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Archive for the ‘Motivation’ Category

NAV Reveals His Motivation and Why He Doesn’t Live With Mom – SOHH

Posted: May 2, 2020 at 11:44 pm

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Toronto rapper NAV has no problem speaking straight facts. The hip-hop superstar went online this week to dish out some major truth to his fans and haters alike.

The hip-hop heavyweight went to his Twitter page to speak up. NAV admitted he gives his own power moves priority over what others think.

If I gave a f*ck what people think id prolly still be livin w my mom -NAVs Twitter

Earlier this week, NAV went the cinematic route with a trailer to break big news. The video teaser revealed his new Good Intentions album title and its May 8 release date.

Clocking in at exactly one minute, the trailer forGood Intentionsis made up of a series of small clips of NAV working late nights in the studio. Backed by a lush arrangement of nocturnal piano notes, the trailer features voiceovers by NAV, explaining how hes been able to meet all his goals in the last year with his previous album, including reaching number one on the charts. The trailer also shows brief moments where other artists are with him in the studio, like the latePop Smoke, who is expected to be a feature on the LP other features includeTravis Scott,Young ThugandGunna.Good Intentionsis slated to land on May 8, packing a total of 17 tracks. (HYPEBEAST)

A few nights ago, NAV went to his Instagram page to unexpectedly apologize to producers Don Cannon and DJ Drama. He publicly extended his hand to both musicians about overreacting last year.

Shout-out to DJ Drama and Don Cannon. I definitely over reacted last year! Nothing but love 100. Album Coming Soon. -NAVs Instagram

Last year, NAV publicly called out both Cannon and Drama. He pointed the finger at them for not clearing a verse by their protg Lil Uzi Vert for his album.

I had an open verse for the longest, and Uzi blessed us with one, NAV said about a song titled Habits before sharing why it didnt make the cut. Unfortunately, DJ Drama and Don Cannon wont clear his verse legally. I used to be a big fan of them since Gangsta Grillz mixtapes and thought they support new artists. I guess its all about the $$$$ for them now! (The FADER)


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NAV Reveals His Motivation and Why He Doesn't Live With Mom - SOHH

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May 2nd, 2020 at 11:44 pm

Posted in Motivation

The long and winding road: Lockdown advice from three motivational speakers – Mancunian Matters

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The days blend into one. COVID-19 life, as we know it, has become one of constant repetition.

It can be hard to find motivation in pretty much anything under lockdown.

After interviewing three motivational speakers for Mancunian Matters, it quickly became evident that they undoubtedly have the necessary tips and advice to boost morale amidst a global pandemic.

Ranging from business strategies to mental health to goal-setting: these motivational speakers have shared the essential ways of keeping and staying motivated in lockdown.


A specialist in business, Campbell Macpherson has been working within the industry for nearly thirty years. Whilst he is primarily known in the business world, Macpherson has also revealed his lockdown advice for the general public.

Enjoy the calm. Ive seen so many posts from social media gurus and life coaches that say this is your opportunity to play the piano and write the book youve always wanted to, and whilst that is good, this is actually the time to enjoy the calm.

Youve got the time to actually call up friends you havent spoken to for so long. Youve got the time to sit and contemplate.

If youre in a safe place, theres no need to be rushing around and worried: just enjoy the calm.

Having won at the 2018 Business Book Awards with The Change Catalyst, Macpherson has also added his expert advice for the business-orientated audience in lockdown.

Now is the time to plan. Enjoy the calm but actually now is the time to plan how youre going to take off. Youve studied the plane, youve landed the plane, now plan for takeoff because the world will be very different in the future.

Is your strategy fit for purpose? Are you really clear about why you exist, and for whom, and why people would choose you? Do you have a digital strategy? Do you have a sustainability strategy?

Now is the time to put those things together because youre not so frantic with your day job.


Maria Mander specialises in positive well-being, aiming to incorporate a culture of wellness & positivity into the workplace.

A Reiki practitioner, mindfulness tutor, and qualified life coach, Mander has emphasised the importance of mental health during this time.

Mander takes direct inspiration from the new economics foundations guide on wellbeing & incorporates their ways for wellbeing into her own advice.

First of all, its connect. Making sure youre connected to your friends, colleagues and family. I think thats absolutely key to supporting your mental wellbeing.

