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Archive for the ‘Self-Help’ Category

Tracey Thorn: I went through a phase of carrying Camus under my arm – The Guardian

Posted: January 27, 2020 at 5:45 am

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Tracey Thorn: I would never impose boredom on anyone. Photograph: Katherine Anne Rose/The Observer

Tracey Thorn began her career as a singer and musician, before becoming best known as half of Everything But the Girl, with her lifelong partner, Ben Watt. She then became a solo artist, and a writer of three bestselling books: her 2013 memoir Bedsit Disco Queen, 2016s Naked at the Albert Hall and Another Planet, published last year, which traces her years growing up in Londons suburbs, and is out in paperback on 6 February.

How does writing about the 1970s world of Another Planet feel now? My own kids cant imagine how we ever survived when I tell them about staying in all evening waiting for a phone call from someone, who youd then arrange to meet under a clock tower in a nearby town, only to have the bus cancelled and not be able to get there. The thing that strikes me now is how locally rooted our lives were. Without the internet, we had no access to other people in other places, so we did a lot of dreaming and a lot of fantasising. The rest of the time, we just tried to avoid dying of boredom.

Your diaries fill the book. Theyre hilariously unpoetic: about clothes you failed to buy, Coronation Street episodes, unsuitable boys. What surprised you about them? How dishonest they are in places. Given that I was only writing them for myself, I didnt often take the opportunity to express my true feelings. Instead, I lied, and put on a brave face. Never fancied him anyway, Id write when a boy dumped me. Id leave out things that had gone wrong, or been difficult. I think it was partly an exercise in defiance, a refusal to be defeated by lifes adversities. So in that sense, my diary was a bit of a self-help manual, written by me, for me.

So often the story of rocknroll is told from a male perspective

The book is also about your parents, and how wildly their lives and expectations differed from yours. You mention your father saying I never knew Tracey was so into music after you wrote your first memoir Bedsit Disco Queen. What was it like to trawl those memories? My dad barely features in my diaries, as I think we were quite distant at that time, which perhaps goes some way to explaining how little he knew or understood me. We werent connecting, and I think he lost sight of who I really was. As for my mum, we had been very close, and then fell out badly when I rebelled against all the rules and conventions. Some of the diary entries I found very painful to read. Accounts of ugly rows. Tears and shouting. The casual way in which I mention that she has been put on Valium by the doctor.

Another Planet celebrates female musicians that offered you a way out of ordinary life. How have the memoirs of several you mention like Viv Albertine and Chrissie Hynde inspired you? Its been fantastic to hear the true life stories from those women. So often the story of rocknroll is told from a male perspective. So often it feels like men own music. And I still get as angry and frustrated about that as I ever did. Reading those womens accounts of their lives has reminded me how much they paved the way back then. And history too often erases the women, in all art forms. Every single published story of a female artist goes a small way towards redressing the balance, and is another one saved from the fire.

You write about pop stars that emerged from the boredom of suburbia, like David Bowie and Siouxsie Sioux. Do we need more boredom? No, I would never impose boredom on anyone. Life is short and its a shame to spend some of it feeling trapped and thwarted. I know that it can be an inspiration to some people, and spur you on to make things happen, but at the same time it can also just drag you down. Sometimes it crushed our imaginative spirit. Sometimes it made us reckless, and for young girls that was risky. Wed do anything to escape being bored, and that wasnt always good for us.

Has your songwriting changed as youve written your memoirs? My last album [2018s Record] definitely has a memoir-ish vibe to it. Its a record of a womans life, detailing the things that often get glossed over in songs - things like body image, and going on the pill, and the realities of being up all night feeding babies, and the fact that even once youre older, and a mum, and supposedly the embodiment of everything thats safe and cosy, you dont lose your desire for excitement and euphoria, which for me is often to be found on the dance floor with a glass in my hand.

Which books about suburbia have you enjoyed? Hanif Kureishis The Buddha of Suburbia is amazing. Also, when I had just finished writing Another Planet a book was published by John Grindrod called Outskirts: Living Life on the Edge of the Green Belt. I panicked and asked my publisher to read it for me, fearing that the book I had just written was going to be an exact copy of this one. Luckily it isnt, although I have only recently dared to look at it. It is very worth reading.

