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Public Theology for the Common Good | Public Theology for the Common Good – Patheos

Posted: August 15, 2022 at 1:54 am

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Public Theology for the Common GoodA public theology for the common good relies upon an image of a just, sustainable, participatory, and planetary future. How about Isaiah 11? Is the Peaceable Kingdom only a heavenly dream? Or, is it Gods promised future?

The public theologian offers discourse clarification and worldview construction for the sake of the global common good (Peters 2018). Just to be clear, public theology is not a disguised form of evangelization or an attempt to usurp the public square for religious influence.

Built into the worldview of a public theology for the common good today is the assumption that the public theologian contributes one voice among many. Many voices are sounding for attention, to be sure. This includes a variety of religious voices. If anything, the post-colonial public theologian within the liberation theology camp admonishes the world to listen to all voices, especially those voices previously muffled or ignored.

There is no global choir. No unison. No harmony. Only cacophony. What the public theologian intones will be heard solely by ears listening for charity of heart, sound reasoning, and wise judgment.

Public theology is conceived in the church, critically refined in the academy, and offered to the wider culture for the sake of the global common good. Maybe even the galactic common good.

Are we talking about three different publics: church, academy, and wider culture? Not exactly. Hak Joon Lee refines the notion of public. Public refers not so much to a locale as a posture of doing theology, namely, the dialogical openness to everybody in pursuing the common good of a society. Because social media provides the same media through which both church and academy communicate, all theology is already and unavoidably public theology.

Our point here is this: the public theologian speaks as one voice among many on behalf of a single common good. So says Jayme Reaves, a Baptist from Americas Deep South with a theology doctorate from Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland.

If theology in its most basic sense is the study of God, then,also in its most basic sense,public theology is the study of God done by or for the public,or as it pertains to issues in the public sphere. Public theology is theologyaboutandforthe public. If something is a public issue, public theology has something to say about it.[1]

Then Jayme Reaves hits our nail on the head with a sledgehammer.

A concern for the common good cannot be based in the denomination or supremacy of the Christian faith. We cannot achieve common good unless we are willing to question our own power and be willing to share it with others whose voices are not heard.

Pope Francis embraces in different terms a vision of a just, sustainable, participatory, and planetary society. He makes clear that the public theologian speaks with one voice among others, even though what is said has universal application.

100. I am certainly not proposing an authoritarian and abstract universalism, devised or planned by a small group and presented as an ideal for the sake of levelling, dominating and plundering, says Pope Francis in Fratelli Tutti (2020). For the future is not monochrome; if we are courageous, we can contemplate it in all the variety and diversity of what each individual person has to offer. How much our human family needs to learn to live together in harmony and peace, without all of us having to be the same!

The number of concerns we could register in a public theology for the common good would make a list longer than s decimal points. Like a circle with a center, at the center of the common good we find the flourishing of Gods creation, especially human flourishing for each individual as a benefit of the collective. Todays public theologian works out of a futuristic vision of a just, sustainable, participatory, and planetary society.

Even if such a vision is conceived in the church and critically refined in the university, it is offered to the planet as a whole. Susan Codone, on the faculty of Mercer University, writing in Christianity Today (August 7, 2020), says

public theology is a purposeful effort to place our faith in the public square and make room for others to join us.we can challenge the systemic social problems of racism, sexual abuse, misogyny, and domestic violence with couragehoping for change, not retribution.

Secular ears are wary when listening to religious voices. Public theology also understands and accepts that 1) we live in a diverse, multi-faith society and 2) there are many people who are wary of religion, Codone warns.

This public wariness borders on the hostile. We are moving into a post-Christian society and this is reflected in increased expressions of anti-Christian bigotry, writes George Yancey in a Patheos post.

Myresearchhas confirmed that those with this bigotry are more likely to be white, male, wealthy, and well-educated. So, it is very well connected and powerful individuals who have the type of anti-Christian prejudice that will continue to trouble Christians.

Yancy adds advice for us. This loss of cultural power is critical as Christians consider how to prepare to operate politically in a post-Christian world.

Concern over hostility toward religion in general and Christianity in particular has risen to the attention of the U.S. Supreme Court. Justice Samuel Alito has issued an ominous warning: Theres growing hostility to religion or at least the traditional religious beliefs that are contrary to the new moral code that is ascendant in some sectors.

Justice Alioto added his concern that our stable and successful society in which people of diverse faiths live and work together harmoniously and productivity while still retaining their own beliefs is under threat.

Channeling the lateRichard John Neuhaus, the justice cautioned against a privatizing of religious belief and practice where the cultural expectation is that when you step outside into the public square in the light of day you had better behave yourself like a good secular citizen.

While Alito is right to worry about the erosion of religious liberty, his speech partially misdiagnoses the problem. Although he referenced multiple faith traditions, he revealed his real concern to be opposition to traditional religious beliefs by those subscribing to the new moral code. This depiction sets up an antagonism between supposedly secular progressive ideas and conservative religious understandings, with the latter needing special protection from the law and the government.Public theologians tend to be supportive of the more progressive ideas.

Public theology, says contemporary Dutch scholar, Toine von den Hoogen, is that it is the form of theological investigation which is aimed at the modern media mediated complexes of meaning which arise in the construction of world views and cultural zones from the fusions between religion and culture, religion and economics, and religion and politics(Hoogen 2019, 10).

Little more than a century ago, another Dutch theologian and statesman introduced a nascent form of public theology to Europe. That was Abraham Kuyper, Prime Minister of the Netherlands from 1901 to 1905. The government, too, is the servant of God, Kuyper reminded us(Kuyper 2022, 251). The public theologian continues to remind us of this.

Kuyper spoke to a Christian society. We do not. Ours is a pluralistic society. Todays post-colonial or liberation theologian will publicly raise one voice among many for the common good of the many. When offering to the public square discourse clarification and worldview construction, the public theologian must be careful to speak with charity of heart, sound reasoning, and wise judgment.

Ted Peters pursues Public Theology at the intersection of science, religion, ethics, and public policy. Peters is an emeritus professor at the Graduate Theological Union, where he co-edits the journal, Theology and Science, on behalf of the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences, in Berkeley, California, USA. His book, God in Cosmic History, traces the rise of the Axial religions 2500 years ago. He previously authored Playing God? Genetic Determinism and Human Freedom? (Routledge, 2nd ed., 2002) as well as Science, Theology, and Ethics (Ashgate 2003). He is editor of AI and IA: Utopia or Extinction? (ATF 2019). Along with Arvin Gouw and Brian Patrick Green, he co-edited the new book, Religious Transhumanism and Its Critics hot off the press (Roman and Littlefield/Lexington, 2022). Soon he will publish The Voice of Christian Public Theology (ATF 2022). See his website:

This fictional spy thriller, Cyrus Twelve, follows the twists and turns of a transhumanist plot.

The Public Theology of Rudolf von Sinner

The Public Theology of Katie Day

The Public Theology of Binoy Jacob

The Public Theology of Robert Benne

The Public Theology of Paul Chung

The Drumbeat African Public Theology of Mwaambi G Mbi

The Public Theology of Valerie Miles-Tribble

The Public Theology of Kang Phee Seng

The Public Theology of Jennifer Hockenbery

Karen Bloomquist: Another Worldview Must Be Enacted Today

Global Network for Public Theology (GNPT)

Center for Public Theology

Ebo Lectures in Theology and Public Life

Center for Theology and Public Issues, University of Otago

Lutheran World Federation, Open Access Public Theology Resources

University of Chicago Divinity School, Public Orthodoxy

Fordham University, Public Orthodoxy

Christianity Today, Public Theology Project

International Journal of Public Theology

Hoogen, Toine von den. 2019. Public Theology and Institutional Economics. Cambridge UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.

Kuyper, Abraham. 2022. On Charity and Justice. Bellingham WA: Lexham.

Peters, Ted. 2018. Public Theology: Its Pastoral, Apologetic, Scientific, Politial, and Prophetic Tasks. International Journal of Public Theology 12:2 153-177;

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Public Theology for the Common Good | Public Theology for the Common Good - Patheos

Written by admin

August 15th, 2022 at 1:54 am

Posted in Transhumanism

Transhumanism: The Plot to Control Your Life! Jonathan …

Posted: December 27, 2021 at 2:03 am

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If our world is not on a direct path to the fulfillment of Revelation 13:16-18, the only alternative is to assume that something with a striking and most uncanny resemblance to the mark of the beast will appear in the not-too-distant future.

In other words, if what the transhumanist propose for our world is not the prelude to the mark of the beast, then I do not know what would be. Their plans for the future fit like a glove with what the apostle John wrote about the mark of the beast.

The words of Revelation 13:16-18 represent a specific, detailed prophecy and that cannot reach its full fruition until after the antichrist begins his reign of terror during the seven-year tribulation. Even so, we already see Satans evil and deadly end-of-days design for humanity at work in the plans of those who seek to impose transhumanism upon us.

Why do I say that this prophecy is already in play? Continue reading as I make my case in this post and those that follow.

Transhumanism is the combining of machines and human beings.

David Tippett, a contributor to the World Economic Forum (WEF) website, described transhumanism in this way:

It is rooted in the belief that humans can and will be enhanced by the genetic engineering and information technology of today, as well as anticipated advances, such as bioengineering, artificial intelligence, and molecular nanotechnology. The result is an iteration of Homo sapiens enhanced or augmented, but still fundamentally human.

The central premise of transhumanism, then, is that biological evolution will eventually be overtaken by advances in genetic, wearable and implantable technologies that artificially expedite the evolutionary process.[i]

The globalists of our day propose to fundamentally change humanity through means that include the changing of the human DNA (i.e., nanotechnology). Contrary to what the WEF would have us believe, the end result of this artificial biological evolution will be something far different than what God created as well as what Jesus died on the cross to redeem.

Dr. Carrie Madej, in her April 19, 2021 video, defined transhumanism in a similar way as in the above quote, but also warned of its many dire consequences for our future as the elite of the world seek to exercise complete control of our behavior.[ii]

In November of 2017, an article appeared on the Forbes website with this title: Transhumanism and The Future of Humanity: 7 Ways the World Will Change By 2030. Here is a quote from the introduction of this article:

This transformation will be messy, complex, and sometimes scary, but signals already point to a future of humanity that will blur our identities into transhumanism.[iii]

Several disturbing statements regarding transhumanism emerge from this Forbes 2017 article. The assertion of the author that transhumanism will blur our identities, however, shocks me the most. It confirms the planned merging of machines with our bodies would remove what makes us human.

Lest you think that transhumanism is just the aspiration of a few mad scientists, please know that many of the most powerful and wealthy people in the world openly support the combining of humans and machines as the next step in the evolutionary process. This concept finds its most fervent and outspoken support in the WEF. Its website contains an abundance of information on the combining of humans with machines.

