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Nearly 5,000 houses of Buddhists, Hindus gutted in Myanmar as tensions simmer – The New Indian Express

Posted: May 24, 2024 at 2:45 am

This undated photo released by the Free Burma Rangers, shows a monastery destroyed by a Burmese military airstrike on March 31, 2024, in Papun, Karen state, Myanmar.Photo | Associated Press

NEW DELHI: The situation in Myanmar continues to be on the grim with increased fighting between the military-led Junta army and the ethnic rebel groups across many parts specially in Rakhine state.

The tensions have taken a communal turn with reports of nearly 5,000 houses belonging to Buddhists and Hindus being gutted in Buthidaung, which is just 25 km away from Bangladesh border.

"These 5,000 houses were targeted as they belonged to Buddhists and Hindus. Most people had fled to safer zones so many houses were empty, but those who were left behind were pulled out and their houses looted and burnt in front of their eyes. Conscripts who include young boys from Rohingya camps in Bangladesh are being used for this exercise, according to a source.

These houses were gutted between April 11th and 21st. Buthidaung is now under complete control of rebel ethnic group Arakan Army.

Reports suggest that most of the local Muslims living in Buthidaung and Maungdaw township are not supporting the communal divide and some have sought help from the ethnic rebels to move to safer zones.

"In 2018 census there were 3000 houses in Buthidaung. This number has increased more than threefold to 10000 as many people fled their homes from other areas to settle here. Over 50 per cent of residents are Muslims while the remaining are ethnic groups (Buddhists, Hindus), according to a source.

It may be recalled that communal tensions had flared up in Rakhine state more than a decade back, which led to the exodus of Rohingyas and many of them sought refuge in neighbouring Bangladesh.

"Some Rohingyas from refugee camps are being forced as conscripts and even though a few flee, the others end up fighting the civilians. This strategy of divide and rule will worsen things on the ground, a source added.

Thousands of young people from across Myanmar have fled to safer zones, some have even crossed over to other countries to avoid forced conscription.

Meanwhile, recently, Bangladeshs Foreign Minister, Hasan Mahmud said that they were hoping that the Rohingya refugees they are sheltering would return to Myanmar. There are said to be one million Rohingyas in Bangladesh.

There are reports of 138 Myanmar military personnel including a lieutenant colonel and two majors of Myanmar who have taken refuge in Bangladesh.

"They will be sent back the same way as other military men were repatriated, Mahmud said last week adding that the Rohingyas too wanted to return.

Meanwhile, people who have fled are facing survival issues due to lack of livelihood facilities.

The only respite will happen in Myanmar once monsoons begin in a few weeks. Mobility becomes restricted and the clashes on the grounds reduce drastically for nearly two months.

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Nearly 5,000 houses of Buddhists, Hindus gutted in Myanmar as tensions simmer - The New Indian Express

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May 24th, 2024 at 2:45 am

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‘Father of Aerobics’ Dr. Kenneth Cooper, 93, visits Tyler and talks about importance of exercise – Tyler Morning Telegraph

Posted: at 2:45 am

Dr. Kenneth Cooper, 93, spoke at UT Tyler Health Science Center for National Public Health Week about the importance of exercise and the history of aerobics. Founder of the physical conditioning system that can improve health, Cooper is known as the Father of Aerobics and also owns the Cooper Clinic in Dallas.

When Cooper was in medical school in the 1950s, nutrition and fitness were not taught. In high school, he made all-state as a basketball player. However his dad actively discouraged him from continuing basketball and never went to his games. At that time, it was believed poeople could develop an enlarged heart from doing too much exercise, he said. His dad discouraged him because he thought he would die.

The theory was you get an athletic heart and thats when your heart gets larger, Cooper said. It gets muscular and then when you stop exercising it disburses the fat.

Cooper helped pioneer treadmill stress tests when he was in the United States Air Force while working with Nasa along with his colleague Dr. Bill Thornton. They developed a way to do them safely without an EKG (electrocardiogram). When he started doing them, people thought they were dangerous. He conducted treadmill stress tests for former president George W. Bush. He said they asked Bush if he wanted to continue multiple times. At one point the chief of cardiology said, Youre gonna kill the president, Cooper recalled.