Which writers did you like when were young that have stayed with you? My reading habits as a teenager were a bit skewed by trying to impress, if Im being honest, boys. So I went through a phase of carrying Camus and Sartre under my arm, thinking that would be irresistible. I also fell hard for Kerouacs On the Road, which spoke to my yearning for freedom and travel and drugs and sex and all the rest of it. I darent read it again now in case I dont like it any more. The writer I loved as a teen who has most stayed with me is George Orwell.

Which genres do you particularly enjoy reading that might surprise us? Are there any you avoid? Quite recently I discovered Lee Childs Jack Reacher books and I have become a complete addict. I read the first four in what seems like a few fevered days, and I am looking forward to reading them all. Absolutely adore the economy, and the plotting, and the sheer sense of energy that runs through them.

Whats the last really great book you read? Dependency by Tove Ditlevsen, which is the third part of her Copenhagen Trilogy. She was born in 1917, a working-class girl in Copenhagen, and grew up longing to be a writer. These books tell the story of how she made that happen, but also her struggle with drugs and alcohol. Her writing is incredible, so focused and clear. Not a word that doesnt need to be there.

What do you plan to read next? Ive got a to read pile in the kitchen, and on it at the moment are Funny Weather by Olivia Laing, The Living Mountain by Nan Shepherd, and The Days of Abandonment by Elena Ferrante.

And what book would you give to a teenager? Ive never liked being prescriptive with any of my kids. They should read whatever they fancy. Having said that, I just gave our 18-year-old Kevin Barrys Night Boat to Tangier and hes really enjoying it.

Another Planet by Tracey Thorn is published by Canongate (9.99). To order a copy go to Free UK p&p over 15

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Tracey Thorn: I went through a phase of carrying Camus under my arm - The Guardian

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January 27th, 2020 at 5:45 am

Posted in Self-Help

ADVAS to focus on raising funds to help meet increasing caseloads in 2020 –

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Over the years they've been in existence, the Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society has been a great, silent partner in the community, but this year they plan to make some noise.

Faced with growing caseloads of victims of crime and tragedy in the area, and less and less sustainable funding, ADVAS will be focusing more on raising funds to help them continue the great work they're doing.

Fund Developer Conor Tapp said the 1:1 campaign held in December proved to him, and others in the organization, that if they get the word out, they will receive supports.

"The community was very generous to us. We set an ambitious goal but it would have included some government support and big corporate support. In terms of individual support we received above our target from individuals in Airdrie and district and we're very appreciative of that."

Tapp said because of stable funding for ADVAS in the past, they were content to work in the background and accept the fact that people didn't need to know they were there. That has changed and now ADVAS will work harder to get the word out about the things they are doing in the community.

According to Tapp, ADVAS's programs will not change but the Board of Directors and Executive Director will be looking at how they're spending their money, as well as raising more. Tapp said they run their programs in a very lean way but want to see if there are other ways to save. However, fundraising will become more of a necessity in the future.

Tapp sais they're reaching out to all levels of government to make them aware of the work of ADVAS. They will continue to seek out supportive members of the community, both individuals and the businesses. Right now, the two Boston Pizza locations in the city are holding their Heart Campaigns which run until Valentine's Day. The money this year will benefit ADVAS. Tapp is hoping that more of the business community will catch the vision of the restaurants.

"It's so important for any non-profit or charity to have the support of the business community. This (the Heart Campaign) is perfect for ADVAS because we are grassroots, we are community. We need those businesses who are engaging with the community and really being a true partner to us and helping to tell our story."

Tapp said the 1:1 campaign was a great start to show the community what ADVAS does to help the victims of crime and tragedy, now they hope to build on that.

"You'll hear us talking more about how we can support one another. That includes self-care but also how can we respond to our friends and family members who might be hurting because they were a victim."

