally posted here:
Self-Improvement - Free Books at EBD - E-Books Directory

Written by admin

March 1st, 2018 at 12:44 am

Posted in Self-Improvement

Self-Improvement Is Not Just For Young Guys Return Of Kings

Posted: January 19, 2018 at 6:45 am

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I am writing this article in response to the challenge made by Generation21stCentury a few weeks ago.

Improvement of self must continue up to the moment of death. So much of what has been written here is based on the driving need of young men to develop their skills in order to achieve their goals. Those goals usually include sex with many quality girls, material wealth to enjoy living, and free time to pursue a variety of interests. These are excellent choices and I encourage you to pursue them. This article will show that in most conventionally successful lives there are opportunities for improvement.

I am a 47 year old engineer and project manager. I have worked on industrial mining construction projects all over the world. I owe no money to anyone. I have been married a long time. My five children are almost grown and some are living on their own.

A few years ago I noticed that my few remaining friends in this world were getting divorced. Their reasons were utterly diverse. The end result was always bitter ex-wives, angry ex-husbands, and weeping children. I started looking for reasons and I did not find anything that made sense to me.

I am a farm boy, ex-military, march or die kind of guy. I am acknowledged in my corner of the industry for being that bastard that can turn a construction project profitable if you can stomach the methods. I can make you cry, fire your ass with a smile, and forget your name the moment you are gone. My only regret at the end of most projects is that I wasnt more of a hard-ass. In short, empirical methods that work are king. The final arbiter of success is the scoreboard. Nothing else matters.

Nothing that my conventional Catholic society had to say about divorce made any sense to me, and this filled me with concern. I like my family the way it is. What if there was something I could do to prevent what was happening to everyone I knew from happening to me?

Then, one bitterly cold day at the end of a gloomy November, one of my colleagues rigged up a helium suicide device and killed himself. He was one of the few men I could trust with fire and forget delegation. If he said, Ill handle it, I trusted him. He had worked for me for years and had a promising career. I was the last person he talked to on his cell phone, and in his note he mentioned that he was afraid he would disappoint me by quitting early.

This guy was tall, good-looking, fit, and well off. No bad habits. He vacationed in Brazil, scuba-dived wrecks in the Caribbean, travelled the world, lived alone in a nice apartment, and had everything he wanted when he wanted it. We tried to drink his booze cabinet dry during his wake and we, two dozen men from the heavy mining construction industry, failed. Why did he check out early? Was it somehow related to the other shattering changes my acquaintances were going through, such as the divorces?

His suicide got me thinking and I decided to dig into alternative resources. I broadened my search for information and discovered the corner of the web that this site is part of. Many issues started making sense to me. Why did so many other mens marriages fail when mine was staying strong? Here is why:

I understand that the legal system makes her totally independent and that she can access my income whether I will it or no. But I am the kind of man that she can never replace and thus her hypergamy is satiated. Early in our relationship (before and after we were married) there were several moments where I point-blank told her to comply with my wishes or leave my home. She complied. She is also well aware that I am a vindictive prick that will go to almost any lengths to ensure my will is done. So that makes sense.

But why did my buddy check out? God only knows. I speculate that he felt like a failure for not having a wife and children. He was so blue pill that he felt life-ending grade shame for not being able to sacrifice his life to a woman. He had told me and others several times that he wished he could find a wife and have children. He was awkward with women. Despite all of his advantages, he could not get laid in a whorehouse. So he killed himself rather than keep facing that failure.

The world is actually kind of a big place. And we are very small.

I am what you folks refer to as a blue pill man, an AFC, if you will. I have only made love to a few women when I was younger and now only to my wife. I have little desire to have sex with many different women, my material wants are satisfied, and I have the resources to enjoy my free time. So what does the red pill do for a fellow like me?