The second one is exercise. Make sure youre exercising every day and be creative with that.

Take notice, use this time. Youre never going to get this time again. Declutter your house, read a book or rediscover an old hobby: use this time to do all those things you never get a chance to do.

Mander has also stressed the importance of disengaging with the news so often, enhancing your ability to maintain your wellbeing and mental health.

Tune out of the news. Watch the news once a day but try and tune out of it so youre not living in constant anxiety and fear.


David Hyner is a renowned specialist in goal setting & motivation. Therefore, its no surprise that Hyner values this status of lockdown as a period where people can start setting their own goals.

Set yourself a big, fat, hairy goal. A massive goal.

Do not set a realistic and achievable target, because thats what everybody does.

The top 3% of people: be it business, sport or science; the most effective people on the planet set big goals.

"Set a big goal, break it down into realistic & achievable steps. If youve got a massive goal and everything is realistic and achievable, nothings stopping you.

Having previously hosted radio shows on positivity for the BBC, Hyner notes that a source of positive thinking can come from helping others during this time.

Take personal responsibility, that could even mean doing something for somebody else.

Doing something that means you have to get out of bed at 7 am because you have to take an old ladys dog down the road every single day. Do something that gives you a sense of responsibility.

It keeps the mind absolutely switched on.

Main image courtesy ofManchesterphotosvia WikiMedia Commons, with thanks.

The long and winding road: Lockdown advice from three motivational speakers - Mancunian Matters

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May 2nd, 2020 at 11:44 pm

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These Are The Best Motivational Books To Read During Lockdown – CEOWORLD magazine

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COVID-19 has placed one-third of humanity into a lockdown. Manufacturing, supply chain, event management, travel, and trade are some of the worst-hit industries. The world is facing the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. The global economy is tumbling.

Organizations of all sizes have implemented cost-cutting measures to minimize losses. While some have enforced mandatory pay cuts, others are laying off people. According to NPR, 26 million people have lost their jobs in a matter of 5 weeks. All of us have been affected to some extent.

These are worrisome times, indeed. Every source of inspiration is valuable at the moment. Former U.S. President Harry S. Truman famously said, Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers. Books have the power to inspire. They impart positive thoughts. This is crucial to get you back on track.

Heres our list of the best motivational books to read during the lockdown:

Some more motivational books youd like to read:

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These Are The Best Motivational Books To Read During Lockdown - CEOWORLD magazine

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May 2nd, 2020 at 11:44 pm

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Alain Ngalani finding new motivation in special rules bout with Vitor Belfort – BJPENN.COM

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Alain Ngalani has been given the momentous task of welcoming former UFC light heavyweight champion Vitor Belfort to ONE Championship, and he relishes that challenge. In fact, its providing him with new motivation after a prolonged period of listlessness.

Ngalani, who hails from Cameroon and now lives in Hong Kong, says the bout will most likely occur in the ONE light heavyweight division under a modified rule setthough the pertinent details are still being hashed out. The date of this showdown is also a moving target amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Whatever the case, Ngalani is fired up for the opportunity to step onto the canvas with a legend like Belfort. He views this fight as the perfect opportunity to get back on track after a tough loss to former Cage Warriors champ Mauro Cerilli and a stretch of diminishing motivation.

Vitor Belfort is a legend, theres no denying that, Ngalani said of his adversary. To me its a privilege to meet him in ONE Championship. Im looking to redeem myself and this fight is bringing me a lot of excitement. It brings the motivation and lights a new fire in me.

We as fighters go through a lot. We go through injuries, we go through ups and downs, and sometimes we lose ourselves. You lose yourself, and youre there but youre notthere.Youre lacking that fire, youre lacking that thing you need to identify and find yourself again. I feel very blessed to have this opportunity because its bringing joy to my training, its bringing excitement, its bringing the fire, and thats what I needed. I needed something to wake me up.

While Ngalani is thrilled about the opportunity at hand, the task of beating Belfort will not be an easy one. That being said, the kickboxing specialist likes his chances particularly under a special rule set that will most likely emphasize the striking side of the mixed martial arts arsenal.

The rules will be altered, he said. If we base it on striking, Im pretty happy with that.

Ngalani also believes his size and physicality could be a big factor in this matchup. He naturally floats around ONEs light heavyweight and heavyweight divisions, whereas Belfort will likely have to hit the weight room to bulk up for this matchup.