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ADVAS to focus on raising funds to help meet increasing caseloads in 2020 -

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January 27th, 2020 at 5:45 am

Posted in Self-Help

Forget gurus. Learn how to live your best life from kids – Omaha World-Herald

Posted: January 17, 2020 at 1:44 pm

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Editor's note: This is the first in a three-part series about how parents can learn some important life lessons from their kids.

If you want to live your best life, theres no shortage of social media gurus, self-help books or life advice memes. I should know, as one look at my Audible and Kindle library will reveal Im a bit of a self-help junkie. Amazon has even stopped recommending new self-help books and is starting to recommend I just get help.

Its not that Im a hot mess, per se; its just that Im obsessed with the pursuit of joy. And Ive learned its a choice, not a result. So I gobble up everything I can about taking responsibility for my life and learning how to be disciplined enough to make the right choices.

But Im starting to think the best education I can get on the topic isnt in a book, but in the child with a runny nose currently begging me to catch her boogers.

Ive learned three huge life lessons by simply observing my girls. Theres actually more than three, but my editor reminded me this was a column, not a book. So Ill break each lesson down into a short series.

The first lesson Ive learned is this: Love what is, rather than wanting what isnt.

For example, if one finds themselves insecure with low self-esteem, just watch a child catch a glimpse of themselves in the mirror. Quick, find a pen! Youll want to take notes.

If there's one thing I know about my girls, it's that when they look in the mirror, they like what they see. Girlfriend's hair will be all matted up in the back like a neglected poodle, yet when she sees her reflection, she sees a rock star. A rock star who enjoys wearing her pink lip gloss a full inch off the lip, mind you. Thats how she rolls and she rolls good.

She grins, poses, prances and spins. She even gets inspired to pretend shes Elsa. I mean, whos gonna stop her?

Now, compare this to her own mothers reaction to her reflection. There are days when I completely avoid eye contact with my mirror, let alone light up like Lady Gagas in my house.

Children give us a glimpse of how its supposed to be. Their innocence shows us a beautiful side of our inherent humanness that, for so many of us, eventually gets soiled with pain. But the truth is still there, buried under our learned and experienced baggage. Children dont see imperfections because they arent aware they even exist. Theres no comparison; they delight in who they are. They simply celebrate what they have and shake what the good Lord gave em. Hair isnt too red, too brown, too straight or too curly. Eyes arent too big or too small or wide or narrow. They see themselves and think, Wow, here I am! And I dig it!

I wonder if I could learn to see through this lens of loving what is rather than wanting what isnt. Is it even possible, with all of our cultural programming? All the hurts, baggage and traumas that took our eyes away from the beauty thats there and started searching endlessly for what we wish was there instead?

I dont know, but I think Id like to try.

As a naturally ambitious person, I cant tell you how blind Ive become to the incredible life thats around me while my eyes scan for more. For better. Always better. Its not a lesson in settling, Ive learned. Its a lesson in enjoying, while trying.

I mean, listen. I can make positive changes to my health fueled by loathing the way my thighs rub together, or fueled by deep wonder that I even have these amazing thighs to rub together in the first place.

Kids choose wonder. Why cant I?

I can. If I choose to. And the first step is learning to love what is, rather than wanting new thighs.

Anna Lind Thomas is a humor writer and mom to daughters Lucy and Poppy and English bulldog Bruno, wife to Rob Thomas and founder of HaHas for HooHas. She writes for

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Forget gurus. Learn how to live your best life from kids - Omaha World-Herald

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January 17th, 2020 at 1:44 pm

Posted in Self-Help

Why Self-Help Books Feature Authors on the Cover – Book Riot

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Self-help books have exploded this past decade, with offerings from renowned celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey and even the late Elizabeth Taylor.

The genre focuses on the popular psychology of virtually any aspect of the human experience, from romantic relationships to spirituality. The ultimate goal is to get readers to optimize their self-awareness, so they can take action and achieve satisfaction with their lives.

This all sounds wonderful, but how can a publisher relay the goal of a self-help book to readers? Through the book cover of course. Theres a woman looking into the distance, a heavenly cloud with the sun peeping over it, and flowers of course.