Through the test they found he had 98% obstruction in his left anterior descending artery, LAD, also known as widowmaker, Cooper said.

If that blocks off, youre dead because thats where the heartbeat comes from, Cooper said. We saved his life. That was done within two hours.

At the event in Tyler, Cooper advised people to have a BMI under 25, exercise five days a week for 30 minutes, consume 5 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, limit alcohol to seven a week and not to use habit-forming drugs. He also advised against the use of tobacco. He recommended people take vitamins D3 and Omega-3s. He also encouraged stress control activities such as exercise, meditation and sleep. He recommends people do a comprehensive physical exam. For those over 50, they should be doing the exam annually. For those 40 to 50, they should be doing the exam every 12 to 18 months. For those 35 to 40, they should do a baseline exam.

76% of diseases are preventable and 45% of cancers are preventable, Cooper said. And no question about the benefits of an active lifestyle.

Cooper shared statistics from 1970-2015 regarding survival rate for women and men who follow Coopers recommendations. On average, the survival age for women is 94.4. The survival age for men is 86.5. This is higher than the average American at 77.

Dr. Jarrett Berry, who used to work at Cooper Clinic with Cooper and now works at UT Health East Texas North Campus, reached out to Cooper for the talk for National Public Health Week after Theresa Byrd, UT Tyler School of Health Professions Dean, asked him about getting him for the talk. She was excited for this talk since she had read his work and gone to various of his talks.

This is the first time Cooper came for a talk at UT Tyler. The first time Byrd met Cooper was 30 years ago.

I was really happy for people to hear this message that we really can prevent disease and we can lengthen our life and I think a lot of people do not know that, Byrd said. Theyre not gonna understand how important it is to keep moving.

For National Public Health Week, UT Tyler partnered with NET Health to conduct various events focused on public health. They emphasized nutrition and fitness. In East Texas, there are underlying factors contributing to the high health disparities.

We have a real problem in East Texas, we have an obesity problem [and] we have a smoking problem, Byrd said. Physical activity is very helpful for those things. Its hard to be physically active if youre smoking. Also, physical activity can help people decrease weight, just make them healthier overall. So I think its really important.

Villatoro, a Report for America Corps member reporting for the Tyler Morning Telegraph, can be contacted a To make a donation to support work like this, visit Your support helps to write the narrative that truth matters, that undercovered stories deserve to be told, and that on-the-ground journalism serves our communities in immeasurable ways. Your gift supports Report for America corps members salaries to cover key issues including health, justice, education and the environment.

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'Father of Aerobics' Dr. Kenneth Cooper, 93, visits Tyler and talks about importance of exercise - Tyler Morning Telegraph

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May 24th, 2024 at 2:45 am

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Chubby cat takes up aqua aerobics to lose weight, with promising and adorable results see the video – AOL

Posted: at 2:45 am

Fat cat Moses, 9, is getting his weight under control with a regular regime of hydrotherapy.

Sweet fancy Moses!

A privileged layabout of a cat who weighs as much as a French bulldog has been prescribed a thoroughly unusual exercise routine one that seems to be working, his caregivers say.

Moses, 9, a chonk of burning love at more than double the healthy size for his age, is learning how to swim, something cats are not known to enjoy.

His owner is taking the unusual step after countless failed diets and efforts to get the family-size feline to go outside and move around.

The pudgy puss has now been signed up for hydrotherapy at a veterinarian clinic near his home in Wellesbourne, England.

Things are going swimmingly, according to veterinary hydrotherapist Olivia Stokes, who is treating the fluffy boy.

When he first came to us, Moses was nearly 22 pounds, she said.

His owner said he had been on diets and been encouraged to exercise before but had still not able to lose weight. So, we decided to try a different approach with hydrotherapy. Its a very unusual approach in caring for cats, Stokes explained.