Please know that the WEF is not some obscure fringe group. President Biden ran for office under the theme of Build Back Better; a slogan he took directly from the WEF as an indication of his support for its agenda. John Kerry, a prominent member of Bidens administration, has pledged the full support of the Biden administration to the Great Reset championed by the WEF.

An article on the New American website ties together the Great Reset advocated by the WEF and the Biden administration with the push for transhumanism:

Under the new world order envisioned by the proponents of the United Nations-backed Great Reset, humans will be merged with machines and technology. Literally. Perhaps most incredibly, the Deep State globalists behind the efforts are coming out of the closet. These days, they are openly and literally proclaiming their intention to abolish private ownership of property and even fuse microchips into peoples brains that will be able to read and manipulate individuals thoughts.[iv]

Please read the preceding quote again. It aptly summarizes my research and correctly connects the Great Reset of the WEF with its push for transhumanism through which it will read and manipulate the thoughts of those under it domain.

Notice also the reference to the deep state in the United States in the preceding quote; this refers to those in the U.S. who put Biden in office and now control his presidency. These elite globalists in the U.S. and throughout the world talk openly about their plans for both transhumanism and the Great Reset.

Consider this quote from the WEF website regarding the changes they plan for our world under what the WEF calls the Fourth Industrial Revolutions, their term for transhumanism:

The Fourth Industrial Revolution represents a fundamental change in the way we live, work and relate to one another. It is a new chapter in human development, enabled by extraordinary technology advances commensurate with those of the first, second and third industrial revolutions. These advances are merging the physical, digital and biological worlds in ways that create both huge promise and potential peril. The speed, breadth and depth of this revolution is forcing us to rethink how countries develop, how organisations create value and even what it means to be human.[v]

Though it may sound benign on the surface, the purpose of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is not to benefit humanity, no, not at all. Its the vehicle through which the WEF, along with globalists at the United Nations and in America, hope to force people into accepting a tyrannical and Marxist government through which they intend to control the lives of everyone on the planet.

The Great Reset agenda necessitates augmenting humans in such a way that will allow those in power to monitor and control their behavior via external computer networks and artificial intelligence.

How will these powerbrokers augment the makeup of human beings so as to merge them with machines? To answer that question, we begin with the words of Klaus Schwab of the WEF. In a January 10, 2016 interview, he explained that human beings will soon receive a chip in their body in order to merge [them] with the digital world. Below is another excerpt from this interview:

Schwab: And at first, we will implant them in our clothes. And then we could imagine that we will implant them in our brains, or in our skin. And in the end, maybe, here will be a direct communication between our brain and the digital world. What we see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital, and biological world.

Interviewer: We call someone, we dont even have the reflex to take a device, its done naturally, the technique continues in the body. Schwab: Yes.

Interviewer: When will happen? Schwab: Certainly in the next ten years.[vi]

The following two points sum up the essence of transhumanism:

The process includes augmenting humans into something quite different than what God created as well as implanting a device inside them that will connect them to the digital world outside them.

The plan consists of connecting humans to the digital world, such as a supercomputer, that will monitor their behavior for the ultimate purpose of controlling it through the blending of people with machines.

At this point, however, it appears that these globalists might have a problem.

How do they put such a system in place? The vast majority of people would readily reject the changes that I have described in this post and rightly so. Some might desire the enhanced artificial intelligence that will come as the result of transhumanism, but not everything else that would come with it.

In part 2 of this series entitled Transhumanism: Is It Already Here? I will describe the deceitful plan of the transhumanists that they intend to use in augmenting human beings into something currently unrecognizable. Please keep reading as I continue to connect the dots.

Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at It will greatly help me in reaching more people. Thanks!

[i] David Tippett, What is transhumanism and how does it affect you? April 10, 2018,

[Ii] Dr. Carrie Madej video from April 19, 2021, In this excellent video, she goes into great detail regard the threat of transhumanism.

[iii] Sarwant Singh, Transhumanism And The Future Of Humanity: 7 Ways The World Will Change By 2030, Nov. 20, 2017, Forbes website at:

[iv] Alex Newman, Great Reset Transhumanism: Merging Man & Machine, December 2, 2020, @

[v] Fourth Industrial Revolution page @

[vi] Text is taken from a video within an article by Peter Koenig, The Super-Capitalists Depopulation Agenda, May 17, 2021. At:

See original here:
Transhumanism: The Plot to Control Your Life! Jonathan ...

Written by admin

December 27th, 2021 at 2:03 am

Posted in Transhumanism

The Scary Truth Of The Transhumanism Agenda – Cancer Wisdom

Posted: at 2:03 am

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Governments worldwide push for the transhumanism agenda. Find out why they want to remove genders and create synthetic humans. Discover how COVID-19 vaccines, artificial intelligence, and 5G relate to transhumanism and how to stop it.


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The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe treat or cure cancer.This information is not intended as medical advice, please refer to a qualified healthcare professional.

The pharmaceutical industry is an evil and corrupt institution. Every year people die of their toxic drugs and cancer treatments. The only thing these companies care about is money.

If you thought that killing people for profit was terrible, their next big project is even worse than that. It's called transhumanism.

Julian Huxley coined the term transhumanism in 1957

The English biologist and philosopher Julian Huxley coined the term in 1957. Transhumanism is a movement that wants to" improve" the human body with technologies. Ways to achieve this goal include:

Governments around the world have in recent years pushed for the transhumanism agenda. Transgender propaganda and programming confuse young peoples' self-identity. The media, government departments, medical professionals, and academic institutions are all in on it.

We have no-gender toilets and the banning of male-female terms such as boy and girl, mum and dad. BBC's program for kids as young as six features a child taking hormone-blocking drugs.

The confusing of gender identity is to prepare us for the no-gender, synthetic human. Today's young are the biggest target because they will be the adults when it becomes a reality.

The first step in the transhuman transition is to remove gender-specific pronouns.

Governments want us to use new transgender pronouns. Pronouns are words that we use to replace nouns in a sentence. Today we refer to women as she/her/hers/herself. Or men with he/him/his/himself.

The confusing of gender identity is to prepare us for the no-gender, synthetic human

They/them pronouns are most popular by non-binary people. They are individuals who don't identify only as men or women. Transgender can also use other pronouns called Neopronouns.

Neopronouns are any third-person pronouns not officially recognized in the language. Some examples include:

Governments worldwide push us to use transgender pronouns. If we don't obey, we may face persecution.

It's now illegal in some places not to use the correct pronoun. People have lost their jobs for not using the correct pronoun for a female identifying as a male or vice versa.

In May 2019, a court ruled the father's "misgendering" of his child as "family violence." He called his daughter a girl and not a boy. A court ordered him to stop using female pronouns.

The girl's mother supports both social transition and hormonal treatments. But the father does not. The government decided that the sex change will happen, and the father has no say in the matter.

We can decide our gender according to transhumans

There is also a push for gender-neutral words. Breastfeeding will become "chestfeeding." Breastmilk is "human milk."

Other changes include replacing "woman" with "person." Or "father" with "parent", "co-parent" or "second biological parent".

A film made by BBC Teach explained that there are more than 100 different gender identities. Our sexual organs are no longer the deciding factor in determining what gender we have. We are gender fluent and can decide whether we are men or women.

You can identify as a male in the morning and a female in the evening. Creepy men can say they are women to enter female locker rooms and change back after they leave.

In the United States, about 0.58% of the adult population identifies as transgender. Why are governments focused on not offending a minuscule part of the population? Who benefits by us removing genders?

To find out the answer, we need to follow the money.

In an earlier blog post, I described how the oil billionaire John D. Rockefeller took over the medical industry. Rockefeller gave grants to medical schools to teach allopathic medicine. He found a way to make drugs by using his oil.

Private bankers met at Jekyll Island and highjacked the financial system

Rockefeller and other private bankers such as the Rothschilds and Warburgs met at Jekyll Island in 1910.

During this meeting, they created the Federal Reserve Act. In 1913 Congress passed the bill, and the president signed it in December the same year.

This act gave private bankers the power to issue money. Since then, they have used the control of the monetary system to manipulate the world to their plan.

Only a few families control the world.

Thirteen Elite banking families control where the money goes or doesn't. Private banks can lend money that doesn't exist. They create something called credit and charge interest on it. Controlling the creation and circulation of money is holding the system together.

The Rothchild dynasty is at the forefront of the monetary system. One percent of humanity owns the majority of the world's wealth. This scam is possible by centuries of manipulation of the financial system.

A small group of people controls the world through the financial system

Money is debt in its creation. The goal of the monetary system is to turn everyone into slaves. We can never pay back the debt, and therefore we're are always enslaved to the banking system.

You would think that with their vast wealth, the financial Elite would be satisfied. What more is there to strive for if you have unlimited wealth?

When you have everything you want, there is only one more thing that you can strive for: power.

To understand why the financial Elite wants power, we need to learn about the ego. Almost every person has an ego. It's a false self created by our negative thoughts.

Deep inside, we are complete. Love is the core of our being. The only thing hindering us from seeing it is our negative thoughts. Enlightened human beings have all found that happiness can only come by silencing the mind.

It's nothing you can find in external things. Most people try to find fulfillment from achievements, wealth, and possessions. But everyone following that path doesn't find everlasting happiness.

Most people try to find fulfillment from achievements, wealth, and possessions.

The ego believes that it can become complete by getting more. But it will never become satisfied. The financial Elite has enormous egos. They think that they can achieve happiness by controlling the world.

Elite bankers believe that they are above everyone else and need to control us for the greater good. They want to create a world government so they can rule us.

To achieve this dystopia, they need us to become dependent on the state. So how can they do that? By breaking our independence.

There are certain things that humans need to thrive. We need food, water, shelter, energy, and community.

Even if a tiny amount of people control our monetary system, there are still ways to get relative freedom. Growing vegetables is one way you can become independent of other people.

One way to become independent is by growing vegetables and fruits

But the financial Elite made it harder for us to grow our food. Strict zoning laws and restrictions make it near impossible for small farmers to survive.

Governments take over more farms. They can then control our food supply, and the only way to survive is to obey the government.

Another way to get relative freedom is to create a business.

We can become more self-sufficient if we create our own company. To break our independence, governments have to stop us from doing business.

That is what is happening right now. The COVID-19 hoax prevents people from running their businesses. Strict lockdowns measures make it impossible for most companies to survive.

Strict lockdowns measures make it impossible for most companies to survive

Instead, there is a massive transfer of wealth from the middle class to the financial Elite. If this economic takeover continues, the middle class will disappear. What's left is an upper-class and a low-class population.

If people cannot have their business or work, the only way they can survive is through government handouts. Another term for it is Universal Basic Income(UBI).

It's a communist-style economy where everyone works for the government. The world government will decide what job you should pursue. One vital step in the world government takeover is Agenda 21.

The whole COVID-19 agenda is a tool to destroy the economy. Elite bankers plan to create a world government that controls all commerce. They want to develop a ministry of trade that absorbs all businesses through Agenda 21/2030.