Unfortunately, these dont tell readers anything about a books content. To be fair, there arent many images that loyally relay a 10-step plan to a better life without looking like a PowerPoint slide. The solution seems to be one of two things: an image of the author or text with the authors name clearly displayed.

Think Sheryl Sandberg leaning in with her right hand under her chin and Rachel Hollis kneeling next to a fire hydrant, drenched and smiling.

As bibliophiles, we are constantly warned to not judge books by their covers. But lets be honest, everyone does. Why? Because to a reader, a well-designed cover denotes quality. Publishers know this, so they carefully design covers to attract the right readers. For example, a fantasy book might have a warrior standing in front of a magical city, like on The Fall of Gondolin cover. Talk about selling a high fantasy book.

Self-help books relay personal philosophies of their authors, who rarely hold degrees in medicine or psychology, begging the question if they are qualified to give the advice in the first place (but thats a different story). The standard draw that a respected expert would have, such as Siddhartha Mukherjee, MD, writing about the history of cancer in The Emperor of All Maladies or Sarah E. Hill, PhD, writing about the effects of birth control on the female brain in This Is Your Brain on Birth Control, does not exist for self-help authors. Instead, the draw is the authors public reputation and brand.

Take Lilly Singhs book How to Be a Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life. As a fan of Lillys YouTube channel, her face is instantly recognizable to me. On her book cover, shes staring boldly at the camera, clad in a power suit. Her book is speckled with quotable self-help advice such as Dont give up before you even try and Words lie; actions can lie too. Consistency speaks the truth. This is all advice that is in line with her brand of a female being a bawse. The book cover reflects this because her confident portrait makes her look like a bawse, making a fan like me inclined to trust her advice.

Since the self-help industry is largely unregulated, the experts, who are mainly life coaches, successful business owners, and celebrities, rely on their reputations to convince audiences that their personal philosophies are sound. The self-help industry has no formal peer review process, so readers must trust the author to give sound personal philosophies.

In many cases, the authors image is recognizable and will attract potential readers, especially previous fans. Because authors arent certified experts in self-help, they rely on their relationship with readers. It is that relationship that gives readers confidence in the authors personal philosophies, like my aforementioned confidence in Lilly Singh.

Ive been a loyal listener of Rachel Holliss podcast Rise for two years now, so when her book Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals came out in 2019, I was immediately interested because I have a relationship with her work. It also helps that the image for her podcast is her portrait, so I recognized her image the book cover and associated its content with the branded self-help advice that Ive grown to enjoy on Rise.

Despite all the strategizing that goes into developing book covers, all that matters is the content. Two of the most famous self-help books of all time, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey, both with 4 stars from over 400,000 ratings on Goodreads, have arguably unattractive covers. And yet, it has been several* decades since they were published, and both still have consistent readerships. Why? Because the advice is solid.

Dont get me wrong, turning to a book in a time of need is an exercise in trust. I always turn to authors whose work Ive admired because I trust the quality of their work, and a cover that sports a friendly face is much more appealing than a nonsensical illustration. At the end of the day, a books cover is superficial to its content.

Editors Note: This post originally stated that close to two decades had passed since the publication ofHow to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.While the anniversary edition was published in 1998, it was originallypublished in 1936.

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Why Self-Help Books Feature Authors on the Cover - Book Riot

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January 17th, 2020 at 1:44 pm

Posted in Self-Help

Local News Funding for 2 affordable housing complexes to be requested from SLO City Council Aja – KSBY San Luis Obispo News

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Money paid into a fund by housing developers who opted not to offer any affordable units may be made available Tuesday for a pair of new affordable apartment complexes in San Luis Obispo.

People's Self Help Housing will ask the San Luis Obispo City Council Tuesday to approve a loan worth $700,000 for the Tiburon Place apartments and $1.3 million for the Broad Street Place apartments.

Those dollars would be withdrawn from a fund that's comprised of in lieu fees, which are paid by housing developers who don't offer affordable units as required by state law.

