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Chrome’s address bar adds machine learning to deliver better suggestions – Android Authority

Posted: May 5, 2024 at 2:42 am

Edgar Cervantes / Android Authority


The address bar in the Chrome browser just got a big update. Google says this update should help the address bar provide web page suggestions that are more precise and relevant than before.

In a blog post, the Mountain View-based firm announced that the latest version of Chrome (M124) will bring a big improvement to the address bar, also known as the omnibox. Specifically, Google has integrated machine learning (ML) models into the omnibox, which will provide suggestions that more accurately align with what youre looking for.

As the company explains, the tool previously relied on hand-built and hand-tuned formulas to offer suggested URLs. The problem, however, is that these formulas werent flexible enough to be improved or adapt to different situations. Google says with these new ML models, it can collect fresher signals, re-train, evaluate, and deploy new models over time. Since these formulas have remained largely untouched for years, this update is kind of a big deal.

Something the ML models will be able to take into account before suggesting a web page is the time since you last visited a URL. For example, if you navigated away from a page in the last few seconds or minutes, the model will give that URL a lower relevancy score as it was likely not the site you were looking for.

Going forward, the tech giant says it plans to explore training specialized versions of the model for particular environments: for example, mobile, enterprise or academic users, or perhaps different locales.

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Chrome's address bar adds machine learning to deliver better suggestions - Android Authority

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May 5th, 2024 at 2:42 am

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Top 9 Hindu Baby Boy Names Inspired By Bhagavad Gita – TheHealthSite

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Healthy Diet: 6 Foods That Help Kids Sleep Better

Incorporating certain foods into a child's diet, such as dairy products, bananas, whole grains, cherries, leafy green vegetables, and poultry, may help promote better sleep due to their nutritional properties.

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Top 9 Hindu Baby Boy Names Inspired By Bhagavad Gita - TheHealthSite

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May 5th, 2024 at 2:41 am

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Morning Messages from Bhagavad Gita about Creation of the World – Times Now

Posted: at 2:41 am

TN Lifestyle Desk, Times Now Digital

May 4, 2024

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For Todays Quote, we have picked Chapter 16, Verse 8. This verse talks about purpose of creation of the world, and it says, asatyam apratihha te jagad hur anhvaram aparaspara-sambhta kim anyat kma-haitukam

They say, The world is without Absolute Truth, without any basis (for moral order), and without a God (who has created or is controlling it). It is created from the combination of the two has no purpose other than sexual gratification.

There are two ways of refraining from immoral behavior. The first is to refrain from unrighteousness through the exercise of willpower. The second way is to abstain from sin due to fear of God. People who can abstain from sinning merely by willpower are very few. Most people desist from doing wrong due to the fear of punishment.

The only impossible journey is the one you never begin. Tony Robbins

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Morning Messages from Bhagavad Gita about Creation of the World - Times Now

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May 5th, 2024 at 2:41 am

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Desires got you flowing? Bhagavad Gita’s secret to stillness in Verse 70 of Chapter 2 – The Times of India

Posted: at 2:41 am

Feeling constantly pulled in different directions by your desires? Chapter 2, Verse 70 of the Bhagavad Gita offers a profound solution. This verse compares the sage, unfazed by worldly temptations, to the calm ocean amidst flowing rivers. Join us as we unpack the meaning of this verse and explore how to cultivate inner peace by letting go of desires. Learn how to achieve a state of tranquility, unshaken by the constant flow of the world around you.

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Desires got you flowing? Bhagavad Gita's secret to stillness in Verse 70 of Chapter 2 - The Times of India

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May 5th, 2024 at 2:41 am

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Morning Messages from Bhagavad Gita about Problem with Demoniac natured people – Times Now

Posted: at 2:41 am

TN Lifestyle Desk, Times Now Digital

May 3, 2024

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For Todays Quote, we have picked Chapter 16, Verse 7. This verse talks about problem with people having demoniac qualities, and it says, pravitti cha nivitti cha jan na vidur sur na haucha npi chchro na satya tehu vidyate

Those possessing a demoniac nature do not comprehend which actions are proper and which are improper. Hence, they possess neither purity, nor good conduct, nor even truthfulness.