Agenda 21 is a U.N. project to install the world government structure. It started at the 1992 U.N. Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is since updated to Agenda 2030.

Agenda 21/2030 is a Trojan horse for global communism

The United Nations is a creation of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Rockefellers donated the land on which the U.N. headquarters stands.

The goal of Agenda 21 is to limit our freedom and to centralize power. Global warming is an excuse to remove our rights and let the government repress us.

Evil banking families have also taken control over the energy sector. They regulate the creation of electricity and oil through constant wars.

The Elite also controls our politicians and "democratic" system.

Democracy is a myth. We live under a global dictatorship without knowing it. There is no left or right. Once you have your political and economic structures in place, you can get any leader you want

There is no need to control all political parties, although they often do. You only need to choose the candidates that can win. Almost every country only has two or three parties that have any chance of forming a government. In the background, all answer to the same force.

Most leaders follow banker families

The reason why we don't hear about them is that Elite bankers hide in the background. Secret societies and satanic networks control the world through a spider web.

For a tiny financial Elite to control us, they need to centralize power. That's why we have governments and central banks.

Governments are taking over more resources around the world. Every day it becomes harder to survive in the world without the government.

Even if these banking families regulate our means of survival, they can't control us entirely. The last puzzle piece used to enslave us is by manipulating our reproduction and independent thinking. One primary facilitator of our brainwashing is the mainstream media.

The term "media" comes from "medium," which means an "intervening substance." Legislators needs to regulate information to control our perception.

A handful of giant corporations own the American media. You see different television and radio channels, newspapers, and magazines on any subject. There seems to be an endless choice from independent sources. But only six corporations control most of them.

The CIA maintains a massive network of foreign individuals around the world. These people give the CIA direct access to many newspapers and news agencies. They also help the CIA control radio and television stations and book publishers.

Only a few companies control our news

American and European media coordinate with each other. They spin and repeat the same stories required by the CIA and the web. The news propaganda brainwashes many people.

But when things become more extreme, even the press cannot deceive us anymore. If people see through government lies, they are impossible to control.

"It is possible to discipline and control some societies for some time, but not the whole world all the time.

One of the most desirable things we want is freedom. If we crave it bad enough, there is nothing that's going to stop us from getting it.

Even if you lose everything, the only thing you have left is your independent thinking. If you want to have total power, you need to restrain external conditions and thoughts. It's here the transhuman agenda comes in.

The financial Elite's ultimate goal is to create a fascistic society which they control. They call it The New World Order. It's a civilization that George Orwell described in his book 1984.

Everyone had to listen to everything Big brother said. Big brother monitored every thought and punished disobedience. If the financial Elite can control our thoughts and bodies, we become their slaves.

The transhumanism agenda has nothing to do about trans people's rights. It has more to do with control. Elite bankers have serious plans to create synthetic humans.

Elite bankers want to create a global government and enslave humans

It's an old plan which the author Audley Huxley warned about in his book A Brave New World. Aldous Huxley described in his book about laboratory babies.

Natural reproduction stopped, and scientists raised children in "hatcheries." From birth, people fit into one of the five genetic castes. "Plus" and "Minus" members fulfilled predetermined positions within the World State.

Population control is a vital piece of the transhumanism agenda.

In an earlier blog post, I exposed The Rockefellers' obsession with eugenics. Bill Gates is also a big promoter of population control. His father was once the leader of Planned Parenthood.

It's an organization created by the Rockefellers. Planned Parenthood helps women prevent pregnancies.

If you want to control the world population, the first step is to reduce it. Today there are close to 8 billion people on the earth.

A mysterious stone in Georgia says that humanity needs to maintain itself under 500 million

To create the world government, the Elite believes that over 90% of the population has to go. One number I have heard is 500 million people. You can see it on the Georgia Guidestones.

The best way to reduce the population is to stop our sexual reproduction. That way, the only means to reproduce is through cloning.

But don't you need our DNA to do that?

There are several ways the Elite collects our genetic code. One way is through Ancestry DNA. It is a subsidiary of, the biggest for-profit genealogy company in the world.

You might have heard about services where you send saliva samples to analyze your ancestry. DNA-testing 23andMe is a "personal genomics and biotechnology" company.

Its center is in Silicon Valley, near Google and Facebook headquarters. The CEO Anne Wojcicki is the former wife of Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google.

Several ancestry services collect DNA samples for the transhumanism agenda

Her sister, Susan Wojcicki, is CEO of Google-owned YouTube. Google invested almost $4 million in 23andMe. I will later reveal the connection Big Tech companies like Google have to the transhuman A.I. agenda.

The Scary Truth Of The Transhumanism Agenda - Cancer Wisdom

Written by admin

December 27th, 2021 at 2:03 am

Posted in Transhumanism

The Matrix Resurrections: The Studio Is Making Us Do This! – Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence

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Lets address the most contentious issue first. This movie isnt great, but its not The Last Jedi bad. Matrix fans arent going to be storming the gates in protest, because their beloved characters were assassinated for the message. Its true that Neo is nerfed so that Trinity can take his place. This is annoying because, as Ive said before, nobody wants to see a Dragon Ball Z spectacle featuring Neos powers just so the poor sap could die in obscurity because nothing he did mattered anyway. They didnt do this, and that is to the writers credit.

If there was anybody who deserved a Deus ex Machina sent by the Social Justice Warriors from on high, it was Trinity. Her decision to go with Neo to the machine city, even though it meant certain death, easily made her the most courageous character in the trilogy. Nobody gave her Matrix Wi-Fi. So, even though, the twist at the end of the film made zero sense, from a narrative standpoint, she earned her miracle. Were not talking about Rey, Mary-Sue, Skywalker, some random character with no connection to the things that were before whos magically able to fix the old ships, shoot better, fight better, jump better, drive a boat better even though she grew up on a desert planet, basically do everything better for no reason other than she is the narrative equivalent of a jingling set of keys. Trinity is not Rey. She earned her place in the original trilogy because she suffered with the other characters, and I would argue she even earned her position as the new One alongside Neo because she suffered as Neo suffered.

I bring this up because there have been multiple people who have compared this movie to The Last Jedi, and while this movie is by no means good, equivocating it to Rian Johnsons cinematic abomination is a little harsh.

The real issue with this movie is that it clearly did not want to be made. Over an hour is devoted to Neos new life within the Matrix. There is a scene toward the beginning where the new Agent Smith who is now a cooperate bigwig is telling Neo that they are making the Matrix Trilogy, which is now a video game, into a new franchise, and the company is going to do this with or without his cooperation. I imagine is this exactly how the pitch meeting went when the studio approached Lana Wachowski. The implications are about as subtle as Neo being called the One and dying only to rise from the dead. Say what you will about the Wachowskis, subtlety is not their strong suit. After this scene, we get a montage showing all these corporate suits arguing over what the Matrix is and over time redefining the game altogether. Theres only one word to describe this sequence, meta.

This reset is noticeable, and it contributes to the contrived nature of the film. Wachowski wants to affirm her characters struggles in a world which is being rebooted by force. The way she resolves this dilemma is interesting. When Neo expresses regret because his fight did not end the Matrix, one of characters shows him her pet sentient robots which are literally called sentients. So, the One did not end the Matrix, instead the One created a unity between man and machine. This isnt transhumanism in the sense that man has merged with machine, but rather, the machines have become, for all intent and purposes, human. They can completely wake up and leave the Matrix if they wish, and now, the free humans are tasked with liberating the machines as well as other humans.

This is interesting, and I suppose it should have been obvious, considering the machines seemed to be practically human anyway by the end of the previous trilogy. But it was a surprising twist anyway, and a clever way of getting around undermining Neos previous accomplishments.

As before, none of these details are explained. How the robots are doing any of this remains a constant nagging question throughout the film, but this time, one could arguably be a little more sympathetic about the plot hole because Wachowski is struggling to reestablish a finished franchise without negating the accomplishments of the previous characters.

I have much more to say about the movie, and we will cover those topics as well as go into more details regarding how the machines work, the programs work, and how the main antagonist operates in the next review.

Here are my thoughts on the original Matrix Trilogy:

Bringing you up to date with the Matrix series: Will The Matrix Resurrections (dropped December 22) break the mold? The culturally influential trilogy (control by evil aliens) enjoys a fascinating beginning but a thud! ending. Can we really escape a world of illusions simply by following our most basic influences? If wisdom cant help, why should instinct be the answer? (Gary Varner)

The Matrix Reloaded (2003) just did not load properly. Although the second part of the Matrix trilogy offers interesting ideas and exciting action, the confusing plot obscures the concepts it should explore. Free will is hard to explore when, among AIs, Agent Smith can think freely, the Architect cant grasp the idea, and the Oracle understands but doesnt have it. (Gary Varner)

The Matrix Revolutions (2003) spins out of control. In Part I of this review of the third film in The Matrix trilogy anticipating The Matrix: Resurrections (December 22) we bring you up to date on the story. The plot continues to baffle: How did Neo end up in digital purgatory? How can machines fall in love and produce a child? Answers are awaited.


The Matrix Revolutions churns into a cosmic drama. It turns out to be a conflict between chaos and probability with no apparent moral compass. As fans await The Matrix Resurrection, we begin to sense an outline in The Matrix: Revolutions of the ultimate conflict of human vs. machine.

The Matrix Trilogy: Some Final Thoughts I enjoyed the films and am looking forward to the Matrix Resurrections but there are some things I need to say as a reviewer. The problem with the Matrix trilogy that it tries to say too much, and so the messages conflict when theyre not downright confusing.

See original here:
The Matrix Resurrections: The Studio Is Making Us Do This! - Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence

Written by admin

December 27th, 2021 at 2:03 am

Posted in Transhumanism

Transhumanism: Expert exposes liberal billionaire elitists …

Posted: March 9, 2021 at 11:46 pm

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November 10, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) The COVID-19 pandemic was manufactured by the worlds elites as part of a plan to globally advance transhumanism literally, the fusion of human beings with technology in an attempt to alter human nature itself and create a superhuman being and an earthly paradise, according to a Peruvian academic and expert in technology.

This dystopian nightmare scenario is no longer the stuff of science fiction, but an integral part of the proposed post-pandemic Great Reset, Dr. Miklos Lukacs de Pereny said at a recent summit on COVID-19.

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Indeed, to the extent that implementing the transhumanist agenda is possible, it requires the concentration of political and economic power in the hands of a global elite and the dependence of people on the state, said Lukacs.

Thats precisely the aim of the Great Reset, promoted by German economist Klaus Schwab, CEO and founder of World Economic Forum, along with billionaire philanthropists George Soros and Bill Gates and other owners, managers, and shareholders of Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Finance who meet at the WEF retreats at Davos, Switzerland, contended Lukacs.

Transhumanism is far from a benign doctrine. Rather, it is at complete enmity with Christianity, Lukacs pointed out during the virtual in Truth Over Fear Summit organized by California-based Catholic writer and broadcaster Patrick Coffin.