Money in that fund is reserved for housing projects specifically designed to be affordable to low-income renters.

The two complexes presented by People's Self Help Housing will add over 100 affordable units: 68 units in the Tiburon Place complex and 40 units in the Broad Street Place apartments.

"There's always more work, as you know there's a housing crisis in California," People's Self Help Housing CEO John Fowler said. "We need all the housing we can get. There's different numbers but we're falling behind 100,000 homes per year in California, that's been happening over a decade. So it's going to take us a while to dig out of that deficit of housing for not only market rate housing but affordable housing as well."

The Tiburon place apartments, which is slated for 3750 Bullock Lane, will include offer units at rent 30 to 60 percent of the average monthly rent for SLO.

And the Broad Street Place apartments being built at 3720 Broad Street across from Damon Garcia Sports Field will feature units at rates that are affordable for low, very low, and extremely low renters.

"Affordable housing is usually defined by "is it affordable for the people living there, is it affordable for them?'" Fowler said. "The clientele we're talking about, residents we're talking about, are making somewhere between 30 and 60 percent of the median income so on the lower end of the stratosphere, if you will."

According to Fowler, the units will vary in size from studio to 2-bedroom and range from $400 to $1,200 per month in rent for eligible renters.

Fowler said People's Self Help Housing plans to deliver about 700 affordable units to San Luis Obispo County over the next three to five years, with about 200 of the units slated for the City of San Luis Obispo.

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Local News Funding for 2 affordable housing complexes to be requested from SLO City Council Aja - KSBY San Luis Obispo News

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January 17th, 2020 at 1:44 pm

Posted in Self-Help

A self-help book from 1936 is New York Public Librarys most-borrowed non-fiction title everheres why its still relevant today – Well+Good

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While most advice gets lost as the years go by, certain wisdom proves timeless. First published in 1936, Dale Carnegies How to Win Friends & Influence People is widely considered one of, if not the best self-help books to date. According to the New York Public Library, its one of 10 most-borrowed titles in the storied institutions history, and the only non-fiction book to make the list.

For decades, readers have taken the sentiment of the books subhead to heart: The only book you need to lead you to success. The librarys records show that 284,524 readers have scanned their library cards to snatch up Carnegies recommendationsand we can certainly understand why.The author writes that his mission is to help the reader navigate a mental rut, make friends quickly, avoid arguments, and improve public speaking skills, among others. In other words, his insight spans multiple topics, including work, criticism, relationships, and more.

In the realm of work, one of Carnegies most chattered about tips is to get the person youre trying to influence to say Yes to you immediately. If youre pitching a project at work, you can kick off a meeting on common ground so that your colleagues are already agreeing with you beforeyou get to your actual idea. That way, says Carnegie, theyll be saying Yes! Yes! Yes! before youve even divulged your idea.

To be sure, even a tactic as smart as this one may not score you the go-ahead from a higher-up. And in that case, youll need to get familiar with giving criticism in a kind, effective manner. Criticism is dangerous, because it wounds a persons precious pride, hurts his sense of importance, and arouses resentment, writes Carnegie. That means that you should lead with what people have done right. And when you do acknowledge mistakes, make sure that you communicate the errors you made in a situation first. That way, you place yourself on level ground with the person (i.e, youre not talking down to them).

As for relationships, one auspicious piece of Carnegies advice stands out: Have a sincere and genuine interest in others. Some of the most magnetic, kind people Ive met are those who ask about me in way that surpasses How are you? or some version of What can you do for me? When people remember that you play a rowdy game of Catan with your friends on Tuesday, or that you have a particular interest in pottery, it makes you feel seen. And it makes you want to make others feel seen, too. Timeless advice indeed.

If youre not taking reading breaks at parties yet, Id highly recommend it. Heres a booklist to get you started.