Dharma consists of codes of conduct that are conducive to ones purification and the general welfare of all living beings. Adharma consists of prohibited actions that lead to degradation and cause harm to society. The demoniac nature is devoid of faith in the knowledge and wisdom of the scriptures. Hence, those under its sway are confused about what is right and wrong action.

It is never too late to be what you might have been. George Eliot

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Morning Messages from Bhagavad Gita about Problem with Demoniac natured people - Times Now

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May 5th, 2024 at 2:41 am

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Attaining Liberation from Reincarnation: Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 72 – The Times of India

Posted: at 2:41 am

May 03, 2024, 09.00AM IST

In this video, we delve into a powerful verse from the Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 2, Verse 72). Lord Krishna explains the state of an enlightened soul and its liberation from the cycle of rebirth. We explore the concept of attaining enlightenment, the importance of consciousness at death, and the ultimate destination of a liberated soul. Join us as we explore this profound message from the Bhagavad Gita.

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Attaining Liberation from Reincarnation: Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 72 - The Times of India

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May 5th, 2024 at 2:41 am

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How to reach spiritual wisdom by taming the senses: Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 68 – The Times of India

Posted: at 2:41 am

Apr 29, 2024, 20.31PM IST

In Chapter 2, verse 68 of the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna reveals the secret to conquering the senses and attaining true wisdom. Learn how spiritual knowledge empowers you to control your mind and avoid worldly distractions. Discover how to achieve lasting peace and enlightenment.

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How to reach spiritual wisdom by taming the senses: Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 68 - The Times of India

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May 5th, 2024 at 2:41 am

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Find lasting peace and what disturbs the human mind and soul: Shri Krishna explains in Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 71 – The Times of India

Posted: at 2:41 am

May 02, 2024, 12.34PM IST

In Chapter 2, Verse 71, Shri Krishna explains what truly disturbs our peace and offers a path towards inner harmony. This video dives deep into the meaning of this verse and explores practical steps you can take to cultivate lasting peace in your life.

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Find lasting peace and what disturbs the human mind and soul: Shri Krishna explains in Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 71 - The Times of India

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May 5th, 2024 at 2:41 am

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Morning Messages from Bhagavad Gita about Features of Demoniac nature – Times Now

Posted: at 2:40 am

TN Lifestyle Desk, Times Now Digital

Apr 30, 2024

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For Todays Quote, we have picked Chapter 16, Verse 6. This verse talks about what makes for demoniac qualities, and it says, dvau bhta-sargau loke smin daiva sura eva cha daivo vistaraha prokta sura prtha me hiu

There are two kinds of beings in this worldthose endowed with a divine nature and those possessing a demoniac nature. I have described the divine qualities in detail, O Arjun. Now hear from me about the demoniac nature.

Krishna says, All souls carry their natures with them from past lives. Those who cultivated virtuous qualities and performed meritorious deeds in the past lives are the ones who are born with divine natures, while those who indulged in sin and defiled their minds in previous lives carry the same tendencies into the present one. The divine and demoniac natures are the two extremes of this spectrum, with the demoniac traits dominating in the lower abodes.

Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself. Roy T. Bennett

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Morning Messages from Bhagavad Gita about Features of Demoniac nature - Times Now

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May 5th, 2024 at 2:40 am

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Morning Messages from Bhagavad Gita about Qualities that bring Bondage or Freedom – Times Now

Posted: at 2:40 am

TN Lifestyle Desk, Times Now Digital

Apr 29, 2024

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For Todays Quote, we have picked Chapter 16, Verse 5. This verse talks about qualities that bring bondage or freedom, and it says, daiv sampad vimokhya nibandhysur mat m hucha sampada daivm abhijto si pava

The divine qualities lead to liberation, while the demoniac qualities are the cause for a continuing destiny of bondage. Grieve not, O Arjun, as you were born with saintly virtues.

Shree Krishna now explains the consequences of both. He says that the demoniac qualities keep one fettered to the samsara of life and death, while the cultivation of saintly virtues helps one break through the bondage of Maya. To tread the spiritual path successfully and pursue it till the end, a sdhak (aspirant) needs to watch out for many things. If even one of the demoniac qualities, such as arrogance, hypocrisy, etc. remains in the personality, it can become the cause of failure.

The art of life is not controlling what happens to us, but using what happens to us. Gloria Steinem

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Morning Messages from Bhagavad Gita about Qualities that bring Bondage or Freedom - Times Now

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May 5th, 2024 at 2:40 am

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