Transhumanists take science as their religion and believe in a philosophy of absolute relativism that claims that individuals can change reality at will, and they seek to relativize the human being and turn it into a putty that can be modified or molded to our taste and our desire and by rejecting those limits nature or God have placed on us.

Transhumanism therefore requires the destruction of the Judeo-Christian morality, which is based on absolute principles and values.

Those raising alarm about the Great Reset often overlook the crucial role of technology in the plans of the meta-capitalists, contended Lukacs, who has Ph.D. in management from the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR) from the University of Manchester.

The COVID-19 pandemic was just another social engineering project deliberately planned and implemented by predatory meta capitalism to achieve the ultimate end: redefining and reconfiguring the human nature and condition, he argued in a presentation in Spanish.

I have the firm conviction that this pandemic has been manufactured and its purpose is none other than to initiate, as they say, or implement the Great Reset, which will open the door to the advancement of the transhumanist agenda, he said.

Indeed, WEFs Schwab has been promoting the Great Reset as a way to harness the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a term he coined, which, he declared in January 2016, will affect the very essence of our human experience.

Schwab described the Fourth Industrial Revolution then as a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines among the physical, digital and biological spheres, Lukacs said.

Those technologies include genetic engineering such as CRISPR genetic editing, artificial intelligence (A.I.), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, and quantum computing.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is nothing other than the implementation of transhumanism on a global level, emphasized Lukacs.

Transhumanism as a political ideology and cultural movement was defined in 1998 by Swedish economist Nick Bostrom, then a professor at Oxford, and David Pearce, a British philosopher, who that year founded the World Transhumanist Association.

More recently, Yuval Noah Harari, the Israeli historian and author of Homo Deus, who is regarded as a great visionary, has been promoting transhumanism.

Transhumanists propose to use technology to alter human nature to produce human beings with super longevity, super intelligence, super well-being, Lukacs said.

They reject the Christian belief in absolute truth, and that God created human person in His image and likeness, and see absolute values as a brake for their pretensions of transhumanist and globalist progressivism.

Thats why the approval of abortion is key to understanding why we are entering fully into this transhumanist agenda of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Lukacs said.

When abortion was approved, the political, economic order and moral values on which Western civilization is based collapsed.

Abortion means nothing other than the transition of the human being from a subject of rights to an object of commercialization, to an object of experimentation, he said.

Life ceases to have an inherent value, an inherent dignity. It becomes an object of consumption, an object of production, and this aligns perfectly with the goal of transhumanists to experiment with the human being.

Transhumanism is a struggle against those propositions of absolute values, said Lukacs, and what it embodies in progressivism is absolute relativism.

Evidence that absolute relativism has caught hold in the Western world is the rapid and widespread rise in trangenderism.

Lukacs also noted cases of transspecisim, transageism, transableism, and transracism.

Examples of these attempts to reshape ones reality at will include the American known as Lizard Man, the Canadian man living as a six-year-old, the British woman who blinded herself because she wanted to be disabled, and the German woman who injected herself with melatonin to darken her skin to identify as black.

These are previous states of transhumanism, a kind of accustoming, especially of the new generations, to accept this diversity, Lukacs said.

While many transhumanist proposals are rooted in science fiction, Lukacs pointed out they now have the technology to attempt to realize their mad aspirations.

Transhumanists propose to increase longevity by using CRISPR genetic editing, which has been used to triple the lifespan of mice. Thus, using this technique on human beings, it is conceivable that people could live to the age of 200 or 300 years old, he said.

They propose to increase human intelligence by planting chips in people that have greater processing capacity than the human brain.

An example is Elon Musks NeuraLink, which is an interface that is applied to the cerebral cortex and which Musk says will help people with Alzheimers or epilepsy, but which Lukacs speculates could open the door to neuro-hackers.

There is also the post-humanist school of transhumanism, of which economist Bostrom is a proponent.

Bostrom proposes that at some point it will not even be necessary to have a physical body, but we will be a set of information, that we will be able to upload our thoughts to the Cloud, that we will be able to form a great collective intelligence with other human beings, Lukac said.

As for the promise of super wellbeing, philosopher Pearce said it was the hedonist imperative to genetically modify us to aspire to super well-being.

What Pearce is saying is that through genetic modification, were going to be virtuous human beings, and that we have to forget about pain and suffering, we have to get rid of those genes that make us aggressive, violent, jealous, that force us to fight and kill each other, said Lukacs.

When you put all these things into the balance, what you are realizing is what you are looking at is literally the destruction of human beings, of Homo sapiens, and their conversion to Homo deus.

But as with the Great Reset, the elites twist the language and disguise their transhumanist agenda behind vaguely benign phrases, so Schwabs Fourth Industrial Revolution is sold to us as an idea thats not necessarily going to affect us, or that it is progress that will benefit humanity, he said.

However, just as ordinary people will suffer in the Great Reset under the architecture of oppression, as Edward Snowden phrased it, so they will bear the brunt of the experimentation by transhumanists.

Its very worrying because for achieving that kind of dream, many, many mistakes will happen for sure. ... The burden will be carried by the people that get affected by this in their health, in their lives, in their economic situation and in their psychological or mental state, said Lukacs.

Its a very, very costly experiment. And [the elites] are not going to bear any responsibility for this. Trust me, he told Coffin.

For them, its wonderful. For the rest, this is just dystopian.

Lukacs also contended that the global elites encountered an unexpected roadblock to their plans in U.S. president Donald Trump.

Actually, the structure of power is not that complicated, he told Coffin in an online Q&A session.

At the top are the meta-capitalists or capitalists that have so much financial muscle that they can play beyond the rules of capitalism; actually, they make the rules of capitalism or remake them, he said.

And you have those guys on Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Finance, Big Construction, everything big, the big corporate transnational world. Those are the billionaires who through their philanthropies, their billion-dollar pledges and all this kind of stuff, they ... funnel money downwards to all the politicians, who are basically rented politicians, they rent them, they run the world for them, he said.

Its really the privatization of power through philanthropy, added Lukacs.

And then, of course, you will have a layer of middle ground or middle level institutions, NGOs, universities, foundations, and then youll go down to grassroots local government. Its a ... pyramidal structure.

But Trump is one key public figure who could evidently not be rented.

It is so obvious that in the States right now for the past, what, four, five months, a state coup has been in the making. As simple as that. I have no problem in saying it openly, Lukacs told Coffin.

Thats the situation. They have tried to oust a president that was democratically elected because they are desperate. China is still progressing. And ... their partners in the West, theyre just not catching up. So, they are a little bit desperate. China is not going to wait.

For more information on Truth Over Fear Summit, go here. Premium passes are still available.


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Its child abuse for scientists to gene-edit human embryos and then destroy them: Ethicist

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See the original post here:
Transhumanism: Expert exposes liberal billionaire elitists ...

Written by admin

March 9th, 2021 at 11:46 pm

Posted in Transhumanism

Transhumanism And The Future Of Humanity: 7 Ways The World …

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Companies today are strategizing about future investments and technologies such as artificial intelligence, the internet of things, or growth around new business models. While many of these trends will make for solid investments for the next 5-10 years, fewer companies are considering the revolutionary convergence of disparate trends pulled from technology, behavioral and societal changes, and medical advances to understand how they will converge to transform society. This transformation will be messy, complex, and sometimes scary, but signals already point to a future of humanity that will blur our identities into transhumanism.

Transhumanism and the Future of Humanity

To understand this topic, our Visionary Innovation Group looked at three fundamental pillars of humanity and how they will evolve over the coming 10-15 years: our bodies, our thought, and our behavior. After identifying the driving forces that will transform these fundamental pillars, we extracted key themes emerging from their convergence. Ultimately our goal was to determine the ways in which the changing nature of humanity and transhumanism would affect individuals, society, businesses, and government.

A few of the trends that emerged from this study include the following seven trends. We hope they will spark discussion and innovation at your organizations.

The coming years will usher in a number of body augmentation capabilities that will enable humans to be smarter, stronger, and more capable than we are today. Wearables will be one form of body augmentation, but they will far surpass the fitness trackers of today. In the future, we can expect the arrival of contact lenses that can take pictures or video, universal language translator earbuds that allow us to communicate anywhere in the world, and exosuits that increase physical strength. We will also see increased use of implants ranging from brain microchips and neural lace to mind-controlled prosthesis and subdermal RFID chips that allow users to unlock doors or computer passwords with the wave of a hand. However, the most powerful body augmentation will come from biological augmentation as a result of increased insight into our genomes, advances in IVF technology that may allow us to select the most intelligent embryos, and powerful CRISPR gene-editing technology which may one day give us the ability to eliminate all heritable diseases. [i]

These body augmentation capabilities will give rise to humans that are more resilient, optimized and continually monitored. They will also lead to implications around which job opportunities are available to those with and without augmented abilities, as well as impacting sports competition with hierarchies based on body augmentation. We already see the early days of this with questions around leg prosthesis and whether they provide runners with increased speed compared to that of an average human. At the same time, augmented bodies will usher in risks such as espionage potential via contact lens camera hacks, or even more worryingly, risk of a stratified human race based on those who can afford augmentations and those who cannot.

Both wearable and implantable brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) are in development from organizations that include Elon Musks Neuralink, Facebook, and DARPA. These devices will dramatically alter the ways in which we communicate with each other, as well as digital devices. Today, when I speak with others, I am limited by the speed with which I can speak and the words on the tip of my tongue. When I interface with a computer, I am limited by the speed that I can type. BMIs will change all of this to enabling communication at the speed of thought in its full, unfiltered state. Mark Zuckerberg has described the following scenario: Today, when we share our vacation experiences, we upload photos and videos. With BMIs, I can share my full sensory and emotional vacation experience with my friends and family. [ii]

Early innovators such as UBER are already harnessing the incredible combined power of behavioral science, gamification, and AI. Ubers behavioral science techniques include cueing up the next drive as the default option, not revealing the profitability of that ride (which is an uncertainty technique that is most often used in gambling), and giving drivers awards such as Above and Beyond that spur dopamine release. Gamification techniques used by the company include a graphical interface that brings a video-game like quality to the drive, as well as prompting goals that are always just out of reach to encourage continued pursuit.[iii]

Even governments have taken up these tactics with behavioral science units in both the UK and US. While these groups are focused on socially beneficial programs, they must be monitored to ensure they do not drift into more controlling engagements. In addition to applying these techniques to employees and citizens, it is easy to see how they will be increasingly be applied to consumers to drive more frequent and volume-driven purchases. By 2030 we can expect that behavioral scientists will be in demand in corporate HR, strategy, and consulting departments.