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A self-help book from 1936 is New York Public Librarys most-borrowed non-fiction title everheres why its still relevant today - Well+Good

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January 17th, 2020 at 1:44 pm

Posted in Self-Help

FOR YOUR HEALTH: Five Self-Care Tips To Enhance Well-Being – Town Line

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(NAPSI)In a world that moves so quickly, people can sometimes forget to take time for themselves. Self-care is a way to slow down and focus on taking care of your own well-being. Regular self-care also can have a strong effect on mental health, preventing burnout, reducing the negative effects of stress and helping you refocus.

Self-care is less about treating yourself as popularized in pop culture and has more to do with creating sustainable and attainable wellness for your whole self. Taking the time to intentionally care for your whole selfbody, mind and soulcan keep you energized and can improve your mental health. And when you care for yourself, theres more you can offer to others and you can help create wellness for the community around you.

Here are five things you can do to take care of your well-being:

Incorporate your own activities and enjoy the journey as you engage in meaningful self-care practices. Visit http://www.eachmindmatters.orgfor more information about self-care and mental health.

The Town Line is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit private foundation, and all donations are tax deductible under the Internal Revenue Service code.

To help, please visit our online donation page or mail a check payable to The Town Line, POBox 89, South China, ME 04358. Your contribution is appreciated!

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FOR YOUR HEALTH: Five Self-Care Tips To Enhance Well-Being - Town Line

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January 17th, 2020 at 1:44 pm

Posted in Self-Help

After the death of her newborn daughter, this New Berlin mom made it her mission to help other bereaved parents – Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

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Brandon and Lisa Price of New Berlin have two children, Chase and Ari. Ari had Trisomy 13 and died less than 10 hours after she was born in 2017.(Photo: Submitted/ Lori Williamson)

Ari Harper Price was born at 12:24 a.m. April 13, 2017, at Waukesha Memorial Hospital.

She never cried, wanted to be fed or wet her diaper.

At 14 weeks gestation, she was diagnosed withTrisomy 13, or Patau syndrome.

Trisomy 13 is a chromosomal condition associated with severe intellectual disability and physical abnormalities in many parts of the body, according to theU.S. National Library of Medicine.

Only 5 percent to 10 percentof children with this condition live past their first year.

Ari was not one of them. She died at her home in New Berlin less than 10 hours after she was born.

"She passedaway in my arms," said Lisa Price, Ari's mom.

Now, Price has made it her life's mission to help other bereaved parents move forward.

With Price's first pregnancy, she didn't experience morning sickness or even painful contractions during labor.

"I think my body was meant to be pregnant," Price said.

She said her son Chase's birth, in August 2012, was"one of the best days" of her life.

In August 2016, Price found out she was pregnant again and told her husband, Brandon, in an anniversary card.

"Everything felt very similar to my first pregnancy," she said.

When she went to a routine doctor's appointment, her doctor suggested theadvanced maternal age screening test, since she was 36 years old.

With no family history ofchromosomal disorders, diseases or disabilities, Price said theyweren't concerned going into the test.

Then, the results came back positive for a chromosomal disorder.

There was an 80 percentchance that it was a false positive, so Price underwent more testing.

While Price was at the park with Chase and friends, she got thecall with the baby's diagnosis.

"I literally dropped to my knees," Price said. "I was like, this isn't real. This can't be happening."

As the pregnancy progressed, the baby developed holes in her heart, was growing slowly and at one point, had fluid building up on her lungs.

Despite all of this, the baby didn't give up.

For her strength, bravery and courage, the Prices decided to name her Ari, which means "lion of God."

When Lisa and Brandon told their then 4-year-old son about his sister's condition, his response was, "Mom, don't worry. We'll see her again in heaven."

"It was very profound of him to say that," Price said.

Ari Harper Price was born at 12:24 a.m. April 13, 2017 at Waukesha Memorial Hospital.(Photo: Submitted/ Lori Williamson)

After Ari'sdeath, the Prices looked for grief support groups.

Lisa quickly discovered that most of them met at night or Saturday mornings, which conflicted with her job as a dance teacher atYoung Dance AcademyInc. in Oak Creek, where she started taking lessons at 8 years old.

Since a group setting wasn't going to work,Price started seeing a therapist. Butit got to be too expensive, since mental health isn't covered by the family's insurance.