I can see his training [on social media], Ngalani said. I can see hes training with some big, tough guys, and thats good for him.

My size hasnt changed, he added. Im naturally this size. Im very comfortable walking around at this weight, and I think thats an advantage for me. Im not forcing it.

Despite his confidence, Ngalani recognizes hell be an underdog in this matchup. Hes 44 years old, and 4-5 in MMA, so his doubters will have plenty of ammunition.

They can only motivate me, Ngalani said when asked about the people counting him out in this fight. Ive heard it all. Ive heard a lot of negative comments, and so on, and fair enough. You know, I went into MMA just to have fun and compete and challenge myself, and sometimes I felt, in my last few fights, that I wasnt there. There were also injuries that I was dealing with. [All of that] brought my record to what it is, and its not in my favor, and it doesnt reflect greatly on me.

I can understand people saying negative things about me, but it doesnt take away from the fact that I remain who I am. I remain dangerous, I remain athletic. I remain a very capable knockout artist.

Alain Ngalani considers this Vitor Belfort matchup the biggest fight of his combat sports career in MMA, kickboxing or Muay Thai. Needless to say, hes going to be overjoyed if he can prove his doubters wrong and win it.

Its going to be awesome, he said, envisioning the win. Its one of those rare moments where you have an opportunity, and you go out there and you do what you do best. This is what I do best. I love this sport, and a moment like that [beating Belfort], I cant imagine. Im so excited that words cant describe it.

I respect Vitor. Hes a great athlete. But at the end of the day, were going to go out there and draw swords. After that, Ill still have 100 percent respect for him, no matter the outcome of the fight, but Im going there to take that [win].

This article first appeared onBJPENN.comon 4/30/2020.

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Alain Ngalani finding new motivation in special rules bout with Vitor Belfort - BJPENN.COM

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May 2nd, 2020 at 11:44 pm

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The End is Near: How to Stay Motivated at the End of a Semester – The Rambler

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Today is the last Friday of this semester.

It marks the end of the last full week of school.

For some of us, thats the last full week of schoolever.

I dont know about you, but these realizations hit me particularly hard today. I am a graduating senior this semester, and while things havent exactly gone as planned for me these last couple of months, realizing that Im almost done is about 50% relaxing.

Its 50% other emotions too but lets not get into those

If youre like me, you might have a rough time staying motivated right now. The semester is closing out, we havent seen our beautiful campus since early March nearly two months ago now the weather is nice, and all I want to do it sit outside with a book ignoring my responsibilities.

Just one more week, and then that can really be a reality.

For now, though, work, school, and other responsibilities are piling up. In the midst of the chaos, my work area has gotten pretty cluttered, so much though that Ive actually been moving my school books and laptop outside each day instead of sitting at my desk. The clutter is stressful. The fresh air is wonderful.

So today, we are gonna talk about that motivation to finish this semester off as the strongest we have ever been. Im here to give you some hints to help you out through this last week or so of school, so stick with me and we can do this thing. Together.

While this might sound like the five-second rule, I can guarantee you it has nothing to do with food. The two-minute rule is the idea of, throughout your day, if you see a task that needs to be done that takes less than two minutes, go ahead and knock it out so it wont pile up into a bigger task. Here are some tasks that match that description:

The two-minute rule can knock off a lot of stress from your day-to-day life and can help you with work, school, chores, and any other tasks that might now be your favorite things to do.

Set up a ratio for yourself of reward to work. For example, for every thirty minutes you spend cramming for an exam, you can spend ten minutes playing games on your phone. Find the ratio that works for you, as some people benefit from a longer period of work, and others benefit from short bursts. Here are some rewards you can give yourself after doing your work:

Using a work:reward ratio can not only keep you motivated to finish your work, but it can also help break up the monotony of having to study for a big test or write a long paper. These tasks can be difficult to do in one sitting, so break them up into manageable chunks with small rewards sprinkled in between.

Pro-tip: If you want to embrace a healthy lifestyle, dont let junk food be a reward for you. Eating a junky snack every hour or so can cause drowsiness and irritability in addition to making you less healthy. Instead, if you need a snack between work sessions, consider a piece of fruit, some nuts, a glass of milk, or something else that is not a processed food.