The adoption of virtual reality can play an influential role in our ability to understand perspectives other than our own at the current moment. For example, VR could be used to understand the plight of refugees, giving us the opportunity to step into their shoes, which may make us more likely to take action or donate money.[iv] Other examples may include stepping into the shoes of our future selves, and looking at the lives we will live 40-50 years down the road if we save $200 a month vs. $2000. This application can bring home the need to save over the short term desire to spend. BMIs may also advance our ability to empathize if we are able to understand someone elses full perspective straight from their own brain, rather than if they are trying to communicate it and misspeak or their intention is misinterpreted by the listener.

We already see an advanced degree of personalization in marketing practices, but this will be extended in the future to touch virtually all aspects of our lives. For example, in addition to location and past purchase history data, marketers may be able to use emotional filters based on our activity to change the tone of their message on the spot in response to our current mood. Personalization will also extend to our homes, as we are currently seeing with smart home devices that can set moods with lighting and music. Eventually, we may see AI personalization affect our career trajectory, playing a guiding role in the positions we are offered based on our personal strengths. It is inevitable that our diets and medical treatment will be far more personalized based on the information that our genome reveals about us. Personalisation will eventually give way to customisation at mass scale where products and services will be completely configured to personal needs and preferences.

We will see the rise of AI in our career settings as described in much work focused on smart factories, industrial IOT, and related topics. Most employees will have an AI counterpart with which they collaborate or through which their work is amplified. Some futurists predict that by 2026 companies will have an AI machine as a member of their board of directors[v]. Integration of BMI into workplaces will usher in heightened cybersecurity concerns, and we may see eventual scenarios in which companies are sponsoring nootropic supplements and neurostimulation devices to improve employee focus and increase the speed of new skills acquisition.

As these widespread and revolutionary technologies come at us from every angle and affect our bodies, thought processes, and behaviors, society will engage in growing philosophical debate around what our values are as individuals, as a country, and as a species. What do we value most? Is it intelligence, self-fulfillment, success, happiness, quality of life for all, or something else? As we increasingly have the tools to engineer any of these outcomes, some will have to take priority over others. For example, if one country decides that they want to create a nation of super-intelligent and physically augmented citizens, will other countries decide they have no choice but to follow suit? These and related questions that get at the heart of who we are as humans and what we value in our society will have tremendous ramifications.

Are you ready to be augmented into a super human? Frost & Sullivan explores these themes and many others in detail in a recently published study, Transhumanism: How humans will think, behave, experience, and perform in the future, and the implications to businesses. If you would like to explore this topic in more detail, you can access the study here.

This article was written with contributions from Lauren Taylor, Principal Consultant in Frost & Sullivans Visionary Innovation Group.

[i] National Geographic. April 2017. How Humans Are Shaping Our Own Evolution.

[ii] MIT Technology Review. March 2017. The entrepreneur with the $100 million plan to link brains to computers.

[iii]The New York Times. April 2017. How Uber uses psychological tricks to push its drivers buttons.

[iv] City Lab. October 2016. What if virtual reality can make us better citizens?

[v] The World Economic Forum. January 2016. The 10 skills you need to thrive in the fourth industrial revolution.

Original post:
Transhumanism And The Future Of Humanity: 7 Ways The World ...

Written by admin

March 9th, 2021 at 11:46 pm

Posted in Transhumanism

Dr. Carrie Madej: COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are transhumanism …

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Antivaccine conspiracy theorists blame vaccines for many things, such as autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders, autoimmune diseases of all kinds including fake ones, childhood obesity, this generation of children supposedly being the sickest generation, infertility due to primary ovarian insufficiency, and even death, as in death by sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Basically, whatever the health issue, to antivaxxers, it is, first and foremost, always about the vaccines. Always. No mater how implausible and lacking in evidence the link between vaccines and a given disease or health condition is, antivaxxers will find a way to blame it on vaccines. Indeed, even now, in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic, theyve found ways to blame the influenza vaccine for COVID-19, particularly now that flu season is here. However, one of the wildest claims Ive ever seen about vaccines is that they are transhumanism, a claim being made by ber-quack Dr. Joe Mercola in an article on The Vaccine Reaction, the house blog of Barbara Loe Fishers antivaccine group the Orwellian-named National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), entitled Will New COVID Vaccine Make You Transhuman?, an article based on a video by one Dr. Carrie Madej:

Two years ago, in October 2018, Forbes contributor Neil Sahota, a United Nations artificial intelligence adviser and UC Irvine professor, warned that transhumanism is fast approachinglikely faster than you think.1 In the past few years, there has been considerable discussion around the idea we are slowly merging with our technology, that we are becoming transhuman, with updated abilities, including enhanced intelligence, strength, and awareness, Sahota writes.

The goal of the transhumanist movement, or Human 2.0, is to transcend biology into technology. Or, as Dr. Carrie Madej explains in the video above, to meld human biology with technology and artificial intelligence.

Two visible proponents of transhumanism are Ray Kurzweil (director of engineering at Google since 2012) and Elon Musk (founder of SpaceX, Tesla and Neuralink).

Well get to the video in a minute, because it is truly beyond the pale. I had never heard of Carrie Madej, DO before (or, if I had, I didnt remember her). The website featuring her video, Stop World Control, describes her thusly:

Dr Carrie Madej directed two large medical clinics in the state of Georgia, USA. Since her twenties she has been fascinated by vaccines and studied them ever since. Her in depth research led her to discover what the proposed technologies are for the new COVID-19 vaccines. What she is revealing is alarming.

This video is an in depth documentary that shows how these new vaccines can alter our DNA, turning us into hybrids. The plans are to connect humans to artificial intelligence and global control networks. This is the start of transhumanism, turning us into HUMANS 2.0.

Study. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Seriously, I bet that Dr. Madej studies vaccines in the same way that Mike Adams does, her being a physician notwithstanding.

In any event, I found out a bit more. Dr. Madej is an internist in McDonough, Georgia. Shes Medical Director of Phoenix Medical Group of Georgia, where she has a full time practice in Internal Medicine. Her Twitter feed is a wretched hive of scum, quackery, and conspiracy theories. Unsurprisingly, she is an antimasker, seems to buy into every major conspiracy theory about COVID-19 out there, and has appeared on The Alex Jones Show, antivaxxer Sherri Tenpennys show, and on Mike Adams show. She also gave a virtual speech to the gathering of antimaskers and COVID-19 lockdown protesters at Trafalgar Square last month. Its odd that I havent heard of her before.

So what is transhumanism? However, I describe it, Im sure someone will object, but here goes anyway. Basically, it is a social, scientific, and philosophical movement devoted to the idea that humans can be enhanced by technology, be it biological, computer-based, or physical. The idea is that such technologies would augment or increase human perception, physical abilities, intelligence, and cognition, and also radically improve human health and extend human life spans. Unsurprisingly, the movements adherents tend to be employed in technology, biotech, and academia, and there is a strong link between libertarianism and transhumanism. The ultimate outcome is thought to be the singularity, a time when computers become so advanced that artificial intelligence transcends human intelligence, potentially erasing the boundary between humanity and computers, even leading to the merging of humans and computers. Personally, Ive always looked a bit askance at transhumanism, because there is certainly a lot of woo in the movement. Moreover, transhumanists do tend to assume that the coming singularity will necessarily be a good thing. Science fiction, however, provides many potential counterexamples, SkyNet in the Terminator movies and the Borg in Star Trek being two of the most famous of them.

Nonetheless, I am not opposed on general principle to human-enhancing technologies. After all, what is medicine but an effort over many millennia to overcome the inherent biological weaknesses and defects in humans in order to enhance and extend lifespans by preventing at least premature death from infirmity and external disease? True, there is a philosophical argument to be had over how much modification might be too much, but thats not what Mercola and his antivax cranks are about. Rather, just as antivaxxers have used the COVID-19 pandemic and President Trumps Operation Warp Speed program to stoke fear that any new COVID-19 vaccine will be unsafe, having been rushed to approval too quickly with inadequate safety testing, and thereby to cast doubt on all vaccines, here antivaxxers are painting COVID-19 vaccines as incipient transhumanism in order toyou guessed it!spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt about all vaccines. Naturally, theyre focusing on mRNA vaccines, such as the COVID-19 vaccine candidates from Moderna, BioNTech, Fosun Pharma, and Pfizer:

Many of the COVID-19 vaccines currently being fast-tracked are not conventional vaccines. Their design is aimed at manipulating your very biology, and therefore have the potential to alter the biology of the entire human race.

Conventional vaccines train your body to recognize and respond to the proteins of a particular virus by injecting a small amount of the actual viral protein into your body, thereby triggering an immune response and the development of antibodies.

This is not what happens with an mRNA vaccine. The theory behind these vaccines is that when you inject the mRNA into your cells, it will stimulate your cells to manufacture their own viral protein. The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine will be the first of its kind. No mRNA vaccine has ever been licensed before. And, to add insult to injury, theyre forgoing all animal safety testing.

First of all, this is a bit silly. If theres one thing about mRNA, its that (1) it doesnt integrate into the genome of the cells that it enters, meaning that it cant permanently reprogram a cell and (2) its a remarkably unstable molecule, which is why RNA vaccines currently have to be stored at -90C and why theres been concern about the mass distribution of such vaccines, given that few doctors offices and clinics have the capability of storing doses at that cold a temperature and there would be concern about keeping the vaccines sufficiently cold during transport. (Its also why Moderna is working to make its vaccines more stable, now claiming that they can be stored at -20C and will be stable for about a week at 2 to 8C, and other companies making mRNA vaccines are frantically working to make the required storage conditions less frigid.) Indeed, some of these logistical issues are why Ive always been a bit skeptical of RNA vaccines. Im not skeptical that they can work. Im sure they can. The problem is that Im not convinced that whatever advantages they might have outweigh the many disadvantages in terms of their storage and distribution, slick videos by companies like Moderna notwithstanding:

So how do RNA vaccines work? The idea is that the mRNA (messenger RNA) gets into the human cells and does its thing, providing the template that the cells ribosomes use to translate the genetic code in the mRNA into protein, in this case the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, which is secreted and generates an immune response. I was quite amused by how impressed Mercola was by Dr. Carrie Madejs claims. First:

Madej goes on to discuss how this mRNA vaccine is going to be administered. Rather than a conventional injection, the vaccine will be administered using a microneedle platform. Not only can it be mass produced quickly, but it can also be administered by anyone. Its as simple at attaching an adhesive bandage to your arm.

The adhesive side of the bandage has rows of tiny microneedles and a hydrogel base that contains luciferase enzyme and the vaccine itself. Because of their tiny size, the microneedles are said to be nearly painless when pressed into the skin. The idea is that the microneedles will puncture the skin, delivering the modified synthetic RNA into the nucleus of your cells. RNA is essentially coding material that your body uses. In this case, as mentioned, the instructions are to produce the SARS-CoV-2 viral protein.