"All of these factors made me realize that there's not enough tangible, consistent, constructive resources that are affordable," she said.

The resources that ended uphelping Price werephysical activity such as lyrical dance and fitness classes,reading books and listening to podcasts about grief,journaling, working with a life coachand her faith.

Price took what she learned through her own grieving and combined it with research to create the4:13 MOVE:ment Method, an online course designed to help other grieving parents.

The course was named after Ari'sbirth/death date, and a Bible verse, Philippians 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Price also structured the course to focus on four pillars that span13 weeks.

"People want to hear from somebody who has been through what they're going through and can share their experience," Price said. "It's not the same, but at least they get an idea from what you've been through and the lessons you've learned."

Price consulted withNichole Stangel, bereavement coordinator at Children's Wisconsin, to make sure her content, from word choices to concepts,was "clinically sound," Stangel said.

"You can tell she really took her time and thought about grief, thought about her talents and how they would relate to helping somebody walk through that grief process," Stangel said.

Lisa Price of New Berlin took what she learned through her own grieving and combined it with research to create the4:13 MOVE:ment Method, an online course designed to help other grieving parents.(Photo: Hannah Kirby/ Now News Group)

The first pillar of the course gives an education on grief.

"Everybody experiences it (grief) differently," Price said. "Even if you're grieving over the same person, you feel so alone."

The content starts with understanding grief, then dives into additional facets, includingbuilding a team of supporters, creating healthy boundaries, communicating needs, emotional fitness, self care, relationships, triggers, scheduling time for griefand setting goals.

"I think it could be really helpful for a parent to walk through," Stangel said. "She's coming from experience, so she can get at very specific things that a parent might be experiencing, and then what might be helpful when you're experiencing that."

For Pillar 2, Price leads the course's participants in 14 group coaching calls.

"It's working through being your own advocate and actively participating in your healing," Price said. "It's building up their grief tool kit, so they feel empowered to make choices that serve them well."

The third pillar is centered around creating community, using a private Facebook group for those involved in the course.

"There's so much healing power, not only for yourself, but for other people, when you open up and share what's happened, so you're able to be a guiding light for other people," Price said.

The fourth pillar is about continuing bonds and connection with the child who has died.

"It's coming up with ways we can continue to incorporate them in our daily routines," Price said.

The course, which launched in December, costs $197.

After the completion of the course, Price offers one-on-one coaching and additional content for additional costs.

The course can be found at

"I just know from my life experience, I had something to share," Price said. "To hold it in would be a disservice to any other parent going through this."

In addition to the course, Price's Better Not Bitter Mom's website has a blog, andresources for bereaved parents andsupporters.

Price also authored an e-book, "At a Loss for Words: What to Say to a Bereaved Parent After the Death of Their Child."

Lisa Price's Better Not Bitter Mom's website has a blog, resources for bereaved parents andsupporters, and a course.(Photo: Hannah Kirby/ Now News Group)

To raise funds for Children's Hospital in honor of the Better Not Bitter Mom's mission, New Berlin Barre District, 14260 W. National Ave., New Berlin, plans to hosta class at 3:30 p.m. Jan. 19.

"If this speaks to you please sign up. Please show up. And if you feel called- please share," the Facebook event said.

The cost is $10, and all of the proceeds will be given to the hospital.Sign-up can be done on theMindBody App.

In the future, Price has aspirations tobuild a bereavement barn "where grief is welcome and welcome to be spoken about."

It would offer grieving parents outlets for healing, including art therapy, restorative yoga,dance, gardeningand cooking, and would have a clinical staff available for consultations.

"If she (Ari) could do all the things she did to make it here to meet us, literallyI can do anything," Price said.

Contact Hannah Kirby at Follow her on Twitter at @HannahHopeKirby.

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After the death of her newborn daughter, this New Berlin mom made it her mission to help other bereaved parents - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Written by admin

January 17th, 2020 at 1:44 pm

Posted in Self-Help

Ethmoid sinusitis: Causes, symptoms, and treatment – Medical News Today

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Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses. Ethmoid sinusitis is the inflammation of a specific group of sinuses the ethmoid sinuses which sit between the nose and eyes.