I have been in the industry for five years and a qualified hydrotherapist for almost two years and I have never experienced hydro with a cat before, so Moses was a first for me, she confessed.

That is because cats dont usually like water and, sure enough, on his first taster session Moses was not impressed at all. He needed a lot of encouragement as he resisted the treatment, she said.

At the start, I tried gradually increasing the water level for him, like we would for a dog, but this wasnt well tolerated. I also tried all sorts of cat treats but he wasnt interested in them for long either. So, then I ran the treadmill dry with no water to just get him used to walking, Stokes recalled.

I then added water and found lowering him into the treadmill worked best. Fast forward down the line and Moses now sits in the tank as I increase the water level, then knows exactly what to do, she said.

Once he has been walking for 13 minutes, I then lift him up, raise the water level further, and swim him for a couple of minutes to give him a full body workout.

Moses has become an old pro now, hes not only losing the pounds, hes toning up and getting into good shape, which has him moving around a lot more at home.

Stokes said that hes lost nearly four percent of his body weight in about six weeks, which she considers about the right speed.

The important thing is that his body shape is clearly changing as he loses the fat and builds back muscle. I am very proud of Moses progression; hes even walking with the incline on the treadmill now, she said.

Moses has always been a big cat but had gained a lot of weight over the last three years, said his owner, Jenna Joshi, a clinical nursing manager at the vets clinic.

Id been keeping him on a strict diet but this didnt help at all. He just was not interested in going outside, exercising or playing with toys. I asked my colleagues whether we could try hydrotherapy to help with his mobility and, hopefully, help him lose some weight, she said.

I could see a difference almost straightaway. It was difficult at first but now he doesnt complain and knows exactly what he needs to do when he goes for his sessions.

Read more:

Chubby cat takes up aqua aerobics to lose weight, with promising and adorable results see the video - AOL

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May 24th, 2024 at 2:45 am

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Will Regulation Clip Ethereum: Navigating The Uncertain Regulatory Landscape For Ethereum Tokens In 2024 – Blockchain Magazine

Posted: May 15, 2024 at 2:48 am

May 9, 2024 by Diana Ambolis


Ethereum, the worlds second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, is a powerful blockchain platform that fuels a vast ecosystem of decentralized applications (dApps) and digital assets known as tokens. However, a looming cloud of uncertainty hangs over this innovative landscape: government regulation. The Rise of Ethereum and its Tokenized Ecosystem Ethereums programmable blockchain allows developers to

Ethereum, the worlds second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, is a powerful blockchain platform that fuels a vast ecosystem of decentralized applications (dApps) and digital assets known as tokens. However, a looming cloud of uncertainty hangs over this innovative landscape: government regulation.

The Rise of Ethereum and its Tokenized Ecosystem

Ethereums programmable blockchain allows developers to create smart contracts, self-executing agreements that power dApps in various sectors, from finance (DeFi) to gaming (NFTs). These dApps often rely on Ethereum tokens, digital units with specific functionalities within their respective ecosystems.

Ethereum, the second-largest blockchain by market capitalization, faces a complex challenge: fostering innovation while navigating an uncertain regulatory landscape. Heres a closer look at this tightrope walk:

The Allure of Innovation:

Smart Contracts and dApps: Ethereums programmability allows for the creation of smart contracts (self-executing agreements) and decentralized applications (dApps) that revolutionize various industries, from finance (DeFi) to supply chain management.

Open Source and Decentralized: Ethereums open-source nature fosters a vibrant developer community that continuously pushes the boundaries of blockchain technology. Decentralization is a core principle, aiming to distribute power and control away from centralized authorities.

A Breeding Ground for New Ideas: The permissionless nature of Ethereum allows anyone to build upon it, fostering experimentation and the exploration of groundbreaking concepts like DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations).

The Challenge of Regulation:

Uncertain Regulatory Landscape: Regulatory frameworks for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are still evolving globally. This uncertainty creates challenges for businesses and developers building on Ethereum, as compliance requirements remain unclear.