The part of Dr. Madejs video where she describes this couldnt be more obvious. While explaining the microneedle platform, the video flashes an image of a viper and its long fangs, ready to strike. Shes also conflating technology being developed with the actual Moderna vaccine and other RNA vaccines. Right now, they are not going to be delivered using microneedle bandages. Thats a technology thats still being tested. Dr. Madej is getting ahead of herself here. After all, the current form of the Moderna vaccine doesnt use microneedles. Its a standard vaccine thats injected, two shots given a month apart, and is intended to work as described in the video above.

I also laughed out loud reading the above passage. The nucleus of your cells? Nonsense! Thats not how protein synthesis works! mRNA is translated to protein in the cytoplasm (the part of the cell outside the nucleus but within the cell membrane). After DNA in the nucleus is transcribed to mRNA by an enzyme called RNA polymerase, the mRNA thus produced is transported out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm, where ribosomes use it as the template to make proteins. Sure, the system is more complicated than that, but I dont need to go into how some mRNAs start out as longer precursors that are spliced into the final mRNA before being used in translation. The basic outline above is enough for a lay person to understand why Dr. Madej is full of you-know-what. Heres a handy-dandy image from Wikipedia:

Seriously, Drs. Mercola and Madej need to pick up a Biology 101 textbook. No, really. This stuff is in the early chapters about cell biology. Its really, really basic. It gets worse, though:

Dr. Madej says this is not true. Well whoop-de-doo and la-dee-da! No, seriously. This is not a DNA vaccine. It is not possible for the RNA to become stable and be taken up into the genome. (Indeed, RNA viruses that can integrate into the genome rely on first being reverse transcribed into DNA.) Again, this is not even Molecular Biology 101. Its high school Biology 101. As for transfection, all that is is a technique to introduce RNA or DNA into cells. Most commonly its used to introduce plasmids (circular lengths of DNA containing genes of interest) into cells. Methods range from really old school methods that I used in graduate school 30 years ago, such as calcium phosphate precipitation (which is horrendously inefficient) to various liposome-based methods. (Liposomes are small spheres of lipid, which can bind to the cell membrane and fuse with it, thus delivering plasmid into the cytoplasm.) While, it is true that the introduction of mRNA into a cell will produce a temporary change, namely the cells ribosomes using the mRNA to make the desired protein, that temporary change is just that. It has nothing to do with altering the cell permanently, and as soon as the mRNA degrades naturally the cell will go back to normal. Seriously, Dr. Madej, molecular biologists are laughing at you.

Dr. Madej is also apparently all worked up about a protein called luciferase. Luciferase is an enzyme that is commonly used in molecular biology because it produces bioluminescence. (More specifically, it acts on a compound called luciferin.) Most commonly, its used as a reporter gene. The idea is that you insert the gene for luciferase into a plasmid after various DNA sequences that regulate gene expression (how much mRNA and protein the gene makes). These sequences are known as promoter or enhancer regions. You then transfect cells with the plasmid. By measuring changes in light emission of the cells, either by harvesting them and extracting the proteins and measuring how much bioluminescence is produced when substrate and appropriate cofactors are added, or by looking at them under an appropriate microscope, you can see how various manipulations of the cells (e.g., drugs, changes in the media, changes in expression of other genes) communicate with the reporter/enhancer sequences to increase or decrease the activity of the reporter gene luciferase.

So whats the obsession with luciferase, other than that some cranks (Im looking at you, Mike Adams) have latched onto its name to associate it with the Devil? Lets see:

Another part of the delivery system that raises its own set of questions is the use of the enzyme luciferase, which has bioluminescent qualities. While invisible under normal conditions, using a cellphone app or special device, you will be able to see a glowing vaccination mark.

As described in the journal RSC Advances7 in 2015, luciferase gene-loaded quantum dots can efficiently deliver genes into cells. The abstract discusses their use as self-illuminating probes for hepatoma imaging, but the fact that quantum dots can deliver genetic material is interesting in itself.

The hydrogel, meanwhile, is a DARPA invention that involves nanotechnology and nanobots. This bioelectronic interface is part of how the vaccination mark will be able to connect to your smartphone, Madej says, providing information about blood sugar, heart rate and any number of other biological data.

It has the potential to see almost anything that goes on in your body, Madej says. This will have immediate ramifications for our privacy, yet no one has yet addressed where this information will be going. Who will collect and have access to all this data? Who will be responsible for protecting it? How will it be used?

Again, this is not how the Moderna and other mRNA vaccines are going to be administered, at least not now. Also, the reference she cites merely describes using luciferase vectors as a way to image liver cancers. As for the luciferase, as its just there to show where the vaccine was injected and to demonstrate that cells did take up whatever was on the microneedles. Im also amused how Dr. Madej apparently doesnt know how to pronounce luciferase. I laughed out loud when she first mispronounced it, although she started pronouncing it closer to the correct pronunciation as time went on. Moreover, luciferase is an enzyme, and, unless the vector used to introduce it into human skin cells truly did integrate with the nucleus, any luminescence from luciferase would be temporary. The enzyme would degrade, over time, as would the plasmid that makes it.

As for the marking, Ive discussed that before. Shes appears to be referring to quantum dot tags, basically copper-based quantum dots embedded in biocompatible, micron-scale capsules. Theyre tagged with a near-infrared dye thats invisible, but the pattern they set can be read and interpreted by a customized smartphone. Even these are not permanent, as the currently estimated time during which they can be read is five years.

None of this stops Dr. Madej from going full conspiracy crank:

Were gonna be branded. Each person will have their own ID. This reminds me of World War II. You know, its something to think about, being branded like a product in the storeSo well be branded. What can that be used for. There are lots of technologies out there, and thats something we need to be concerned about.

Gee, that reference to World War II and branding wouldnt be a reference to the Nazis tattooing prisoner identification numbers on the inmates in their concentration camps, would it?

Theres so much more in this video that I might have to do a second post at some point. (The segment on Hydrogel make me chuckle and groan in equal measure) However, this post is about COVID-19 vaccines and the claim that they will us transhuman. Whats depressing is that there are real issues to consider when it comes to using technology like quantum dots to mark us, but the paranoid conspiracy mongering, coupled with the ignorance of basic biology, used by cranks like Mercola and Madej obscures any legitimate concerns, subsuming them into full blown QAnon-like conspiracy:

Getting back to the mRNA vaccines, time will tell just how hazardous they end up being. Clearly, if the changes end up being permanent, the chance of long-term side effects is much greater than if they end up being temporary.

In a worst-case scenario, whatever changes occur could even be generational. The problem is these issues wont be readily apparent any time soon. In my view, this vaccine could easily turn into a global catastrophe the likes of which weve never experienced before.

We really should not be quick to dismiss the idea that these vaccines may cause permanent genetic changes, because we now have proof that even conventional vaccines have the ability to do that, and they dont involve the insertion of synthetic RNA.

No, we do not, and the example cited doesnt show what Mercola thinks it does:

After the H1N1 swine flu of 2009, the ASO3-adjuvanted swine flu vaccine Pandemrix (a fast-tracked vaccine used in Europe but not in the U.S. during 2009-2010) was causally linked9 to childhood narcolepsy, which abruptly skyrocketed in several countries.

Children and teens in Finland, the U.K. and Sweden were among the hardest hit. Further analyses discerned a rise in narcolepsy among adults who received the vaccine as well, although the link wasnt as obvious as that in children and adolescents.

A 2019 study16 reported finding a novel association between Pandemrix-associated narcolepsy and the non-coding RNA gene GDNF-AS1a gene thought to regulate the production of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor or GDNF, a protein that plays an important role in neuronal survival.

They also confirmed a strong association between vaccine-induced narcolepsy and a certain haplotype, suggesting variation in genes related to immunity and neuronal survival may interact to increase the susceptibility to Pandemrix-induced narcolepsy in certain individuals.

Steve Novella has discussed the issue of whether Pandemrix caused a spike in the incidence of narcolepsy in these countries. Its important to note that this is a strange case. The association was only observed in specific countries and not in others (including the US) in which the vaccine does not appear to be a consistent or unique risk factor for narcolepsy in these populations. Overall, it was a confusing set of data to derive any clear picture of whether the H1N1 vaccine was a true risk factor. On the other hand, there are data suggesting that Pandemrix might trigger the production of antibodies that can also bind to a receptor in brain cells that help regulate sleepiness in genetically susceptible people. Basically, the whole situation is confusing, and its not clear if any of the H1N1 vaccines truly caused narcolepsy.

Also, the study cited by Mercola does not show that the H1N1 vaccine caused permanent genetic changes. The investigators did a genome-wide association study (GWAS), a type of study that frequently finds associations that do not hold up to scrutiny but can nonetheless be useful for hypothesis generation. What this study shows is an association between the haplotype and vaccine-induced narcolepsy, not that the H1N1 vaccine produced permanent genetic changes. Mercola is either grossly ignorant of basic biology, or hes lying, knowing that his audience doesnt know the difference. Take your pick.

The bottom line is that Mercola and Madej are doing nothing more than putting a COVID-19-based spin on an old antivaccine trope, one that I first saw eight years ago, when Sayer Ji claimed that vaccines are transhumanism in the service of subverting evolution by interfering with how we have co-evolved with pathogens. A few years later, antivaxxer Sherri Tenpenny was making the same sort of nonsensical argument, but by then antivaxxers had started pointing to DNA vaccines as a hopelessly unnatural corruption of our genes that reminds me a lot of the claim that trace amounts of contaminating DNA from the cell lines used to grow viral antigens for some vaccines can somehow get into the brain, express non-self proteins, and trigger an autoimmune response causing autism. (Truly, to antivaxxers, DNA and RNA are magic!) Again, its all an appeal to nature as being somehow always superior to anything humans can do. They view vaccines as unnatural to the point of altering what human beings are.

Of course, just because something is natural does not make it good, benign, or even just neutral. Nature is harsh, and the battle for survival brutal, and its completely natural for all manner of animals to be eaten by bigger, faster, and hungrier animals, and its just as natural for humans do die horrible deaths from infectious diseases. Yet the mindset behind so much of alternative medicine and antivaccine views is that natural is always good and that anything synthetic should be viewed with extreme suspicion. Its silly, because even natural nutrients and medicines are just as much chemicals as any synthetic nutrient or chemical. We have to judge whether such chemicals are harmful based on science and where the evidence leads us, not based on whether the chemical is natural or not.

In the end, theres so much antivaccine and COVID-19 pseudoscience coming from Madej that I suspect this will not be the last time I write about her. She really is an up-and-coming crank, and now that Mercola has amplified her message I expect, alas, to see a lot more of her. Shes an all-purpose conspiracy theorist.

See more here:
Dr. Carrie Madej: COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are transhumanism ...

Written by admin

March 9th, 2021 at 11:46 pm

Posted in Transhumanism

Agenda 21 How Would You Like to be Forced into a Human …

Posted: at 11:46 pm

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Agenda 21 is the blueprint for a global communist dictatorship, tying together many aspects of the NWO: depopulation, smart meters, surveillance, transhumanism and microchipping.