These are two tips I have adapted during my four years of college to help me to get more stuff done in a more effective and efficient manner. What works for me may not work for everyone, so feel free to adapt these to your own needs and figure out what works best for you.

Do you have any ideas to help stay motivated for the remainder of the semester? Tell us your ideas down below! And join us next week to learn about the power of positivity, healthy snacks for finals cramming, and more!

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The End is Near: How to Stay Motivated at the End of a Semester - The Rambler

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May 2nd, 2020 at 11:44 pm

Posted in Motivation

New Cardinals LB Evan Weaver motivated by winning, hitting – Cards Wire

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The Arizona Cardinals used their sixth-round pick to select California linebacker Evan Weaver. He was one of the most productive defensive players in the country last year and was the Pac-12 Defensive Player of the Year.

General manager Steve Keim was impressed by his confidence and intensity when he spoke with him.

The rookie linebacker has the mentality you want to see in a linebacker. Two things motivate him winning and hitting people.

I think winning and hitting people as hard as you possibly can and really taking the soul out of people, he said after being drafted after being asked what he loves about football. Once you get to the third, fourth quarter, they dont want to play anymore because they just dont want to hang with you. And just wanting to do it and the will to have to beat somebody up for a whole four quarters and just keep it going through a 12-game season, but now 16. Just having the will and want to win.

Weaver should be an intense special teams contributor as a rookie.

The competition between him and special teams Pro Bowl alternate Dennis Gardeck should be fun to watch.

Fans like it when their team wins. They like to see hitting from their teams defensive players. If Weaver plays the way he talks, he should very quickly become a fan favorite.

Listen to the latest from Cards Wires Jess Root on his podcast, Rise Up, See Red. Subscribe on Apple podcasts or Stitcher Radio.

Ep. 266


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New Cardinals LB Evan Weaver motivated by winning, hitting - Cards Wire

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May 2nd, 2020 at 11:44 pm

Posted in Motivation

Motivational Speaker, Poet, and Author Marc Lacy Seeks to Inspire Others During COVID-19 –

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*Are you someone whos interested in secretive and occult subjects? Then you may already know the meanings behind military or government secret handshakes.

You might also be into things like astrology, tarot card readings, or other new-age things. But have you heard of numerology before? As you may guess, this has to do with numbers and their roles in our lives.

What is numerology? And is numerology real? Well tell you everything you need to know about numerology in this article.

What Is Numerology?

Numerology is the belief of a connection between certain numbers and the events that happen in our lives. This is because numerologists believe that each number has its own energy, or vibration.

Today, the term vibration is also used when describing the power held within other new-age items, such as crystals and essential oils. If youre into new-age things, then youll probably notice this term around a lot.

Is Numerology Real?

We can define numerology, but is it real? For that question, the answer is up in the air.

For most people, they think recurring numbers in their lifetime are just a coincidence, and that the mind chooses to see a pattern. But for others, they do believe that numerology is a real thing.

As far as we know, its something akin to religion. There are people on polarizing sides of numerology, but theres no concrete evidence of it not being real.

For most people, its something fun to look into, but not a serious belief. They treat it as theyd treat astrology; while its fun to get readings, they dont really let it run their lives. In your case, it may be ideal to do so as well.

Pythagoras, the Father of Western Numerology

If youve tried to research numerology, then you might have come across the Pythagorean numerology chart. And if youve taken high school math, then that name probably sounds familiar.

Thats probably because youve learned the Pythagorean theorem. This is an equation that lets anyone figure out the lengths of any side of a triangle, provided that its a right triangle (it has a 90 degree angle). The equation goes like this: a+b=c, with c being the hypotenuse, or the longest side of the triangle.

Although this is a theorem, its actually a widely accepted equation, as its been proven to be true in concrete terms. Because of this, you might think anything else Pythagoras came up with is concrete as well, such as the Pythagorean numerology chart. Hes considered the Father of Western Numerology, after all.

Both Pythagoras and his followers highly believed in the powers associated with numbers. This was why he came up with his triangle theorem. He also discovered how music had mathematical properties to it as well.

But when it comes to his numerology chart, its probably best taken with a grain of salt.

Pythagorean Numerology Chart

When it comes to the Pythagorean numerology chart, each letter in the Latin alphabet is assigned a particular number from 1 to 9, with 3 on each number except for 9 (there are only 2 letters here).