Concerns About Security and Scams: The anonymity associated with cryptocurrency transactions raises concerns from regulators about money laundering and illegal activities. Additionally, some DeFi projects on Ethereum have been susceptible to hacks and scams, highlighting the need for potential regulations to protect investors.

The Howey Test and Classification: The Howey Test, a legal framework in the US, classifies investment contracts as securities. Some regulators are scrutinizing whether certain Ethereum-based projects might fall under this category, potentially triggering stricter regulations.

Finding the Balance:

Self-Regulation Efforts: The Ethereum community is actively exploring self-regulation initiatives to address concerns about security and scams. These efforts demonstrate a commitment to responsible innovation within the ecosystem.

Collaboration with Regulators: Open dialogue and collaboration between the Ethereum community and regulatory bodies are crucial for establishing clear and workable regulations that foster innovation while mitigating risks.

Technological Solutions: The development of tools and technologies that enhance transparency and accountability on the Ethereum network can help address regulatory concerns without compromising decentralization principles.

Also, read Your Ultimate Guide To Blockchain Powered Data Exchange And Its Top 5 Benefits

The ever-evolving regulatory landscape surrounding Ethereum can be daunting for both developers and investors. Here are some strategies to navigate this uncertainty:

For Developers:

Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated on the latest regulatory developments related to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Resources like industry publications, legal forums, and conferences can be helpful.

Focus on Building Compliant Applications: While maintaining core decentralization principles, consider incorporating features that enhance transparency and accountability within your dApps. This could involve implementing Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures or collaborating with regulated entities.

Engage with Regulatory Bodies: Participate in discussions and contribute to shaping regulations. The Ethereum communitys voice can be influential in establishing fair and effective frameworks.

Consider Building Regulatory Compliance Tools: Theres a growing need for tools that help developers ensure their dApps comply with evolving regulations. Building such tools could be a valuable niche within the Ethereum ecosystem.

For Investors:

Conduct Thorough Due Diligence: Dont be swayed by hype. Research any Ethereum-based project youre considering investing in, understanding its underlying technology, purpose, and potential regulatory risks.

Diversify Your Portfolio: Spread your cryptocurrency investments across different assets, including established projects with strong track records. Avoid overexposure to highly speculative ventures.

Stay Up-to-Date on Legal Developments: Follow legal news related to specific projects or the broader cryptocurrency space. Understanding potential regulatory hurdles can inform your investment decisions.

Seek Professional Financial Advice: Consider consulting a financial advisor with expertise in cryptocurrency to navigate the complexities of this emerging asset class.

General Strategies:

Embrace Transparency: Both developers and investors should prioritize transparency in their activities. This fosters trust and can help mitigate regulatory concerns.

Prepare for Change: The regulatory environment is likely to remain fluid for some time. Be prepared to adapt your strategies as regulations evolve.

Advocate for Innovation: Support initiatives that promote responsible innovation within the Ethereum ecosystem, while ensuring regulatory compliance.

While the path forward is uncertain, staying informed, adapting to changing regulations, and prioritizing responsible development and investment practices will be key to success in the Ethereum ecosystem. By working together, developers, investors, and regulators can navigate this uncharted territory and unlock the full potential of Ethereums groundbreaking technology.

The question of how regulation will impact Ethereums future is a complex one. While regulations can stifle innovation, they can also bring much-needed clarity and legitimacy to the blockchain space. Heres a closer look at how regulation might even act as a catalyst for Ethereums growth:

Potential Benefits of Regulation:

Increased Investor Confidence: Clear and well-defined regulations can provide investors with more confidence in the Ethereum ecosystem. This could attract new institutional investors who might have previously been hesitant due to the uncertainty surrounding cryptocurrencies.

Reduced Risk of Scams and Fraud: Regulations aimed at combating money laundering and illegal activities could improve the overall security and stability of the Ethereum network. This would create a more trustworthy environment for users and developers.

A More Sustainable Ecosystem: Regulations could potentially address concerns about energy consumption associated with Proof-of-Work (PoW) mining, the current consensus mechanism used by Ethereum. This could encourage the adoption of more sustainable alternatives like Proof-of-Stake (PoS).