Communism is coming to America and the world, this time cloaked in green, not red. Private property is under attack. Land is being grabbed by stealth. The US Federal Government is claiming control over more and more land, and kicking rightful owners off their property through the use of Eminent Domain, a law letting the Government take land anywhere (and usually by undercompensating the owners too). The Government (through its numerous agencies like the EPA) is also laying claim to all waterways (including small streams) in America. Cunningly, all of this is being sugar-coated and done in the name of sustainability, saving the environment and with the use of other nice-sounding PR terms like smart growth. Thats right; the United Nations communist Agenda 21 has arrived, and green is the new red.

So what is Agenda 21? It is the global scheme being implemented in America and elsewhere to place concentrated power in the hands of a few central planners, who will then decide in a top-down fashion where everyone will live, where they can go and where they will be forbidden from entering. It plans to create non-human zones where ordinary people will never be allowed to set foot (but there will be one rule for the masses and another rule for the elite). Around these non-human zones will be placed buffer zones. Then, in the little bit of land left, there will be a dozen or so mega-regions human habitats with incredibly high population density. These will become smart cities, with mass transit (instead of cars), high rises and people stacked up on top of each other in tiny box-sized apartments. You will be asked to need less and accept living in a cardboard box, all for the supposed sake of the Earth while the elite administrators live in their mansions out of sight in another sector. Agenda 21 even contains plans for the Government to decide whether you own a car, whether you can grow your own food and what materials your dwelling will be made of!

But thats not all: Agenda 21 is the master plan behind the smart deception. In planned smart cities, smart meters will be prevalent, cameras will be everywhere and everyone will be under constant surveillance 24/7. Eventually the plan is to link all machines, appliances and devices to a smart chip or microchip which the elite want you to have embedded under your skin. This chip will be necessary for you to access money, food, transport, entry to your dwelling and buildings, etc., but it will also be subject to remote control from authorities. Humans will become mere automatons, nodes on a massive smart grid, thus fulfilling the ambitions of the transhumanism agenda.

This isnt conspiracy theory; its conspiracy fact. Recently a Colorado woman lost custody of her son for speaking out against Agenda 21. This tyrannical plan is being carried out as we speak.

Agenda 21 came onto the world stage at the 1992 Rio Earth Conference, and has its origins at the Club of Rome, one of the Round Table think tanks and secret societies that run the world, alongside the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group. The Club of Rome decided the best way to achieve world government would be to devise a grand global threat with which to scare the whole of humanity, and it came up with the idea that mankind itself was that threat. This quote is from their 1991 report, The First Global Revolution: In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together all these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.

Of course, this kind of thinking is utterly insane. There is nothing wrong with human beings living on Earth. The real problem is the deluded mindset which is in all of us, but which runs the show in the minds of our possessed leaders; the same mindset whose greed has no limits and which is utterly without compassion or empathy. However, the elite instead pretend the mass of humanity is the problem, spouting their propaganda that we should feel guilty just for breathing out carbon dioxide. As the Club of Rome admitted, the idea of man-made global warming was contrived to control humanity and is part of the junk science of Agenda 21. More than 1,000 dissenting scientists from around the globe have now challenged the man-made global warming claims made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and have busted its credibility.

Agenda 21 is the blueprint for a global communist dictatorship, tying together many aspects of the NWO: depopulation, smart meters, surveillance, transhumanism and microchipping.

The insidious thing about Agenda 21 is that its very cleverly hidden. At first glance, who would object to the idea of cleaning up the planet, living in better harmony with Nature and living more smartly and sustainably? Yet, as with many aspects of the global conspiracy, you only get the truth if you look past the veneer and dig beneath the surface. It turns out that the elite have their own meaning for each of their key terms. They state in their documents that sustainable does not mean self-sufficient, and they explicitly define things they deem not sustainable: ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building of fences, industry, single family homes, paved and tarred roads, logging activities, dams and power line construction. These are all targeted to be banned, and yet life without some of them would mean a return to the Stone Age!

The whole foundation of sustainable development according to Agenda 21 is a world without private property. This is the 1st plank of the Communist Manifesto. Using a mixture of half-truths, it claims in its documents that land cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore, contributes to social injustice.

While its true that our current society is full of wealth and power inequalities, getting rid of the ability to own your own land, and putting all land on Earth into the hands of elite bureaucrats to distribute as they see fit, is definitely not the answer. Thats a recipe for tyranny, and once again, whether its Obamacare, gun control or Agenda 21, it all boils down to the same distorted idea: collectivism.

To revisit, collectivism is the idea that the group is superior to the individual, and that the abstract needs of the group should come ahead of the concrete needs of the individual. It sounds all fine and dandy in theory, and to some degree an individual must sacrifice some of his desires to work harmoniously in a team or live harmoniously in a community, but thats not what this is all about. Whenever collectivism is applied to politics, it becomes Marxism, Socialism or Communism, and horrible results ensue. The individual becomes nothing. The State becomes everything. Power gets concentrated in a tiny percentage of hands (like a Central Committee) who become the new ruling elite. They claim to represent everyone and manage affairs and wealth distribution for the good of all, but in reality they become unaccountable tyrants who force their will on anyone who stands in their way.

Agenda 21 is entirely and utterly collectivist. Its a global communist scheme aiming to create a hierarchical One World Government (Global Governance or the New World Order) with the power to control everyones behaviors, habits and lives. It goes against everything in the Constitution relating to individual rights and freedoms. It goes against the Declaration of Independence and everything Americans fought for in the late 1700s to become a free republic.

An important thing to note is that Agenda 21 is not a treaty. It was never ratified by the US Senate. Therefore, it is not the law of the land. Agenda 21 is soft law or policy which covertly influences a countrys legislation at all levels, national, state and local. Not only does it give the appearance of being green, but it also gives the appearance of being local, when in fact it is being orchestrated globally through ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives), as exposed by Rosa Koire.

In conclusion, Agenda 21 is a grave threat to humanity, and a very dangerous one because it is so well hidden. It ties together so many aspects of the global conspiracy, including depopulation, smart meters, surveillance, transhumanism and microchipping, all wrapped up in a global communist dictatorship. However, despite all this, it can be stopped.

The situation were facing now is reminiscent of what it must have been like for the Native American Indians when white man arrived. Those who escaped being killed were forced off their land into reservations. Try substituting the New World Order elite for white man, the mass of ordinary Americans for the Indians and human habitats for Indian reservations, and you may get a clearer glimpse of the predicament were in. Its time to stand up, be strong and take action before this scheme gets too far advanced.

The solution is to look beyond the nice-sounding environmental language and realize that the green movement has been hijacked. We need to reject the calls, coming from a rich elite, that we must live on less while they secretly plot to take all the good property and houses on the planet and leave the masses squashed in shoebox apartments in smart cities. Take action locally, e.g. by ensuring your local council is not being fooled by ICLEI Agenda 21 policy. Use the resources at ToolsForFreedom to educate yourself (e.g. the Agenda 21 Land Grab Package), and then tell everyone you know about the threat to our sovereignty. Call us and we will provide free catalogs to anyone. Raising widespread awareness is a big part of halting Agenda 21.

The truth is that we can find a way to better live in harmony with the planet without enslaving ourselves and losing our individual rights, freedom and form of government in the process. Freedom requires constant vigilance and determined action to uphold it. The time for that action is now.

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Agenda 21 How Would You Like to be Forced into a Human ...

Written by admin

March 9th, 2021 at 11:46 pm

Posted in Transhumanism

The Chronicles of Covid, or why we must kill the Great Reset Witch – The Conservative Woman

Posted: February 10, 2021 at 9:51 pm

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A snowy scene, Narnia

We must go as quietly as we can, said Mr Tumnus. The whole wood is full ofherspies. Even some of the trees are on her side.

Another snowy scene, a popular hillside in Somerset, January 2021

Its a Sunday and families living under lockdown are having fun near a remote car park, parents building snowmen with their children. Then a police car arrives and parks for a while. Similar scenes happen elsewhere in Britain. Why?

Since the end of the first lockdown in March 2020, this Somerset hillside has never been busier. It has become the go-to place to find some sort of normality.

The local hunt, for example, held a memorial gathering in one of the hills car parks before Christmas for a young lad killed in a car accident. They knew that such a gathering would not be allowed elsewhere.

Why are we all being forced to live like this? Why is the constabulary now becoming such a powerful presence throughout the land? (We couldnt summon any police when we needed them to stop an illegal rave on the same hillside years ago.)

Is it because there is a realisation that the public is losing respect for authority and more coercion will be needed to implement the global Build Back Better agenda?

Maybe the penny has begun to drop that there is insufficient support for fascism, even if it is re-labelled stakeholder capitalism?

Certainly in continental Europe there is growing resistance to Planet Lockdown, often of a violent nature. In Europe they have a better understanding of the nature of fascism, unlike in Britain where we lack historical experience of mass arrests, deportations and arbitrary shootings.

The parallels with the 1930s are, however, becoming obvious to the extent that the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, used his contribution to the World Economic Forums annual Davos meeting last month to warn the world. In his view, the situation could develop in an unpredictable and uncontrolled manner and risks a fight of all against all.

Meanwhile, the WEF is trying to distance itself from any accusations that its Great Reset is a conspiracy that is masking some nefarious plan for world domination (?!)

But then its plans are hardly nefarious, given that the WEF is so blatant about its role in bringing together global leaders and mega-corporations to rebuild the world along sustainable lines.

Sadly for the WEF, its own benign belief in its motives is not shared universally. Of the 200,000-plus views of its latest YouTube video, it could muster only 1,500 likes compared with 19,000 dislikes and openly hostile messages in the comments below. Not exactly a good indicator of widespread support. The UK government would do well to take note.

While there might not be agreement about return to pre-Covid ways of living were it possible or whether change is necessary, neither is there any consensus on what form that change should take.

In particular, there is increasing cynicism about an elite group of globalists lecturing us on how to collectively improve life on the planet without destroying it. It does not sit well with the public that the same billionaires who form the WEF are those who have profiteered from their misery during the pandemic.

Mega-corporations and their supporters politicians, financiers, non-governmental organisations, etc also have zero credibility as eco-warriors.

They are more closely associated in the public mind with creating problems rather than solving them. Pollution and destructive business as usual have continued unabated under a cover story of environmentalism.

The examples of cobalt and lithium alone reveal the empty virtue-signalling in the pious rush for the windmills and solar panels that are the basis for the WEFs Build Back Better campaign.

Cobalt and lithium are widely used in electronics for energy storage, whether a solar panel or a mobile phone. Yet the way cobalt is mined (using child labour) is never discussed, nor is the damage to Chiles Atacama desert, where lithium extraction displaces the flamingos. The billionaires have failed so far to provide viable alternatives.