To get your name number, youd add together all of the numbers associated with each letter of your full name. Then, you add those digits together. If that results in a number that has more than one digit, then you add them together again.

You keep doing this until youre left with one number. That is then your name number.

If you ever get your name changed, then youll have to recalculate this number.

Calculating Your Life Path Number

Another way to get the number your life is associated with is to calculate your life path number. This is a simpler method, as you just add up all the numbers in your birthdate. Then, you do the same calculations as with the name number, until you reach one single number.

What Life Path Numbers Mean

Now you know the numerology basics on how to calculate your name or life path number. But what does this mean, exactly?

For instance, if you get a number 1 as a result, youll want to know the life path number 1 meaning. Well, number readings in numerology are pretty similar to the ones you get in things like astrology.

For example, people who have the number 1 as a life path number tend to be full of life, energy, and passion. They also love to discover new things.

Other things linked to your life path number include your family, health, and love life.

Do note that although you reach one number that dominates your life, its most likely not the only one that influences how it goes. You can think of the other ones as supporting numbers, such as your birthdate, social security number, and other important numbers you collect throughout your lifetime.

You may also keep running into certain numbers in your lifetime. If you keep seeing recurring digits, then you might want to pay attention, as this may be lifes way of catching and directing your attention to something important.

Impress Your Friends With Your Newfound Numerology Knowledge

So what is numerology? Its the fascinating study and belief that links numbers to certain things happening.

Whether or not you subscribe to this belief, you have to admit that its a pretty interesting concept. So the next time you meet up with your friends, youll have some fantastic information to share with them. And who knows, maybe youll get someone else down the rabbit hole with numerology!

If youre looking for more interesting reads, then check out our lazy girls guide to easy hairstyles.

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Motivational Speaker, Poet, and Author Marc Lacy Seeks to Inspire Others During COVID-19 -

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May 2nd, 2020 at 11:44 pm

Posted in Motivation

With late brother as both memory and motivation, Arizona Wildcats commit Bennedict Mathurin charts course for basketball future – Arizona Daily Star

Posted: April 29, 2020 at 3:41 am

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So when Olaya talked to Mathurin that day, leading to a later offer from the NBA Academy Latin America, there was no reason to hesitate.

Never mind that it would represent a huge leap of faith both on and off the court. Mathurin was the Latin America programs first Canadian player. He spoke French, English and Creole but not Spanish.

It was hard, Mathurin said. People would try to talk to me and I couldnt understand but on the court, it was pretty easy.

When the coaches were talking, they were pointing with their fingers so I could understand. And a player translated for me, simple things like screen that I couldnt understand. I just had to learn to talk with people.

The 6-foot-6 Bennedict Mathurin is a four-star prospect.

Communication, in whatever form, was essential to make the most of Mathurins raw talent.

Mathurin says he helped his basketball footwork and IQ from playing quarterback for a youth football team in Montreal. But his experience with Canadas national winter sport was, well lets just say he was athletic and powerful back then, too.

Hockey was different, Mathurin said, chuckling. I was skating fast but I didnt know how to slow down, so I was always crashing into the glass.

The same concept applied, to some degree, once Mathurin arrived in Mexico City. Mathurin said his game was mostly about dunking and taking lobs and thats pretty much what his coaches saw.

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With late brother as both memory and motivation, Arizona Wildcats commit Bennedict Mathurin charts course for basketball future - Arizona Daily Star

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April 29th, 2020 at 3:41 am

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Rari Drops Motivational Visual for the Hit, "Not What Its Seems" – Substream Magazine

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Its big trouble for new artistRari in little China. The Virginia-native created popularity in 2018 with a growing fanbase and breakout song, The Realest. Catchy, witty and suspenseful, Rari new catalog makes its latest entry in new song, titled, Not What It Seems.

Directed by the talented PDGRFX, the new song is produced by hugely recognized producers HighDefRazjah and Grammy-nominated Johnny Juliano. In New York, Rari stars in a snappy, slick-talking visual about finding themselves.

Rari about making Not What It Seems:

This track is a motivational anthem for anybody feeling like all their hard work has been in vain. I think everyone can relate to being an underdog. Johnny Juliano & HighDefRazjah found a sound for me to deliver the message and now its time to make my mark.