Mainstream Adoption and Integration: Regulatory frameworks that provide a path for compliance could lead to wider adoption of Ethereum by established financial institutions and businesses. This would integrate Ethereum technology into traditional financial systems, unlocking its potential for mainstream use cases.

A Catalyst for Innovation: Regulations can sometimes act as a catalyst for innovation. Developers might be spurred to create new solutions and applications that comply with regulations, further expanding the utility of the Ethereum network.

Challenges and Considerations:

Overly Restrictive Measures: Regulations that are overly restrictive could stifle innovation and hinder the growth of the Ethereum ecosystem. Finding the right balance between protecting investors and fostering innovation will be crucial. Striking this balance will require careful consideration of the potential consequences of regulations on the core principles of decentralization and technological advancement.

Maintaining Decentralization: Regulations that give too much control to central authorities could undermine the core principles of decentralization that underpin Ethereum. Striking a balance between regulation and decentralization will be a complex task. Regulatory frameworks need to be crafted in a way that safeguards users and promotes responsible development, without compromising the essence of a permissionless and distributed network.

Global Coordination Needed: The success of regulations will depend on a coordinated effort from governments around the world. A patchwork of regulations across different jurisdictions could create confusion and hinder global adoption of Ethereum technology. International collaboration among regulatory bodies will be essential to establish clear and consistent frameworks that promote responsible innovation on a global scale.

One of the major regulatory hurdles for Ethereum tokens is the Howey Test, a legal framework in the US that classifies investment contracts as securities. If certain Ethereum-based projects are deemed securities under the Howey Test, they might fall under stricter regulations akin to traditional stocks and bonds. This could significantly impact the development and operation of these projects.

Navigating the Uncertainty: A Multi-Stakeholder Approach

Despite the uncertainties, there are ways for Ethereum to navigate this complex regulatory landscape. Open dialogue and collaboration between the Ethereum community, regulatory bodies, and industry players are crucial. The Ethereum community can contribute by:

Regulatory Considerations for a Sustainable Future

For regulators, crafting effective frameworks requires a nuanced approach. Here are some key considerations:

The Road Ahead: A Potential Catalyst for Growth

While the immediate impact of regulation remains uncertain, its not all doom and gloom for Ethereum. Thoughtfully implemented regulations can bring several benefits:

A Collaborative Future for Ethereum

The future of Ethereum in the face of regulation hinges on a collaborative effort. The Ethereum community, regulators, and industry players all have a role to play. By fostering open communication, prioritizing responsible innovation, and crafting clear and adaptable regulations, they can ensure that Ethereum continues to thrive and reach its full potential. The year 2024 might not provide definitive answers, but it presents a critical opportunity to shape the future of Ethereum and usher in a new era of responsible and transformative blockchain technology.


Will Regulation Clip Ethereum: Navigating The Uncertain Regulatory Landscape For Ethereum Tokens In 2024 - Blockchain Magazine

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May 15th, 2024 at 2:48 am

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Riley Green Says He Only Passed Aqua Aerobics The Last Semester Before He Dropped Out Of College – Whiskey Riff

Posted: at 2:47 am

At least the whole country music thing worked out for him

RileyGreenhas multiple #1 hits at country radio, Platinum and Gold records to his name, and is currently out on the road for his Aint My Last Rodeo tour, which has already sold over 200,000 tickets this year.

So yeah, like I said, a country music career has worked out just fine.

But initially, Riley was focused on sports, and he was actually the starting QB at Jacksonville State University from 2007 to 2009 after walking on. During that time, he started getting into playing music more, and ultimately, decided to try his hand at a music career.

Specifically, Riley once remembered a game his grandaddy was at where he took a big hit from a defensive end, which caused him to do three cartwheels, which also led his grandpa to give somebody hell on the other end of the field for I guess not throwing a flag on the play due to how hard Riley was hit.