My life was not all a bed of roses. I had very few friends. I worked hard for other people. I struggled with erectile dysfunction. My wife had a pretty face I loved, but a chubby body I was not attracted to. I volunteered for churches and other organizations. I accepted these things, even though they made me quite angry, because I thought they were correct. I had been taught, and I accepted, that it was right and proper that I suffer and others benefit, and that I should suffer silently and accept my lot.

What the red pill does is make a fellow go, Well. Fuck that noise.

I thought about what I wanted. I thought about a friend who ended his life rather than face blue pill failure. I thought about missed opportunities and a wasted youth. I thought about a life of ongoing slavery ending in forgetful silence. What did I really want? And I applied my problem solving skills and intelligence to the issue of what I want:

I set out to achieve all of these things two years ago. Most of it is finished. I quit my job, started consulting, and tripled my income. I sold my house and most of my junk and we live in a smaller, cheaper, and less time-consuming apartment. I purchased an airplane and started flying to interesting places regularly again. I started running and lifting weights and am now in the best shape of my life. I moved to a more centrally located city and stopped spending time withparasites. I set my wife up with a personal trainer, go to the fitness classes with her, and now enjoy how she looks. She learned about healthy cooking, we started eating cleaner, and are reaping the benefits. I work less, have far less stress, and I travel regularly to stay in touch with old friends. My dick works much better. My wife is happy. Her eyes shine as she hesitantly caresses my arm and looks up at me with shy pride.

I took a life that was focussed on working for other people and via self-improvement aimed it at working for myself. I have no regrets whatever. Everyone is better off, not just me, but I am the purpose of my life now. I find more information every day that provides me with opportunities to improve.

You young men learn about the red pill, bang the hotties, have fun, and God bless you for doing it. I cannot and will not compete in that arena. I yield that ground. I will take my place in the stands and applaud your victories.

Im going over there now.

You older men need this. Make your life better. Reject a life of thankless servitude and focus on what you want, while you can. Your life may not be perfect, but you can always make itbetter.

Read More: Average Never Got Anyone Anywhere

Read more:
Self-Improvement Is Not Just For Young Guys Return Of Kings

Written by admin

January 19th, 2018 at 6:45 am

Posted in Self-Improvement

Nook Self Improvement Blog

Posted: December 14, 2017 at 6:45 am

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Nook Self Improvement Blog

Written by simmons

December 14th, 2017 at 6:45 am

Posted in Self-Improvement

How to Be Okay with Being You: 15 Steps (with Pictures …

Posted: at 6:45 am

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Part 1






Part 2






Part 3






I just can't imagine one thing about me that's good or positive. I really don't know how to find things like this. How do I find them?

One good thing about you is that you are doing introspection. You have identified something about yourself and now you are not only thinking about how to improve that, but also asking for advice. It's a big positive that you are able to say, "If I don't know the answer, I'll ask for advice." That's a start, and it's all you need. You've already proven that there is at least that one thing. The biggest step is to go from 0 to 1. Now keep going. I'm sure that, if you're honest, you'll find at least a dozen positives before the day is through.

I want people to like me for who I am. My friends don't accept me any more, and I feel like I have lost the person I used to be. How do I refresh myself?


If your friends don't like you for who you are, than they are not your friends. To give yourself a fresh start, figure out what you're good at and what you enjoy and look for new friends who share your interests and find you interesting. Be 100 percent real and be nice to everyone. Be confident and bold.

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Categories: Building and Maintaining Self Confidence

In other languages:

: , ,Espaol:estar bien siendo uno mismo,Bahasa Indonesia:Menerima Diri Sendiri,Nederlands:Jezelf accepteren,Franais:s'accepter tel que l'on est,: ,Portugus:Ficar Bem Sendo Voc Mesmo,Ting Vit:Hi lng khi l chnh mnh,:,: ,:,Deutsch:Mit dir im Reinen sein

Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 102,175 times.


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How to Be Okay with Being You: 15 Steps (with Pictures ...

Written by simmons

December 14th, 2017 at 6:45 am

Posted in Self-Improvement

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