Not What It Seems follows a string of hits by the upcoming star. Arriving on the scene in 2018, Rari established notoriety in previous efforts, The Realest, Live in the Garden and New Habits. For more Rari news, you may follow the new artist on Instagram and Twitter.

Stream it now.

See the original post:
Rari Drops Motivational Visual for the Hit, "Not What Its Seems" - Substream Magazine

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April 29th, 2020 at 3:41 am

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Missed opportunity in spring now motivation for incoming Ashland University QB Ty Clark – Bucyrus Telegraph Forum

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Ty Clark spent the last season down in Louisiana at CMP Prep Academy working on his football skills.(Photo: Submitted by Ty Clark)

ASHLAND - Ty Clark Jr. hoped he would be impressing his new coaches at Ashland University right now.

After spending a year in Lafayette, Louisiana, at CMP Prep Academy, he made the move back closer to home to continue his football career in the purple and gold as an Eagle.

Catching the eye of head coach Lee Owens and quarterbacks coach Tom Stacy was how he envisioned his spring.

Instead, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Clark is missing out on what he was hoping would be his golden ticket to making a name for himself at Ashland.

"It's a weird feeling, especially for us underclassmen," Clark said."Spring time for football is when you can really get your name out there to coaches before fall camp. We don't have that opportunity, it's weird thinking if you're going to get that chance or not, and how long it'll be before you get that opportunity since you didn't have a chance to in the spring.

"I was hoping to make the most of that opportunity because it was just me and (Austin) Brenner there, I was going to try to get my name up on the roster early before we had six quarterbacks this fall."

Upon graduating from Crestline in 2019, Clark had offers from Division III schools and even some at theDivision II level including Ashland but not to play quarterback. He opted to spend a year at CMP Prep to work on his football skills and grow as an athlete.

Week 1 | Buckeye Central at Crestline football on Aug. 24, 2018.(Photo: Mike Dornbirer/Correspondent)

"I enjoyed myself in Louisiana," Clark said."Coach Hutch, coach Black and coach Butler all took good care of me, took me in, made sure I wasn't just out on my own right away because I didn't know the area. It was a fun experience, they have some of the best food down there, we had really nice apartments with nine swimming pools. They taught me a lot about football, coach Black taught me the characteristics of being a quarterback and coach Hutch got my 40 time from a 5.1 to about a 4.9 and I put on almost 40 pounds doing so.

"They got me right down there, I was fortunate to be there."

It paid off as Clark proved himself as a quarterback and now has the chance to compete for a spot on the depth chart at Ashland.

Right now, his days are pretty routine work, train, school, sleep, repeat.

"I work about 50 hours a week, give ortake, Monday through Saturday," Clark said."Then I try to do my schoolwork when I get home. I work for Brian Glowaski at MWD Logistics, he has a weight room upstairs, so I work out right after work, go home, do some school work, then run."

Unlike numerous athletes right now, Clark is fortunate enough to have access to a weight room. He's using that to his advantage and hopes it'll pay off when he's able to link up with his new football team.

"I've been working out just about every day lifting," Clark said."I want to take advantage of this time to separate myself because I know not everyone is working out, not everyone is doing this because they don't have the opportunity to.

"When it is time, I can say I gave it my all."

Ty Clark moves from CMP Prep Academy to Ashland University this year.(Photo: Submitted by Ty Clark)

School is the one thing he has found most difficult during these times.

"I'm not too good with online learning as it is and you can tell these classes aren't meant to be online courses," Clark said."And it's hard to just sit there and want to do school work. It's weird."

His coaches check up on him and the rest of the team routinely reminding them how crucial this downtime is to their success both in the classroom and on the field.

"The coaches have been checking in every once in a while to see how we're doing and make sure we're still coming back in the fall," Clark said."Right now, the whole conference is canceled through May 31st, so we're hoping in June we can get back there, start lifting and working together.

"They express it all the time they're here for us if we need anything. A place to stay, food, really anything. It feels good knowing we have that support system. But they also stress taking advantage of this time and keep up with classes, but make sure we're working out so that we don't get behind.

"There will be players who do get left behind because they took time off instead ofworking out."

Clark, will not be one of those players.


Twitter: @Zachary_Holden

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Missed opportunity in spring now motivation for incoming Ashland University QB Ty Clark - Bucyrus Telegraph Forum

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April 29th, 2020 at 3:41 am

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