Riley went on to say that, after coming to that one game, his grandpa encouraged him to start messin around with that guitar a little more, which is southern for This whole football thing is probably not going to work out and you should be exploring other options, in case you need a translation.

And during a quick interview with The Next Round during the the Regions Tradition Pro-Am golf tournament earlier this week, Riley admitted that he never even came close to graduating, and lasted maybe a semester or two after he started playing in local bars around Jacksonville.

He also told the hosts that he passed one class his very last semester which was aqua aerobics, one of those dumb electives they fore you to take:

I didnt get close to graduating I started playing in bars like, 2011, just quit going to close. I think I hung in there for another semester or two.

My last semester, I passed aqua aerobics, the only thing I passed.

And of course, thats really funny and makes me wonder what the other classes were, but my mind first went to wondering what it would be like to be in aqua aerobics class with Riley Green? A girl can dream, but I digress

Riley also explained that his academics were never really a focus of his, and before he started doing music, he was majoring in football:

I dont think I was gonna make it my academics were pretty limited.

I was majoring in football until I quit playing football, and then like I said, I started play in Brothers bar all those little spots. I couldnt make it to a 9:15 class.

It sounds like the odds of him ever graduating were low, not because he isnt intelligent but because he never really had the desire to do so.

And you certainly dont need a college degree to sell out arenas all over the country

You can watch the full interview with The Next Round here:

See the original post:

Riley Green Says He Only Passed Aqua Aerobics The Last Semester Before He Dropped Out Of College - Whiskey Riff

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May 15th, 2024 at 2:47 am

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Local Man Admits Aerobics Oz Style Was Still The Best Alarm Clock Hes Ever Had – The Bell Tower Times

Posted: at 2:47 am

One might think there is limited room for innovation in the field of early morning personal alarm systems. After all, every smartphone is packed with a variety of features to help you get up in the morning.

However, local man Todd reckons that even the modern atmospheric, gently ascending tones cant hold a candle to how fast & consistently Aerobics Oz Style used to make him spring out of bed. He continued,

Mum knew I was a little crusty sock & tissue goblin so all she had to do was make sure the telly was loud enough at 6 am for me to hear the music for Aerobics Oz Style. I dont know who was up quicker me or my cretinous little adolescent pork chevup

We spoke to Todds mum who harnessed the power of his teenage thirst to her advantage in his school era. She told The Times,

Oh, he loved that show. It was his favourite which was unusual as I never really saw him trying to emulate the dances or anything. Hed just sit there glued to the screen eating his breakfast with a stupid look on his face

We asked Todd if he thought he was still conditioned to get up early for Aerobics Oz Style. He told The Times,

Honestly mate, all I need to know is that its scheduled to run. I wouldnt even need to hear it. I think I have a deep internal switch, like a survival mode, except its gawking at fitness models on the telly. Im not an animal mate, Im just a product of the 80s/90s

We reached out to Channel 10 to raise the point that bringing back the show at 6 am could be the failing broadcasterssaviour. Especially in this age of heightened awareness of the importance of physical fitness.

They declined to comment and said they were working on a new format where they get 15 of the worst attention-seekingshitcuntsyou know to compete in a reality TV version of the cult aerobics show.

We decided to end communications swiftly at that point.

Documenting the Human Zoo is thirsty work, so if you enjoyed what you read how about buying Belle a beer, ay?

See the article here:

Local Man Admits Aerobics Oz Style Was Still The Best Alarm Clock Hes Ever Had - The Bell Tower Times

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May 15th, 2024 at 2:47 am

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"You’re Indian": US Author On Why She Wouldn’t Vote For Vivek Ramaswamy – NDTV

Posted: at 2:46 am

Vivek Ramaswamy and Ann Coulter in his podcast

Indian-American Republican leader Vivek Ramaswamy was told by American author Ann Coulter in his podcast that she wouldn't have voted for him in the US presidential election because he is an "Indian".

Later, Mr Ramaswamy in a post on the microblogging website X said he respects Ms Coulter because "she had the guts to speak her mind."