There is also nothing remotely sustainable about increasing our reliance on electricity. It would take only a coronal mass ejection a gigantic release of plasma and magnetic field from the sun to wipe out the National Grid, as Sir Oliver Letwin so eloquently pointed out in his March 2020 bookApocalypse How?It makes no sense that a British government continues to take us on the doomed path that WEF promotes.

History will not judge kindly a government that abandons its people in favour of the diktats of a foreign entity. Our government needs to learn the lesson of Brexit. The British people want their independence. It is the reason we as a nation have been willing to fight wars.

Now is the time for the Government to abandon Build Back Better, and focus instead on building back without the WEFs fake sustainability and its Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is synonymous only with yet more unemployment and misery.

A useful first step would be for the Government to restore hope, at the very least, to the lost generation. The traumatising of the young, and their consequent despair, is one of the most distressing aspects of the mishandling of the pandemic.

The lack of support for the most disadvantaged white working-class boys is nothing short of a scandal. The Government is sending a clear message that these children have no future in the technocratic world.

This attitude toward the disadvantaged speaks to C S Lewiss grim prophecies of the 1940s. In his novelThat Hideous Strength,he blames advances in technology for the reductions in industrial and agricultural workforces, with no mention of retraining.

Instead, a large, unintelligent population is now a deadweight. In his view the masses are therefore to disappear the human race is to become all technology.

In 1945, George Orwell wrote a review in theManchester Guardianof Lewiss novel. The title of the review was The Scientists Take Over.

He believed that Lewiss dystopian vision was realisable and that there could be a time when the common people are to be used as slaves and vivisection subjects by the ruling caste of scientists Man, in short, is to storm the heavens and overthrow the gods, or even become a god himself.In effect, he was predicting transhumanism, artificial intelligence and genetic engineering.

At some point it will become obvious in the UK if the oppression we currently face is about keeping us safe from a virus, or about preparing us for life under the WEF reset.

The pandemic itself is likely to fade. Covid has now replaced seasonal flu in the official statistics, thus suggesting that it is no more deadly than a flu. Cases are on the decline. With Covid gone, what will be the excuse to bully us?

The narrative has already begun to change in the US. No sooner was it clear that Donald Trump would leave the White House, than theNew York Timesran an article suggesting that coronavirus will come to resemble the common cold and be no more than a minor annoyance,and the most draconian governors in California, New York and elsewhere began to lift restrictions.

It would seem that the pandemic had done its job: it left Trumps economy in ruins, and provided the perfect pretext for mail-in ballots and for keeping poll watchers at bay during the election count.

So, when can we expect a similar shift in the UK? Liberation cannot come quickly enough. We are fast turning into a nation of zombies. Nothing is working properly. People cant think straight. They demand vaccines in the hope of a return to normality, but fail to hear the Government telling them that nothing will change. The sunny uplands continue to recede.

We are now facing an unholy mess with a shrunken economy, no shiny new Fourth Industrial Revolution to fill the gap, and the potential for hordes of disaffected and disturbed masses to threaten us all.

Is this what is anticipated for us? We can only hope that there is no significance in the evidence coming from one part of Somerset, where an abandoned quarry is used for training police marksmen.

Locals tell me that the police have recently increased their use of the quarry and the barrage of shots can be heard more frequently over a wide distance. What hope is there?

Maybe, once it has sorted itself out, the US will once again help rescue us from fascism, as it did in the 1940s. My great-grandfather certainly believed in June 1940 that the US would rise to the occasion when he wrote to my grandmother from his hotel in Liverpool before setting sail for the States.

We were pleased to see the Americans when they did finally arrive. But more than 80 years later, perhaps such thoughts of rescue are more fiction than fact. Like Mr Tumnus, we may have to wait instead for The Last Battle for freedom to return, and who knows when that will be?

Read the original post:
The Chronicles of Covid, or why we must kill the Great Reset Witch - The Conservative Woman

Written by admin

February 10th, 2021 at 9:51 pm

Posted in Transhumanism

8 Best Cyberpunk Anime Fans of the Genre Should Watch Nexta – Twinfinite

Posted: December 30, 2020 at 10:48 pm

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Published on December 29, 2020 | Updated on December 30th, 2020 at 07:23 pm Alex Gibson

Home Features 8 Best Cyberpunk Anime Fans of the Genre Should Watch Next

If were talking Japanese cyberpunk then Ghost in the Shell has to be the ultimate expression of the genre. The 1995 movie is brilliantly written and does a great job of capturing the gritty high tech, low life ambiance thats so quintessentially cyberpunk.

The story takes place in Tokyo 2029 and follows a cyborg public-security agent who hunts a mysterious hacker known as the Puppet Master. Its a plot that features many of cyberpunks major themes, including transhumanism, augmentation, corporate warfare, and philosophical questions about self-identity in a technologically advanced world.

The franchise continued with a movie sequel called Innocence, as well as a TV series called Standalone complex. There also that live-action movie the less of which is said the better For our money, the original movie is the best expression of the whole saga.

If Ghost in the Shell is the ultimate expression of Japanese cyberpunk then Akira is its founding father. In fact, the film is highly regarded as a seminal Japanese cyberpunk anime production whose popularity and acclaim essentially paved the way for the countrys film industry to gain international recognition.

The story is set in a futuristic Neo Tokyo and follows the leader of a bike gang, Shtar Kaneda, whose friend, Tetsuo Shima, mysteriously gains telekinetic powers after hes involved in a crash with an Esper called Akira.

Those powers end up threatening an entire military base as they struggle to contain the threat, the same which destroyed the original Tokyo years earlier.

Its a gripping plot with pacing that moves at warp speed, making for an edge-of-your-seat type of experience. But Akira also serves as great homework for anybody interested in learning about the origins of the cyberpunk genre, exploring many of its key themes and generally oozing that dark ambiance and tone that makes cyberpunk so intoxicating.

Oh, and if youve been playing Cyberpunk 2077 then you might have noticed that Akiras bike design serves as inspiration for the awesome Yaiba Kusanagi.

Cyber City Oedo 808 is a cyberpunk anime gem that really embodies the 1980s vision of dystopian sci-fi with its long-haired anti-hero protagonists, synth-heavy OST, and gritty, mature writing.

The story tells the tale of three criminals who are enlisted in fighting crime in exchange for reduced sentences. The plot is a fairly serious affair overall, which starts as a murder mystery and then ends up exploring interesting cyberpunk themes such as transhumanism.

But you certainly wouldnt call it heavy not only are there some really over-the-top action scenes that are thoroughly entertaining but also a few comedic moments that are genuinely funny and not just because the English dub is somewhat cheesy at times (its also laden with profanity).

Overall, this is an action-heavy cyberpunk story full of 80s charm, from its punky aesthetic to its rocking guitar soundtrack. A real must-watch for cyberpunk fans.

In Bubblegum Crisis futuristic dystopia, its girls who run the world. Well, at least when it comes to cleaning up 2040 Tokyos streets of rogue robots!

This late 1980s, early 1990s anime tells the story of the Knight Sabres, an all-female group of mercenaries who don powerful exoskeletons that help them tackle boomer related crimes. No, we arent talking about beating up old folks here!

In Bubblegum Crisis, boomers are robots designed by the Megacorp Genom, which are intended to help mankind but can become powerful tools of destruction in the wrong hands. Thats where the Knight Sabres come in, a powerful task force of the AD Police.

Despite the name, Bubblegum Crisis is actually a rather dark and gloomy anime that tackles powerful themes such as social inequality, corporate espionage, and political infighting.

There arent too many of the light-hearted scenes you find in other anime series. Theres not even the age-old anime tradition of having the characters visit a beach or something similar.

To be fair, the series is only eight episodes long, so there wasnt much time for frolicking on the beach. There is, however, a 26-part reboot that was made in the late 1990s and is definitely also worth a watch.

For those really into dug Bubblegum Crisis, AD Police Files is an excellent spin-off thats set within the same universe and is absolutely worth checking out.

This short series serves as a prequel to Bubblegum Crisis and follows detective Leon McKnickles right at the very start of his career. It has a very neo-noir feel to the writing and aesthetic.

Sadly, this gritty, hardcore cyberpunk series only ran for three episodes before its production came to a sudden halt after a legal conflict between Artmic and Youmex.

Its such a shame, too, because AD Police Files had huge potential to become one of the all-time great cyberpunk animes. Its atmosphere and design are truly top-notch and something that fans of mature anime will really appreciate.

The only western anime on our list, The Animatrix is a nine-part series of short episodes that serve as a prequel to The Matrix and detail the original war between humankind and machines. Even if you arent a huge fan of The Matrix, trust us when we say this is a must-watch anime series.

Four of the nine animated short stories were released on The Matrixs official website, while the full collection was included as part of the DVD Matrix movie trilogy in 2003, but they were never really given a proper spotlight.

Indeed, its surprising how few people have actually seen or heard of The Animatrix, which is a pity considering its arguably better than any of the Matrix movies!

Battle Angel Alita is a two-part 1990s anime movie based on a popular manga series.

The story takes place 300 years after Earth was devastated by a catastrophic war known as The Fall. In this grim future, society is divided between those who live in the grimy Scrapyard City and the elite who live above them in a floating city called Zalem.

After happening across Gallys body on a scrapheap, the Cyberdoctor Daisuke Ido rebuilds her and becomes her surrogate father. Gally has no memory of her past but soon displays remarkable fighting skills. She starts working as a bounty hunter and meets a young man named Yugo, who she then tries to help reach Zalem.

Battle Angel Alita is one of Japans most popular cyberpunk manga series, and therefore much was expected of the anime when it launched in 1993.

While some purists didnt like all the changes made from the original manga, it is overall a very solid production with great artwork and music.

Certainly, the story lacks a bit of polish and feels a little incomplete in some aspects, but its still an anime wed highly recommend for those wanting to immerse themselves in the cyberpunk genre.

Texhnolyzeignores the typical cyberpunk pastiche for something that is original and unusual but every bit as atmospheric. In fact, it takes place in perhaps the most frightening dystopia of any cyberpunk anime, with a dark plot that lives long in the memory after its credits roll.

The story is set in a man-made underground city called Lux, which has become dilapidated after years of disrepair. The City, as its known, is referred to by its citizens almost as if it has a mind of its own, with three major factions attempting to control it and make it their own.

However, the main plot actually follows a young prizefighter named Ichise who loses two limbs after an altercation and is forced to undergo experimental surgery to replace them.

This, in turn, makes him so powerful that one of the citys three factions employs his services as a security detail.

Later, he then meets a mysterious girl named Ran who somehow is able to see visions of the future. The pair suddenly realize that Lux is heading toward a war that will destroy the entire population, and theyre the only ones who can stop it.

For those who are interested in exploring thought-provoking themes, such as human extinction, human morality, and nihilism, Texhnolyzewill be very appealing indeed.

Continued here:
8 Best Cyberpunk Anime Fans of the Genre Should Watch Nexta - Twinfinite

Written by admin

December 30th, 2020 at 10:48 pm

Posted in Transhumanism

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