The ethmoid sinuses are hollow spaces in the bones around the nose. They have a lining of mucus to help prevent the nose from drying out. Inflammation of the ethmoid sinuses can lead to pressure and pain around the nose and between the eyes.

In this article, we look at the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of ethmoid sinusitis and when to see a doctor. We also discuss how to treat and prevent ethmoid sinusitis.

The mucous lining of the sinuses traps dust, germs, and pollutants. When the sinuses become inflamed, the mucus cannot flow normally. Tissue swelling traps mucus in the sinuses, which can allow germs to grow.

In ethmoid sinusitis, this inflammation affects the ethmoid sinuses. People have four groups of sinuses, each of which can become inflamed:

The causes of ethmoid sinusitis will typically be similar to those of other forms of sinusitis. They may include:

A person with ethmoid sinusitis may experience many symptoms common to all sinus infections. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these can include:

In addition, they may experience symptoms specific to ethmoid sinusitis because of the position of these sinuses near the eyes. These symptoms include a swollen, red, or painful eye.

Sinusitis can either be acute, meaning that a person has it for only a short time, or chronic, where it lasts for more than 12 weeks, even with treatment.

As with other types of sinusitis, the most common cause of ethmoid sinusitis is a virus, such as the common cold. In these cases, it will often resolve without a person needing to see a doctor.

According to the CDC, a person should speak to a doctor if:

When diagnosing ethmoid sinusitis, a doctor will ask the person how they have been feeling and carry out a physical examination to look for the characteristic signs and symptoms of sinusitis. These may include:

The doctor may also look into the person's nose, throat, or ears for visible signs of inflammation. After this examination, if the doctor is not certain about the correct diagnosis, they may also insert a thin tube with a light and a camera on the end into the nose to examine the sinus tissues.

Occasionally, a doctor may recommend an X-ray or a CT scan to determine the likely cause of the person's symptoms.

According to the CDC, a person's sinus infection will usually get better on its own. However, if a doctor suspects a bacterial infection, they may prescribe antibiotics.

The doctor may also prescribe:

The CDC also note that home remedies may help some people. They recommend putting a warm compress over the affected area or breathing in steam from a bowl of hot water or a shower.

Read more about how to treat sinus infections here.

People can often prevent sinus infections by taking steps to stay healthy and to help others stay healthy. These include:

Most people should find that ethmoid sinusitis resolves on its own with some basic self-care and home remedies. If a doctor thinks that ethmoid sinusitis is due to a bacterial infection, they may prescribe antibiotics, which are usually very effective.

According to an article in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, if nasal polyps or a problem with the structure of a person's nasal passage is causing their ethmoid sinusitis, they may require surgery to reduce the likelihood of their ethmoid sinusitis reoccurring.

People may wish to see their doctor for more information about the causes, treatment, and prevention of sinusitis, particularly if the condition is chronic.

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Ethmoid sinusitis: Causes, symptoms, and treatment - Medical News Today

Written by admin

January 17th, 2020 at 1:44 pm

Posted in Self-Help

Read and chill: This anti-self-help book will help fix your everyday woes – Livemint

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If you wake up feeling like the exploding head emoji every morning, journalist Naomi Dattas new book may be what the doctor ordered. How To Be A Likeable Bigot (Penguin Random House, 299) is A Handbook For The Savvy Survivor. Surviving what? Most things that creep upon our urban, 9-5 grind, as we sit at our desks stewing in misery or dreaming of greener pastures. Some of the chapter titles: How To Contribute Nothing To Team Meetings And Not Let Anyone Catch On", How To Crack Woke Jokes". Read this if you want to be a sulking liberal", a chronic feel-gooder" or a Kangaroo Dad". Datta says the book is meant for those who want to live in relative peace, without being too wound up all the time". Now who wouldnt like to get good at that?

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Read and chill: This anti-self-help book will help fix your everyday woes - Livemint

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January 17th, 2020 at 1:44 pm

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