"Ann Coulter told me flat-out to my face that she couldn't vote for me 'because you're an Indian,' even though she agreed with me more than most other candidates. I disagree with her but respect she had the guts to speak her mind. It was a riveting hour. The TRUTH podcast is back," Mr Ramaswamy said in the post.

From the beginning of the podcast, Ms Coulter went on to take swipes at the Indian-American leader who tried to run for US President, but had to eventually support Donald Trump's candidature.

"... Fantastic opening monologue. I too am a fan of yours. I am going to make a point to make it fun. You're so bright and articulate. I guess I can call you articulate since you're not an American black - can't say that about them, it's derogatory - I agree with many, many things you say probably more than most other candidates. But I still would not have voted for you because you're an Indian," Ms Coulter said.

In announcing the podcast, Mr Ramaswamy clearly mentioned the discussion between the two had some 'interesting' bits.

"Ann Coulter challenged me. I challenged her. This episode will challenge you. You're not going to want to miss it," he had posted on X.

Back when Mr Ramaswamy announced he would run for president and would be Mr Trump's replacement, Mr Trump had largely avoided criticising the Indian-American leader due to his strong praise and defence of the former US President.

However, the criticisms started mounting as voters started making their voices heard in the first-in-the-nation caucuses, and as Ramaswamy became more direct in laying out the case for why he was the Trump alternative.


"You're Indian": US Author On Why She Wouldn't Vote For Vivek Ramaswamy - NDTV

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May 15th, 2024 at 2:46 am

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Vivek Ramaswamy declares he would accept Trump’s VP offer, claps back at Ann Coulter’s racist remark – Hindustan Times

Posted: at 2:46 am

Biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who endorsed Donald Trump after pulling out from the 2024 White House race, has declared that he would accept an offer to be ex-president's running mate.

Ramaswamy recently appeared on PDB Podcast, and Patrick Bet-David sought his response on what if Trump wins and asks him to be his VP.

"Let's just say the president calls you, former president who's running right now, Trump calls you, he wins. Vivek, I want you to be the VP. I want you to be, after he wins, DAG. I want you to be Secretary of Commerce. I want you to be, is there any job you would say no to if he called you to say, I want you to help me with XYZ job?" the podcaster asked.

The Indian-American politician highlighted that he shares a good relationship with Trump and respects him immensely.

If he knows who I am, and we've got to know each other really well, if after knowing all of that, he would ask me to be vice president, or you brought up that example, let's just answer really honestly, anybody who cares about this country who's aligned with his vision and the Republican Party today, if they're asked to be vice president is going to say yes, and has a responsibility to say yes. And so I think that that goes without saying, he continued.

Its not me first, its not Trump first its America first," Ramaswamy asserted.

Responding to his announcement, one X user wrote: Vivek is dedicated to serving the country.

He sees it as service, not personal advancement, another reacted.

The announcement coincides with Ramaswamy's latest appearance in New York, where he has arrived to attend Trump's hush money trial in show of solidarity with other Republicans.

Also Read: Vivek Ramaswamy steps up attack on Biden administration as he joins Trump supporters at sham NY trial

Going forward, Ramaswamy reacted on his recent exchange with author Ann Coulter, who told him that she's wouldn't vote for him because he is an Indian.

I did not expect she would just kick it off right there, get right into the business. And I think it actually made for a really good conversation, believe it or not, he said on being asked about his conversation with Coulter.

Of course, I disagree with hell like her on that being a criteria to be the U.S. president is her description of whether or not you're an Indian. I'm born in the United States. I'm as American as they come, he added.

Calling it an honest discussion, Ramaswamy said: But I thought it actually formed a really strong basis for an honest conversation that we otherwise don't have because her view is that in order to actually be a U.S. president, you got to be even more American, right?

So you're not fully American if your parents weren't from the United States of America. And in order to trust somebody, the more generations they've been here, let's say you've been here six or seven generations, you have more of what she would call. I think she did call during the podcast, he added.

Ramaswamy, who has a history of opposing the hush money trial, is among Trump's top VP contenders. He is New York to spend the entire day with 77-year-old Trump.

Taking to X, he called the 45th president's trial a sham and said one lesson every American can take away from watching this trial: when weak-willed losers try to enter your life, run like hell in the other direction.

You know who ultimately actually casts the vote on this case? It's not just the jurors in that jury box. It's every American who votes this November to say NO to the weaponization of justice, he said while addressing the reporters on Tuesday.

See the article here:

Vivek Ramaswamy declares he would accept Trump's VP offer, claps back at Ann Coulter's racist remark - Hindustan Times

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May 15th, 2024 at 2:46 am

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Ann Coulter’s Bluntly Racist Admission To Vivek Ramaswamy Is Jaw-Dropping – HuffPost

Posted: at 2:46 am

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Originally posted here:

Ann Coulter's Bluntly Racist Admission To Vivek Ramaswamy Is Jaw-Dropping - HuffPost

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May 15th, 2024 at 2:46 am

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Conservative author Ann Coulter heaps praise on GOP rising star Vivek Ramaswamy – then tells him she wouldn’t – Daily Mail

Posted: at 2:46 am

By Rachel Bowman For Dailymail.Com 17:55 09 May 2024, updated 19:18 09 May 2024

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter praised former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamybut then said she would not vote for him because of his ethnicity.

Thehedge fund multi-millionaire had a conversation with the conservative pundit on an episode of his show, The Truth Podcast, to discuss nationalism.

Ramaswamy warmly welcomed Coulter to the show where she returned with praise, calling the Republican rising star 'bright and articulate.'

Coulter said she agrees with Ramaswamy on many subjects, but shocked listeners with her reason for admitting she will not vote for him.

'I agreed with many, many things you said, in fact probably more than most other candidates when you were running for president, but I still would not have voted for you because you're an Indian,' Coulter said.

Ramaswamy is a 38-year-old father-of-two who campaigned on wanting to fix America's national identity crisis by ending the 'secular religion' of 'woke-ism.'

He has also been floated as a potential vice president pick for Donald Trump after dropping out of the Republican presidential primary in January.

Ramaswamy and Coulter agreed they both oppose the idea of dual citizenship, with the former candidate saying the 'essence of citizenship is which nation to whom you had your undivided loyalty.'

'You and I agree on so much there, but where II wouldn't say "lose you"but I may fail to fully understand you is, on that axis of citizenship, what does ethnicity have to do with the matter,' Ramaswamy said.

Coulter explained she will only vote for presidential candidates who are WASPs White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.

'There is a core national identity that is the identity of the WASP, and that doesn't mean we can't take anyone else ina Sri Lankan, a Japanese, or an Indianbut the core around which the nation's values are formed is the WASP,' she said.

'We've never had a president who didn't have at least partial English ancestry, never.'

The constitutional requirements to run for president in the United States are to be a natural-born citizen, be at least 35 years old and have resided in the country for 14 years.

Ramaswamy, the son of Indian immigrants, was born in Cincinnati. Hegraduated summa cum laude from Harvard in 2007 with a degree in biology. He went on to receive a JD from Yale Law School in 2013.

Listeners praised Ramaswamy for how he handled the conversation and slammed Coulter for her comments, calling them 'racists.'

'This interview, the way Vivek handled himself and continued the interview, shows the magnanimous man he is,' said Kim Carrico-Stephens on X.

'Ann Coulter you're an abhorrent racist! Vivek is America First, will not be bullied, strong class act of a human.'

'Vivek showed extreme class when Coulter stated flat out because of his race she would not vote for him,' said Eric Pistey.

'He kept the conversation going and never fell into an offended or victim mentality. Well done by him.'

Others commented that Coulters views are outdated and said it damages her reputation.

'She is a typical boomer-mentality-lady, you just listen to them, nod and go on with your life,' said Mayra Smith.

'Why does she continue to fly into the reputation bug zapper,' said Eric Stoner.

Excerpt from:

Conservative author Ann Coulter heaps praise on GOP rising star Vivek Ramaswamy - then tells him she wouldn't - Daily Mail

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